Slow paced suspense drama based mostly around the time in days and years after the abduction of a young English boy in France, the parents are faced with the terror of the abduction and a police system which is different from their own in a language which is not their own. Lines can be drawn in a small way to a famous real life kidnapping of an English child overseas. I think that is where the similarity ends though. Elements of the drama seem a little far fetched but not beyond belief. I found its pace to be generally just enough to keep me engaged, yes is it slow and drawn out, like True Detective and The Fall and Top of the Lake. It doesn't make for a bad drama, I'm quite content that the grit of the story was more important than a fast paced US style drama. Unfortunately the ending was a bit clumsy and I think they left the door open for a 2nd series. This is probably a poor choice as the series sits better as a stand alone production. It is hard to see how a 2nd season could add realism.
Nesbit was gritty and at times annoying and perhaps occasionally overreached but overall a solid performance
Engaging and gritty
Nesbit was gritty and at times annoying and perhaps occasionally overreached but overall a solid performance
Engaging and gritty
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