Who has time for movies?
Until very recently, not me. Sure, I would have the best of intentions to sit down, with my little family or even by myself, to watch something. But, scrolling through menus and playlists ( that all managed to sound great, but secretly sucked ) just wasn’t the route to go. It would be a good hour later and I’d be no closer to watching a film than before beginning this whole process. So, why am I here? Well, now that my youngest is graduating from high school,I think I may have time to actually relax and watch something longer than the two minute YouTube videos I rapid fire binge watch. Ever have that happen to you? You start off innocently enough, let’s watch some cute babies talking videos... I mean, who doesn’t love watching cute, pudgy babies giggle and coo? But, somewhere around your 15th video,you find yourself passively observing someone’s armpit being expressed and ingrown hairs removed. Or, better yet, you stumble upon that rabbit hole and get ensnared watching bovine cystitis removal and drainage. No? I’m the only one? Hmmmmm.....really? Nah, you just don’t want to admit it! It’s okay, I’ll take one for the team...his time.
So, back to topic. I am here and I will be reviewing everything and anything i watch. Not because I’m some sort of pro blogger...nope, I’m just me...but because I can!! I now have the luxury of time. And l’ll sample everything that strikes my fancy, I promise. That way, once you’re tired of watching pus fly out of the side of a cows neck, you can be comforted by my likes, dislikes, and reviews. You see, I’m really doing this for you. Isn’t that nice of me? Yeah, that’s just who I am. I’m a giver...mmmhhhmmm.
Now, if you’ve made it this far, why don’t you pop (tying in the zit vids...see what I did there?? Yeah, you’re welcome) on over to my ratings and reviews? You’re bound to find something better than bovine cystitis.