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The Bridge (2015)
Don't waste your time.
Bad movie and then to find out that it is continued Christmas 2016-wth; Poor writing, slow plot and mediocre acting and I have watched 3/4 of it before, I learned of the year long continuation. Bah humbug. Relationship between parents and children are skewered and the main characters are immature and lacking in depth. I could have written this. The entire premise is just naive. Then it just ends with "to be continued!" That is the spoiler. I usually like Christmas movies, but this year they seem to have been written at a level of most modern romance magazine stories. There is no substance and the dialogue is shallow and weak. This one shows people getting over tragedies in life with little effort and acting as role models in a multicultural Nashville, that never was. Characters have no integrity, courage and no insight. Life lesson are just not there and there is nothing that has to do with the meaning of Christmas.