Ghostbusters (2016)
Decent comedy - barely avoids disaster porn cliché
The movie was entertaining. While I can quote some lines of the original, I cannot remember anything special about the remake. I do remember the first jokes are shockingly bad, so bad I groaned. There was a certain campiness to the ghost that seemed in contrast to the Ghostbusters themselves. The action scenes seemed a little to polished and extensive for women who were just given their equipment (invented and created overnight), and no one told not to cross the streams.
The end barely avoided the disaster porn pitfall, and I have feeling was cut extensively.
The original GhostBusters cast all had parts, but they seemed forced, and more of an afterthought. The two surprising standouts were Kate McKinnon and Neil Casey, who really nailed their parts and stole every scene they were in. McKinnons character is bordering on being, yet another, Mary Sue.
Overall, its was an entertaining entry, only marred by some unrealistic action scenes and forced cameos.
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
Fast and Furious in Space
I was worried when Justin Lin was signed on to direct. I am not a fan of the mindless Fast and Furious franchise with its ridiculous stunts and silly plots. I gave him a chance, because after all, its Star Trek.
What we got was Fast and Furious in space. Just running, fighting, explosions, one frantic scene after another with no time to develop characters, motivations, or even plausible Sci-Fi. It feels shallow, a promising plot sacrificed to the alter of YA expectations.
Another Star Trek movie where the enterprise is destroyed, again? Is this sci-fi disaster porn now?
The dialogue is forced, the banter off tempo, and in the end, the actors talents and IP were wasted on what feels like a B movie.
Powers (2015)
Not perft, but best take so far
While not perfect, powers offers the best take on super powered beings thus far. Why? Because it actually focuses on heroes making real choices, not supermodels running around with teen angst, or layers of conspiracies that detract from characters.
The acting is great and the interaction between powers and ordinary people is believable. That is what makes the show special. When a power is confronted, there is real tension. The show plays on that interaction well, and often to great effect. The powers in the show know they are above the law and the non power know there is little they can do about it.
The dialogue is a bit rough and the show only plays with being a procedural, something I think they should focus more on. Solving crimes in a super powered world would be interesting However, not committing to being a cop show or a show strictly about powers is the shows greatest weakness. It is a show stuck between two genres and not developing or committing to either.