
8 Reviews
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Dead Serious (2005)
A good time all around!
5 January 2007
Caught this one at the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors in CA. Vampires, terrorists and religious nuts all fighting it out in a gay bar in New York City. Sound like a good time? Well it is! Dead Serious is a horror / comedy that really succeeds on all levels. Smart, funny, gory all wrapped in a tight package that should have fans laughing and screaming all at the same time. The film has a LOT of social commentary in the Romero tradition. Another thing I loved about the film is to see Felissa Rose kicking ass in a good movie again! The entire cast really does an outstanding job with the material which is unusual for a low budget film. I really hope Dead Serious gets a wide DVD release, all the folks that made it certainly deserve it.

Definitely worth checking out!
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One of Craven's best
21 May 2005
Wes Craven is one of the best known names in the horror genre, and "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is one of his best! In the wake of his success with Nightmare, Craven was able to get movies made - even if nearly all of them were horror films (he was typecast as a director). During the late '80s and early '90s, he made a string of forgettable motion pictures. Following the original A Nightmare on Elm Street, he largely turned his back on the series (although he did executive produce the second sequel, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors). However, in 1994, he used a new and radical concept to take control of the Nightmares for one final outing, Wes Craven's A New Nightmare, which brought things full circle, once again blurring the line between reality and fantasy. In the wake of A New Nightmare (which was largely praised by critics, but was given a lukewarm greeting by horror fans), Craven turned his attention to Scream, the success of which advanced his reputation further.

A Nightmare on Elm Street is tailor made for those who like their gore leavened with thought-provoking ideas - something that is a rarity in this genre. Sequels dumbed down the series to a regrettable degree, but the first movie still stands on its own as an intriguing and chilling example of how horror works best when the characters and the audience don't have to be lobotomized. Those who appreciate scary movies can do no better than a double feature of Halloween and A Nightmare on Elm Street. Taken in tandem, those two films epitomize all that was good about '70s and '80s horror films.
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Zombi 2 (1979)
Fulci's best!
18 May 2005
I'm not a big fan of Fulci's but I love this one! Lucio Fulci's Zombie or Zombi 2, or even Zombie Flesheaters is notorious among horror film fans. Still unavailable in it's uncut form in the UK, gorehounds like myself import US copies to satisfy our blood lust and love of all things undead! Zombie was no mere hack's attempt to mimic Dawn, instead Fulci takes us to a voodoo fearing island where a mission is beginning to get overrun by examples of the dead returning to life. It's unclear as to what the cause is of the dead's return. it's up to the audience, really, to fill in the blanks. Could it be that hell is too full, or voodoo revenge on the white man? Was the mission a front for experiments that resulted in the dead returning? I'm still not entirely sure why the clipper ship was sent to the US. Somebody clear this up if I've missed something obvious!

a woman wants to find her father, and is thrown together with a reporter and two unlikely companions that they hire a boat from. Zombies and chaos ensue.

What i love about this film is the unapologetic use of extreme gore. The eyeball scene has to rank as one of the more disturbing scenes of horror of all time.

The zombies actually look dead too, something lacking in even the best movies. The low budget of the film adds to the unsettling atmosphere, especially towards the end and the journey of the walking dead to the heart of the village.

The actors aren't Royal Shakespeare Company material and who cares? Tia Farrow plays the kooky daughter well (she went on to be a New York taxi driver allegedly, according to the late Lucio Fulci). Although no David Warbeck, Ian McCulloch does a fair job.

Fulci went on to do three more movies of which would contain at least one living dead creature.
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Come Get Some! (2003 Video)
Nice try
18 May 2005
Not a very good film at all. While it has it's campy moments, most of it is just a bunch of amateurs trying to make a z grade zombie flick. (which is what they did) The FX are terrible, the acting is ridiculous and the B&W photography is almost UN-watchable.

However, on the good side, if your into Z-Grade trash (as am I) some people may enjoy this flick, I however, did not.

If these types of no budget horror films are you cup of tea, then I'd recommend "Meat Market", "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things", "Biohazardous" or "Zombie Planet" in stead of this one.

Good luck to the filmmakers, I'm sure they worked their asses off to make it, but fell short of my endorsement. I'd be will to see what they come up with next, as long as it's not a sequel to this crap!
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Campy cult classic
8 May 2005
A group of actors go to a small island and enact a mock ceremony to raise the dead. Unfortunately for them, the ceremony works. The dead rise and devour several of the thespian interlopers and force the surviving members to take refuge in an isolated house.

Despite some bad attempts at black comedy, this low-budget effort has some good scary moments. Some hammy acting and hilarious seventies clothes styles may bring some chuckles.

Florida-based director Bob Clark would go on to direct other low-budget horror films, including the seminal slasher flick "Black Christmas" as well as the comedy hit series. "Porky's" But Clark will most likely be best remembered as the director of the ultimate holiday classic "A Christmas Story" Truly a perfect film in just about every since of the word.
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Fatal Kiss (2002 TV Movie)
it's short and lame
2 April 2005
Saw this film at the 2001 "scream fest" in LA. How the hell this film ever got on TV is beyond me. Such a badly acted, cheese story and nothing in terms of excitement or gore. The film (I think) went onto win the festival awards for "best film" ?? How? it's a short and not a very good one at that?? Trust me on this one guys, this film aggravated me more then it entertained me (along with that entire scream fest festival BTW) the director totally blew the chance to save the film and wasted great actors he got to do cameos and it was a very bad move casting himself in the lead. The good I can say about it: Very well shot. The DP obviously knows what he was doing and used what little recourse to do his job well. The cameos in the film are great, but as I said, wasted. I think the director Jeff Rictor tried to make a fun little twilight zone type of film but it was just a bit out of his talent range. Beter luck next time.
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the best horror film of 2004
27 March 2005
Hands down the best horror film of 2004! While the entire horror world both laughed it off and were more then annoyed that anyone dare remake one of the best horror epics of all time, They pulled it of and blew everyone away with this awesome horror film. While the film has absolutely none of the epic feel of the original, which is by all means a MUCH better film. The cast and crew of this remake by name a basic plot only (zombies take over the world and group, unrelated to the characters in the original, hold up in a mall) did an outstanding job in making a very scary, very high energy film that will undoubtedly have it's place in horror history.
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I enjoyed this film
27 March 2005
I enjoyed this film. Terry West has become a sort of "cult" director with campy SOV films for the terrible E.I Cinema label, (Satan's Cheerleaders, but the filmmaker has finally broke free from that campy crap to return to his roots of serious horror film-making. (like his serial killer flick Blood for the Muse) While not a flawless film by any stretch of the means, Flesh for the Beast has a very original story and is surprisingly well acted.

While I thought the cinematography was average at best, I think the director has a great eye for creepy set-up's and the slow deliberate pace kept me interested until the end. I can recommend "Flesh for the Beast" as a fun Saturday night schlock fest and I look forward to seeing what Mr. West will come up with next.
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