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Best Pitt Movie Ever
31 October 2024
After playing Red Dead Redemption 2 to the end over 5 times, I am amazed at how much that game and this movie are similar. This has to be the best Brad Pitt movie ever.

Pitt is at his best, better than in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, which is a high bar to surpass. But this movie is so much more.

I got a 4k Blue Ray and 4K TV to just watch it because the clarity of the cinematography is so superior to everything else. It is on the same level as Pitts performance.

And then there is Casy Affleck, best ever. I love this movie so much; it is a little understated which makes it all the more believable. Maybe Jesse James was a hero, who knows.
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Hold Your Breath (II) (2024)
It Not a Tuma, and This is Not a Horror Movie
13 October 2024
Anyone who has ever been exposed to someone having multiple psychotic episodes, going in and out of reality, having hallucinations that for them are as real as your reality is to you, and who was around them enough that you thought you too would catch the psychosis, can total appreciate this movie. Those that haven't are just looking for a good scare. The reality is scary enough.

The story was entirely believable and frightening without having to rely on demons and slashers. This means the writing, acting, and editing had to stand on their own quality, and they did. The set was perfect, insecurity plus isolation plus heartbreak equals potential psychosis. I loved the editing, how thing would change as the main character observed them.

Not to mention that Sarah Paulson is such a great actress (watch those tear well up towards the end) and so beautiful. I watched this movie because she was in it, and I knew it would be good because of that.

Great movie, if you have had a little experience.
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White Tiger (2012)
This is Inspirational Allegory
7 July 2024
I love this movie and have watched more than 4 times.

It is inspirational like all Russian made movies about the Great Patriotic War.

The Russians get it, Americans, not so much. My friend who is Russian, when asked if she would rather live in America or the old Soviet Union, she said, in the time it takes you to blink your eye, Soviet Union. Then she went on to tell me about what Motherland means, with tears running down her cheeks.

The White Tiger is pure allegory about fascism. It never sleeps, and always comes back.

Sorry I love this movie, it is so good that you keep hitting the back button to read again what was said. And the end will blow you away.
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Life of Pi (2012)
Late to the Party, But
30 June 2024
I saw this when it first came out and then watched it a couple of times, then watched it last week.

Ang Lee is for me is right up there with Martin Scorsese, his movies change your thinking.

Every artist wants to influence culture, and no one's movies are a greater tool for that than those of Ang Lee. Truely this movie changed my thinking, who can do that? And it did that in the last 5 minutes of the movie.

I love Ang Lee so much for what he has given me, and all of us. His insights are inspired, the muse lives in him.

Watch "Ride with the Devil" an Ang Lee movie, and you will realize he knows and understands more about America than 99.99% of Americans.

I feel blessed to live in the same time as a film maker like this.

The sun shines on the righteous. Ang, you need sunglasses.
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Worth it for the Film Footage You Have not Seen
16 June 2024
The film footage in this documentary is worth the watch. I already knew a lot about Hitler having read a book titled "I Knew Hitler" written by someone who was close to him until he was arrested.

I never realized that Shiler was so close to danger and was an observer to so much history. I knew he wrote the book and I read it a long time ago.

This series is informative and educational, and as the Russian Movie "White Tiger" tells us, Fascism never goes away, it just sleeps. Great movie, all allegory, if you haven't seen it.

My only complaint and it is a "nit" is that the actor playing Hitler looked like an anorexic Hitler, but he was really good. I personally know people that look more like Hitler than he did. But you will regret watching this, if you are interested in WWII.
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Had to backup and repeat three times
4 June 2024
In Episode 2 there is a dialogue between the two mail female characters begins with the question, " Do you think your daughter likes you?"

Then it goes on for one of the characters to explain how she loves her children, how she cuddles them, how they burrow themselves into their mother. Finally, how her children outgrow the cuddling and how because of their age it is inappropriate. "It is as if you are loving the smell of an apple, but you want to devour it, even the seeds".

I have never in my life had this emotion explained so perfectly, and I broke down. I don't have kids, only dogs, which you can cuddle forever. But I have always known something was lacking. It is better than nothing, however.

What a great series. That moment in this series was better than anything Shakespeare ever wrote.
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Aien't no Shindler's List
15 March 2024
Don't get the hype. It was mildly interesting and had one dramatic moment dealing with the mother. The coldness of the Nazi who did their task as if they were building widgets got across, but we all already knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the whole lot.

My wife told me how it was filmed with lots of camera place throughout the set and left to run, with no film crew present. This idea is certainly noteworthy. The Pole are starting to set the pace in creativity. The game Cyberpunk 2077 is made by a Polish studio, and it has to be the most creative video game every made. This multiple camera idea is wonderfully creative also.

But in the end, the end of the story was a rip off from the documentary "Act of Killing" which was a sincere reaction, not an acted one. There are far more moving movies about the Holocaust than this, for instance "Come and See", and of course Shindler's List.
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The Nest (I) (2020)
Way Creative
26 January 2024
I loved this movie. It was well written and well-acted. You couldn't figure out what it was about exactly or where it was going. And were totally baffled by the title.

It is hard to write six hundred words about this. Things look good and then slowly unravel. Every family member has their issues, frustrations, and heartbreaks. Typically, as always, the mother tries to hold it together.

And after about 99 percent of movie has happened during the last scene you get it, and it was so beautiful. I have never seen a movie that wrapped it up with about 5 minutes left, but this one did and did it so well.

After the last five minutes finished, I kept saying, "that was a really good movie!" You would not feel that for the other 99 percent of the it.

The nest, where you go to feel always welcome and safe.
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Thank God for Those Who Take Their Responsibilities Seriously
20 January 2024
This was an eye-opening experience for me. At the beginning you think the authorities are doing a good job and coming to valid conclusions, and you agree with the conclusions. Then things change.

The organization of the documentary and the editing make so good. The way it is presented keeps you interested to the point that you will most likely binge it. It is hard to turn it off.

In the end one person who is sincere and so admirable for understanding the responsibility entrusted by the public saves the day. And the integrity and stalwartness of this person flood you with a warm and grateful feeling.

Loved this absolutely.
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Poor Things (2023)
Felt Mislead by Trailers
18 January 2024
My first review was too vulgar, and I understand why it wasn't printed, but it captured my feeling. Sorry.

I really was looking forward to seeing this film, absolutely loved the Favorite and was expecting something at least equal to that film.

Not even close. Poor Things was mildly funny at times, and the interior sets were great, but you grow wearing of the outside "Alice in Wonderland" settings.

The premise was to me original, and I was kind of hoping for a campy Bride of Frankenstein movie. The original Bride of Frankenstein with Boris Karloff is far more entertaining than this one.

But what really turned me off was the over and over scenes of copulation, which were unnecessary, except to perhaps scar Emma Stones psyche.

The movie "Little Big Man" got a similar point across with two lines spoken by Faye Dunnaway when she admitted that she was a "Fallen Flower". Had Poor Things taken this approach, the movie would have been 30 minutes long.

In the end, this is lazy movie making. A lazy and redundant script and "Groundhog Day" repeatability that planned on making money at the expense of Emma Stone.
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Scorsese Shows He is the Master
9 January 2024
The storyline is interesting and thought provoking and a little guilt trippy. But the directing and movie making shows why you can always count on Martin Scorsese to make an incredible movie. Not one of his movies has been a flop. Not one has been of low quality because of the actors cast or the script used. Not one has been difficult to follow. Not one has been unexceptional.

To include his movie Silence, which was a movie he made for himself and made it so late that it didn't qualify for the worthless Academy Awards (but that is another rant). He doesn't even seem to care about the marketability. He is in it for the ART. He is the Michaelangelo of movie making.

I have never seen a Scorsese movie that didn't affect me. I watched Gangs of New York, walked out of the theater and had to stop and lean against a wall to sob uncontrollably. I was OK until I walked out of the theater.

This latest Scorsese movie proves him the Master, all other directors can take a back seat to him, and I sincerely mean all.
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
Beat Game Ever
20 December 2023
I play this game on PC and once you get the graphic settings right it is flawless, and easy to get a good FPS.

The entire game is flawless. The storyline is so interesting that you want to keep playing to see what happens. Depending on how to move through the dialogue choice the outcome of the game changes. The AI that moves the targets is better than any game I have played. There is an endless selection of music. The guns in the game are all fun. The gameplay is so well thought out by the developers and the code writers.

This game is top quality and the effort in creating it shows. And finally you can play this game over and over because it is so much fun to play.

Absolutely the best dollar per hour of entertainment out there.
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Pain Hustlers (2023)
Late to the Party
29 October 2023
This movie was ok, but there are already two other that have been made that are a lot better, and one is way better than this one. Evidently there are going to be as many movies made about the opioid/fentanyl crisis as were made about Nazis. And slashers.

So, my gripe is not so much with the quality of the acting, storyline, or directing, or production value. It is about that I already have that T-shirt. It is definitely the same ole same ole, samey-same.

Others complained about the other show on Netflix about the opioid crisis being a cheap rip-off of Dopesick. This one is a cheaper rip off of both of those.

Dopesick is the absolute class of this genera.
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Dear Child (2023)
Perfect Ending
26 September 2023
This is a great series. The identity of the of the bad guy is hinted very subtlety throughout. In a way it is as good as Sixth Sense where all the clues where there, but you had to be really clever to figure it out.

The story was great, and you want to binge watch it, but it can get pretty late for an old person.

I found the ending very satisfying. However, if you need more pay back for your villains I would suggest "Veronica". The bad guys really get theirs in that series.

I also liked the music, which sometimes had the rhythm of the action on screen, like a nail being hammered that was part of the music beat.
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Dopesick (2021)
How most of America works Unfortunately
20 September 2023
I loved this series. It is great to watch all these actors that have been around for a while finally show their "chops" I never knew Keton was such a great actor, Sarsgaard I'd seen many times before but not this good. Kind of like Robert Downey Jr stealing the show in Oppenheimer.

This series taught me empathy, of which I had none for drug abusers. Now I get it. It also illustrated to me how our country works in general. I worked for a government contractor and saw how the government reps who gave us what we wanted got hired after they retired, over and over. Why do you think an F-35 costs 100 million dollars.

You finally realize that we are all just little people waiting to get eaten by the big fish, and money rules all (but it is just paper) That is humanity, I guess.
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WTF Someone is not Paying Attention
14 September 2023
I am totally surprised with all the negativity. The daughter was more than adequate for that part. Timmothy should have hired her a personal trainer for her acting debut. She is a as beautiful as he is handsome but could be a little more svelte.

As far the storyline goes, I found this series much more thoughtful than the first. The cops just want to punish the bad guys, they don't care what they pin on them, and the criminals know they have it coming.

But the best part was the end, it was almost the reverse of the beginning of the first few minutes in the first episode of Justified. Like after 6 seasons of one series and additional series, it all got wrapped up in a very poetic way.

In the end, great show, go on a diet and be a total babe.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
my two cents
28 July 2023
With over 1,900 reviews, do you need another one?

For me this movie was better than most for the first two thirds, and then was in a class all of its own the last third. The last hour of this movie will astound you. The thoughts expressed are very, well thought provoking, like so much so that you want to see the movie again, and maybe again after that.

The parts that got me the most were the celebration after the bomb worked, and after the bomb was used. It reminded me of the scene in "Come and See" when the church full of people was burning down and the Einsatzgruppen were celebrating their accomplishment of extermination.

Also, what Einstein tells Oppenheimer which are almost the last words of the film blow you away. I don't know if this insight was in the book or an insight by Nolan, but it hits your soul.

I will have to see this film at least three times, not in IMAX (only the last five minutes are IMAX worthy) but for the insights presented. It is a thoughtful film, rare for this time, that requires contemplation.

Particularly now with Joe Biden egging the Russians on in Ukraine. He forgets, the Russians defeated Napoleon, the Russians defeated Hitler, the Russians know war, and the Russians know death by radiation poisoning. America knows nothing of war, it is always in another country. Let Joe know he is a total idiot because the Russians can deal with a nuclear war, America cannot.
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Simply Profound in Everyway
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having halfway expecting a dry documentary about free diving, a much less interesting take on it than the old movie "The Big Blue"; boy was I wrong.

No spoilers, just if you watch it you will love every minute. The story, cinematography, the commentary, and the music weave together to pull you totally in. And for sure you will be sobbing at the end but the whole presentation has foreboding but beautiful mood so that doesn't count as a spoiler.

For me however, I don't think I have every heard spoken a more precise and deep description of what loss is. This is spoken at the end of the movie by the father of one of the main characters. And it is nothing less than profound in its insightfulness and understanding about how human beings feel about loss. That is if you are smart enough to put it into words, and these words really moved me. I will always remember them.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Not Just Another Zombie Show
11 May 2023
I saw the series before I played the game. Both are true representations of each other. The series is way more than another zombie movie. The game is a masterpiece (not just me saying that, gamers with lots of cred think so).

The actors selected in the series were perfectly cast, and the story reflections at the end of each episode make it all the more worthwhile to watch (just like the other Mazin masterpiece Chernobyl).

I finally got what it is about after playing the game many times through and watching the series about 4 times.

It is about being a parent, and all that comes with it. I don't have children because I was too frightened to have them, not because I didn't want them. This series and the game, both showed me how brave parents are, because once that kid pops out, it all really matters.
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The English (2022)
Can't wait to watch it again
4 March 2023
The first episode I was ready to quit. It made me think, Oh no another woke "White People Bad, People of Color Good" ( that is how Frankenstein would say it), but after the next episode, I was hooked.

What an even keeled telling of the west. The Army really did use a gatling gun at Wounded Knee and the Colorado Volunteer Calvary were maniac genocidalists (new word). Carries on to this day when you consider Colombine and Aurora.

This series gave you enough hints to guess where it was going and it was wonderfully poetic. I have also never seen such incredible character actors, where did they find so many of such quality?

Signed up for Amazon Prime just to watch this, and I wasn't disappointed!
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No One Like Him
2 March 2023
This documentary confirms that there is no one on this planet like Marc Marquez. He is the greatest sportsman alive.

The documentary shows his commitment, passion, personality, courage, his relation to his friends and family. It could not have been made better. Even if you don't follow MotoGP you will be inspired by who he is.

I have seen every one of his races since 1993. I can remember watching a video of his first time on a MotoGP bike and all you could think was, "boy those guys are in a lot of trouble" because you could tell his talent was beyond anything you had seen previously.

What defines a sport is risk. Golf is a hobby, baseball is a pass time, tennis is kind of in between. Boxer and football players risk and over time their bodies may pay the price. MotoGP racers can lose it all in the blink of an eye, the ability to walk, move their arms, their vision and their lives.

For me he is the most honorable sportsman in the world, and Marc Marquez All In was a joy to watch. Thank you Amazon Prime for doing it so right.
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Tár (2022)
Woke to the Max
20 January 2023
Sure am glad I waited until the price to stream this movie was 6 bucks instead of 20.

The story was ok but why 2.5 hours to tell it, and why didn't the director/writer show it. Too lazy, I guess. Or was it because he was trying to show what a large vocabulary he had and his esoteric in-depth knowledge of music. There were two interesting moments, at the beginning and at the end. The rest 2 hours of padding, two hours dullness, two added story threads that went nowhere.

This movie is a demonstration of lazy storytelling. The moral of the story wasn't even that profound. It would have been if the movie had been a 30-minute short, but it wasn't.

Have a good bottle or two of wine next to you, but even still for 6 bucks it's too expensive, should be free, or on YouTube.
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Could Not Remain Still
2 January 2023
How anyone could give this movie a low rating make you wonder, what movies do you like?

This movie was so subtle and so believable and the acting, to include little girl, was flawless. The music played a lot into creating tension.

I honestly could not remain still while watching this. I was sitting on the couch and continually adjusting my posture because I was so nervous.

If you like the genre this movie is, you won't be disappointed.

Finally, I love the format of this type of movie. It reminded me of the way the Sixth Sense played out.

You see the scene and then you see the scene again later in the movie.

One surprise for me is my wife figured it out half way through. I don't know how she did it.
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Probably not going to be on the Hallmark Channel
27 November 2022
I enjoyed this series from the very beginning, who starts a series with a closeup of a bowl of Fruit Loops?

And it gets way better from there. The entire story fits together even though you can't guess what will happen next.

Best of all the difference between current time and flashback is very easy to follow compared to some series I have watched recently. This series has the added plus of the actors playing the young characters look like the actors playing aged character.

Credit good editing, unusually good casting, attention to detail. The premise of the story was original. It was a story nested in a story but much more.

The music is pretty goofy, and it is way violent.
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Hellhole (2022)
I Thought Hellhole was a Spinal Tap Song
10 November 2022
This entire movie is worth watching just for one moment in the film which is so unexpected. Won't tell you what it is but if you are big on comic relief this is the show for you.

The premise is frightening. The sets dark that with crooked dead trees and old-world religious bastions, lurking priests with the most serious looks. Hardly any dialogue but lots of low tone sounds and squeaking doors.

Then you got the dead, with missing parts and eyeballs hanging from hooks. And after this you are pretty scared, makes the other NETFLIX horror series look silly when comparing levels of discomfort.

Then you get this moment this event that is out of the blue, and you have to watch it about five time it is so, well over the top.
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