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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1993)
Guilt as charged!
I used to watch this show as a kid, and I'm admit I'm guilty: I used to watch this show everyday and was completely hooked. I remember all the kids at my school dressing up as their favorite power ranger and running around on their lunch break pretending to morph around the place. I'll admit this show is definitely cheesy, and yes, quite lame a lot of the time, but it obviously had *something* to make millions of children world wide go gaga over it. It was good fun, and certainly not to be taken seriously. The fantastic thing about these 3 seasons was that the show did evolve, and all the changes were exciting. With such success, it branched out to a successful feature film as well. I still enjoy this show!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)
Fantastic Fun!
This movie was released when I was a kid, and I was already a huge fan of the Power Rangers television series (the original series is still the best!). This film had all the right ingredients from the series, with added fun like new costumes, villains, locations, etc. And of course, all the stars look fantastic in it, and if you're a fan of the series, you'll be amazed at how much better the film comes across on screen. The action scenes are well set out and of course, there is lots of cool graphics (bigger budget means bigger looks!). But don't just think it's all about the action- there is a lot of fun mixed into it all as well. Lots of fun, and can appeal to a large range of audiences. Sure, it may just be a 'kids' film, and is not exactly Oscar material, but it is perfect for what it is! Remembering that this series is one of the most successful children's series in the last 20 years, the film is a definite must for all fans.