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Just Add Magic (2015)
Season 3 PLEASE
Such a great kids show. Instead of the usual over-acting that plagues Disney and Nickelodeon you have great actors all around with a plot that keeps you guessing. They all have really fleshed out characters and real feeling relationships. It's moral, they learn from their mistakes, try to make things right. You just don't get a show like this for kids anymore.
Deadbeat (2014)
Laid back fun show.
I really love HULU's new show. The main actor is so stupid, it's cute and hilarious. He can be smart sometimes though. He can see the dead but he's a total deadbeat himself. His drug dealer, Roofie, later helps him sell his ability. Meanwhile, Chamomile White, hates and tries to sabotage our protagonist (she's a famous medium). The show is really funny. I'd give it a 10 but some scenes were just a little dumb. I love how everyone just accepts that he can see ghosts. It cuts the usual dramatic "so hard to be me" that we usually get from medium stories. Also, the ghosts are just selfish and demanding. They're not all weepy, "I'm dead!" It's a really great and fresh way to handle a show about a medium. Should so watch.