
17 Reviews
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How? How?
31 January 2020
How was this allowed to be made? Whos idea was it to have this pile of crap spawn from the original? Speed was a good movie, but probably should not have a sequel. Not even the beauty of Sandra Bullock could save this dumpster fire. Maybe. Maybe if Keanu was in it, it could have been salvaged.
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Estelle Getty
16 January 2020
She's the only reason why I can tolerate this movie. If it wasn't her, I don't think I could sit through it.
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Cats (2019)
The statement holds true
5 January 2020
Taking theatre productions and turning them into movies, with few exceptions, has always been a disaster. This is no different.
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No. No. No. No.
20 June 2019
You can't do MIB without Tommy Lee and Will. This is on par with that awful Ghostbusters remake.
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King of the Hill: Goodbye Normal Jeans (2002)
Season 7, Episode 4
This episode
12 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Is good, but it really makes the viewer have a strong dislike towards Peggy, especially when she attempts to sabotage Bobby's dinner.
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King of the Hill: A Beer Can Named Desire (1999)
Season 4, Episode 6
One thing weirds me out
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When they are at Bill's family mansion, why does his cousin want to sleep with him?
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The car choice made zero sense.
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Duel, only instead of a tanker, its a tow truck. Makes no sense that the Mustang can't outrun the tow truck. At least Dennis Weaver's Valiant was a good car choice, since they weren't the most powerful car. If they really wanted this to be believable, put em in a Prius or Smart Car.
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The Golden Girls: Empty Nests (1987)
Season 2, Episode 26
I dunno
15 May 2019
I've never understood why series have dedicated an episode as a potential series. If this had starred all the cast members of what would be Empty Nest and had its concept, it would have been much better.
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Family Guy: Adam West High (2019)
Season 17, Episode 20
Pretty much done with newer episodes
13 May 2019
But I'm watching this only because of it being a tribute to Adam West
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Family Guy: Trump Guy (2019)
Season 17, Episode 11
Weak, bland, very unfunny.
14 January 2019
If you're going to do something like this, do it tastefully. The jokes were unfunny, stagnant, and just plain old. The writers must truly be running out of ideas. This episode is on par with the Stewie Therapy Episode as far as how funny it was, which it wasn't. Overall, this was PATHETIC.
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McQ (1974)
Not Awful
18 November 2018
Not The Duke's best movie, but still entertaining for any hardcore John Wayne fan. And having Eddie Albert is a nice bonus.
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Inherit the Wind (1999 TV Movie)
Very Strong, only one notch below the original.
26 September 2018
This version is a very strong remake of the original. Through most of the film, I believe that George C. Scott's performance is much stronger than March's. Especially the ending scene. Scott's performance is much more in depth, especially towards the end.
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Inherit the Wind (1988 TV Movie)
Not bad, but...
26 September 2018
This version suffers compared to the Tracy/March and Lemmon/Scott versions. I believe that most of the budget was spent on hiring Darren McGavin, Jason Robards and Kirk Douglas. Several Characters have reduced roles. The character of Rev. Brown is essentially pointles.
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Kangaroo Jack (2003)
So stupid, it's good
5 June 2018
This is a dumb movie, but you can't help but watch it
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
11 May 2018
This show is like Married...With Children, All in the Family and King of The Hill all rolled into one. Bill Burr is a genius.
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Overboard (2018)
4 May 2018
Hollywood is really running out of ideas. This really should not have happened. There are certain movies you don't remake for one reason or another, and this is one.
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This movie:
14 April 2018
I love Duel, it has always been one of my favorites, but this, this just sucks. The biggest hole in the story of all, the Mustang. Using a Ford Mustang makes no sense. In Duel, the 1971 Plymouth Valiant worked because it was not the most powerful car, and it would be likely that the old Peterbilt could keep pace with the Valiant. Now we jump to this movie. How can a new Ford Mustang not out run a tow truck? A 100 year old woman could outrun the truck in Mustang. This movie really is an abomination, and does a great disservice to it's inspiration.
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