
4 Reviews
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Elves (2021)
Not bad. Weakest point was the lead character
27 January 2022
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Warning: Spoilers
This was better than I was expecting. The graphics weren't bad at all. The acting by everyone involved was good.

The weak point most notable to me was the lead character Josephine. Her actions and decisions were not acceptable from the start. I know she was a child but she wasn't 6. She befriends an animal she knows nothing about. But takes it home anyway. She ignores she took the animal from its family. Even in the final scenes she was still looking to take the baby with her, showing she had learnt nothing from what had happened throughout the series. Several people died because of what she kept doing.

The final scene of the baby under the car coupled with the fact Josephine has learnt nothing makes me think she will keep it under her bed in silence until it outgrows her and goes on a predictable rampage starting with her own family. She is as dangerous as the elves themselves.

The actress played it well. Just the character was a bit too flawed to actually be likeable.
Absolutely dreadful
20 December 2020
Cringe is the word here. I think dolly went prowling churches and homeless shelters looking for the cast of this one.

It started bad and at a very rapid pace, steamrolled its way down, crashing through the gates of hell where it was quickly rejected too.

It was hard enough to watch, never mind the difficulty I had keeping my dinner down!

Self indulgent doesn't even begin to cover it!

Dolly, why?
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Vomit inducing
19 December 2020
This is over acted and under written. How this got the go ahead I do not know. The lyrics and songs and general writing is so basic as if a child wrote it. A slightly deranged child with learning difficulties. Its just so sickly like a school play.

If you are constipated or bolimic then this movie will sort you right out.

It's gone a long way to killing my affections for Christmas!
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Head shaking
14 June 2019
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Warning: Spoilers
Kate Quilton's standard response to being spoken to is shaking the head it seems. Similar to what I was doing while waiting for the program to dig deeper into the chlorinated point if the show. Instead it moved quickly to standard practises in the nest packing factory they chose to secretly film in. Interesting as that was, it didn't get to the real facts of whether or not chlorinated chicken is a danger.

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