
7 Reviews
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Blue is the new Blue
29 October 2017
Much will probably be discussed about the genuinely stunning photography in this series but it cannot be underplayed enough: it is imperious.

Beautiful, beautiful shots of wonderful creatures going about their daily lives, together with informative narration and innovation. All rounded off accompanied by a blockbuster-movie-standard score which soars and settles with the visuals.

This series took around four years to film, and I can only imagine what the poor editors had to leave out.

Worthy of a mention is the astounding super-slow motion on display. In oceans so vast, we can see single droplets! It is a brilliant series for all ages.

The BBC is unsurpassed at this type of documentary. And to think, the BBC costs UK taxpayers about 50 pence per day and some people think it should be cut down/split up/privatised. I really hope this doesn't happen as, yes, the BBC has faults like many broadcasters, but when it does something like this, it really cannot be beaten.

Watch this with your children, or your partner, or on you own. It doesn't matter, just watch it. And experience some awe.
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Quacks (2017–2018)
Rub a potato on the affected area...
3 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this new BBC comedy may polarise viewers. Some will be disappointed that it isn't 'cutting edge' enough, some will wonder what is actually happening, some will not like it at all. Here's my view...

Our four main characters are all medical pioneers of sorts in a Victorian-esque England. There's the surgeon, who seems to be more interested in the glory and applause after successfully completing a live surgery than he is in medical advancement. There's our dentist, who is more interested in discovering new ways to 'anesthetise' both his patients and himself. Our psychiatrist is genuinely interested in further exploring the link between mental illness and old wives' tales. Last we have the surgeon's wife, the most sensible, intelligent, balanced one among them.

I found the humour here to be just my bag. Deadpan delivery one minute, laugh out loud the next, the writing and acting on show was refreshing and original. The four lead characters really gel, and the supporting cast are without weakness.

The medical procedures on show offer both an additional source of humour, but also their barbaric, unsophisticated nature makes you think of life under the knife in this period of not-too-distant history.

I really enjoyed all six episodes. If you're not having fun after episode 2 or 3, maybe it isn't for you. I thought the performances were superb and the set designs really captured the atmosphere.

If you want to literally have a laugh, stick with this and enjoy a real dose of original comedy. However, if you're unfortunate enough to have a hernia or aneurysm, I'd advise to look elsewhere for treatment!
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Stranger (2017–2020)
Noodles served with corruption
5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished this superb Korean drama in a three-day binge. There are many things to review to be fair, but I'll be brief...

The overall story regards mass political and corporate corruption, cover-ups and backstabbing. However, the story opens with something less subtle: murder.

But it is how this initial murder then spirals into a plethora of lies, greed and downright nastiness that is absorbing to watch. The plot is never still, but not rushed. The characters are always fleshed out, but most have something to hide. The cinematography is on point but seductive. And the music... wow, it is brilliant (even though parts of the main theme reminded me of The Da Vinci Code bizarrely).

What we have here is not explosions and car chases. I found it to be character- and plot-driven brilliance with some fantastic acting. Enjoy the story, enjoy the twists, enjoy the red herrings. And enjoy the soju and noodles!

9 out of 10. Highly recommended.
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10 November 2016
The original Planet Earth back in 2006 was an astounding and refreshing series that tore down the limits of documentary making. It was universally lauded as exceptional, and if you haven't seen it then you're missing a genuine treat.

Planet Earth II is everything its predecessor was. And more.

Ultra sharp photography, iris-piercing colour and focus, and on a decent home set up, a superbly immersive experience. It is almost hypnotic the way the gorgeous landscapes and action scenes are interwoven with a sublime soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.

The BBC receives criticism sometimes for the way it spends 'tax payers' money', but surely not for this. Whether you're aged 8 or 80, this is the highest quality television that will bewilder and astound.

Truly wondrous, and David Attenborough is a legend.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
Hardly a Glitch...
18 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is great stuff. Australian drama productions continue to show their mettle with this superb taut thriller.

I can understand the comparisons to Les Revenants (The Returned), and I enjoyed both. 'The Returned' was unsettling and slightly surreal, whereas Glitch is somehow similar in both, but it adds a gritty feel that adds to the realism.

The Aussies don't mess about. It's quick but not rushed. It's almost saying 'these things are happening, and we're not exactly sure why, but buckle up because it's going to be a thrilling ride.'

Liked the setting, liked most of the characters, and I really can't wait to see more.

*Minor spoiler* the makeup/fx department deserve a special mention for the 'fractured leg' scene. Horribly brilliant!

Very worthwhile watch. Thank you.
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Thirteen (2016)
Intriguing and understated
16 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This BBC series is very watchable with good acting, scripting and direction. It's a 'slow-burner', seemingly adding twists and surprises without relying on clichés that we've seen before in other dark dramas.

The story opens with a young woman, Ivy, escaping from her captor. She was thirteen when abducted, and was kept captive for thirteen years. Initially, the police show a bit of doubt as to her authenticity because of numerous hoax calls from other women claiming to be Ivy. Eventually, Ivy is proved genuine and the story shows the struggle of both Ivy, her family and friends in trying to deal with her appearance after so many years. Pretty soon, however, everyone is back in panic mode as Ivy's alleged kidnapper takes another young girl in the same way.

This is where the series changes gear, and the plot unfolds into a tense, almost surreal chain of events, where the audience is fed subtle clues into more twists and intricacies all temptingly luring us into a story where nothing is quite as it seems.

This isn't 'in your face' drama. It is subtle, tense and quite compulsive. The shocks and surprises, when they do happen, are thrilling and unexpected. The main characters are both believable and well constructed. It all comes together to produce a fascinating tale about the desolation, desperation and deprivation of a seemingly innocent young woman. Great stuff.
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Between (2015–2016)
Betwixt and between...
10 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've enjoyed many 'Netflix exclusive' offerings, but not this one. This is poor on so many levels. I'll try to summarise:

I'm a fair person, and I try to give things a chance to develop, but I could honestly only stomach the first 3 episodes. As others have mentioned, the script and acting ranges from adequate to abysmal. The story had potential even though not original, but intrigue and suspense about a 'big secret' can only be sustained if there's enough interest for the viewer to actually get to the revelations. I couldn't, I'm afraid.

Bland dialogue, lazy and clichéd characters, uneventful and unrealistic reactions. For example, amidst all the chaos, the town's grocery store is on fire. One main character sees this and unemotionally mumbles, "the grocery store is on fire." Bland, trite and unfortunately, dialogue like this plagues the three episodes I saw. Not good enough.

I don't know what happens in the end, and I don't care. Watch this if you're looking for material in your 'How Not to Write Dialogue' manual, otherwise avoid like a dose of salts. The two stars are for the animals in the story who are easily the best actors.
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