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IMDb member since December 2015
Jangsa-ri 9.15 (2019)
Must watch so i know i am not alone for this.
26 January 2020 - 8 out of 26 users found this review helpful.
This is definetly one of the worst war movie i ever watched, blame everything to the director. Poor CGI, silly choreoraphy, dull dialoque, over dramatized since the beginning that i can even remembered. I can not even enjoyed anything from this movie, believe me i try my best to be symphaty during the drama, it fails, i try to enjoy the actions but the camera ridiculous shaking until i must to stop watching or you will feel sick if u keep going and if the camera not shaking during the tense times the director put some silly scene that try to draws your symphathies. The only points i give because all the cast have done maximun efforts. This product better considered for tv consumptions rather than screening in the movie.
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