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10 Items or Less (2006)
Good low budget movie.
I'm no pro movie critic or expert. Just an average guy who watches a movie or two per week without paying subscription fees or high theater ticket prices. I watched this on Tubi. I enjoy all genres and I'm not really sure which category this one falls in. When I watch a action movie I expect action, comedy I expect laughter, etc. This has enough comedy to create a few smiles. But mostly overall at the end it makes you feel good and it doesn't feel like a waste of time. Of course looking at Paz Vega makes it easier to go through the movie if it completely sucked but it doesn't. It's a solid low budget film. No crazy plots or twists. Go into it with an easy relaxed mind and you'll enjoy it.
Kingdom (2014)
Not just about MMA.
Compared to big series hits like S.o.A. or Breaking Bad this far exceeds them. I'm a huge MMA fan but this show goes beyond that and proves you don't need to be a MMA fan or follow the sport to love the show. The characters are played so well you will grow to love them or hate them. It's hard to shut off the tv once you start an episode. And it's too bad that the show only runs 40 episodes and is over now. Now what do I watch that will attempt to come close to as good as this was?
Juveniles (2018)
Family first.
During this odd covid time where new movies are barely being produced or released it really is difficult to find a movie worth watching. I sometimes spend 20 minutes scrolling through Netflix, Hulu and Amazon then decide on a movie that is horrible and a complete waste of time. That said I'm glad I picked this movie. It's a good story of standing by your family. Regardless if you were born rich or poor if you value family you will like this movie. You don't have to live it to understand their lifestyle but you can feel the pain and suffering the son goes through in this. Very good acting and story flow. The movie length is also perfect.