
12 Reviews
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Decent. Not groundbreaking, but entertaining.
26 June 2024
While it's not groundbreaking or as interesting as the first movie, this is still a decent thriller imo. The formula of storytelling is nothing new, but you get what you need in a thriller. Intense scenes, character motivation and brief background stories (whether you like it or not), stupid decisions, final "you're safe now" moment. The only thing I was disappointed most is just Joseph Quinn character. While his acting is nice, I don't get his character. Like there's not enough explanation for his motivation and panic attacks. As long as you're not think about it too much and just for pure entertainment, this is a fun watch to fill the time.
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Invasion (2021–2025)
More like a family drama instead of a alien invasion.
29 September 2023
Using 'Invasion' as the title is actually very misleading. Halfway in two seasons already, barely anything happens. Only bunch of people with their personal drama, not to mention bad character development. Most of the characters are annoying, selfish and has no personality. They seem can't get their priorities right. I've watched 13 episodes and what? It's all about the characters useless drama, dragging and dragging. I can't even feel the thrill or the urgency of an alien invasion, they put it like nothing. The set up for each characters are far too long. Remove the aliens from this series, it won't make any difference. Boring as hell.
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The Idol (2023)
Lily Rose-Depp can act, she just need a better writer
3 July 2023
Nepo babies never bothered me. If they have a talent, doesn't matter if their parents help them landed a role. Here's the thing, while I can't say Lily Rose-Depp is a great actress (yet), she actually has so much potential. I can feel her emotion, actually feeling sorry and connected to her character. This would be a great opportunity and stepping stone for her in the movie industry IF ONLY the writing is better. I can't help but to cringe over the majority of the dialogues, so many unnecessary trying-so-hard to be sexy or iconic scenes. You can make an uncomfortable storyline without making it unbearable to watch. Also, remove Tedros from the series and I bet it'll turn out better.
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Fast X (2023)
Lower your expectations, just go for the fun
18 May 2023
After F9, I did not put any high expectations towards this movie. I mean come on, a gang of street racers, was the top choice by government to stop terrorist attacks? Don't they have special forces? So yeah, lower your expectations because I'm glad I did. And it turns out to be more fun that expected. Hear me out, the movie still lacks of logical explanation for its action scenes. Physicists will cry watching this movie. Put your logic aside and watch it for fun, it's great. Jason Momoa's character was surprisingly good! The villain's plan was so much more malicious than previous ones. The soundtracks, like usual, does not disappoint. Cinematography is nice as well! What disappointing for me is Brie Larson's character. A waste potential. I don't know maybe her role will be bigger in the next part.
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Sell your sad story to stay relevant
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is filled with hypocrisy, such as Harry used to say stop using Diana's death for media yet proceed to talk and use her as a another sad story for him in front of camera. Then wishing their child to not experience what he felt, yet making this dumb documentary to feed the media he despise as a child.

Meghan is worse. Imagine feel entitled enough to want to Americanize the Royal Family. She decide to marry a prince, yet refuse and bothered by the fact she has to follow protocols especially because she's American. Most of her story is about self-pity, talking about racism that not even as half bad as what actual black people facing daily.
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Classic Tale of Dark Fantasy
31 October 2022
This is not your average horror movie or series. This series feels like you're reading a classic horror tale or even a dark poem but with visualization. Disturbing yet beautiful, imaginative yet dark. The stories are not exactly mainstream either. Even though I wouldn't say it's perfect. Two stories feels like it missed the mark. But still, it's a fresh addition to most modern horror stories we have encountered this past few years.

Me, personally really enjoyed this. Especially after being tired of basic jump-scares and moving objects type of horror. Being surprised is not horror. But being curious and somewhat met the disturbing feelings, fits what horror genre should be.
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NOT a horror movie, not a bad thing tho.
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, don't watch this movie if you're looking for a thrill, jump scares or basic horror atmosphere. This movie focuses more on a paranormal phenomenon but with more emotional depth.

This is a story about an unusual friendship between a small town young boy and a billionaire old man. The relationship itself is heartwarming, we can understand why it works and audience can feel the connection, thus care about the bond of these two characters.

Although I do feel it lacks of depth towards the aftermath of Harrigan's death. So many untold stories where this movie could be better. If only they add more thrill, exploring more of Harrigan's past and character.

On the other hand, I was a bit relieved too with the ending. Their bond still intact and positive, not making Harrigan as the bad guy.

I like it, just hoping more in the story.
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Not Everything Has to be a JOKE, Taika...
24 September 2022
Let me just say, Christian Bale is amazing in this movie. But sadly, his terrific performance is totally wasted. Gorr's heartbreak, disturbing aura and sadistic nature felt out of place since the movie is heavily centered towards comedy genre.

Another great thing is Natalie Portman stay true to her character, even though there's so much plot-holes regarding her role here.

You will forget that you're watching a Marvel Superhero Movie. You will thought you're watching a parody movie.

Jokes here and there, some not even funny and misplaced. Like you can't sympathize with the heroes anymore. There's no depth in the storytelling. And not to mention, bad CGI.
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Morbius (2022)
Watch it for the sake of MCU
3 April 2022
Morbius is an interesting choice of a character to add to the MCU or Sony Spider-Man Universe, especially to have a stand-alone movie. Unlike Venom, which has more recognition in general audience.

This is not a bad movie. Mediocre at its best. Fun action sequences, good atmosphere for its genre and characters, but again, it's very... basic.

The conflict is very predictable and overused. Somehow the runtime is too long for what the storyline trying to tell, with that being said, weirdly some moments still felt rushed.

No actual character development, no memorable hero moments. The cinematography is done well, Jared Leto's acting is great, I just hope it was written better, both the dialogue and storyline.

But then again, with Morbius has a possible appearance in future Marvel Movie, especially in MCU, I'm still intrigued and excited.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
Let me be quick...
6 February 2022
First of all, the effects are good, even though the idea or the plot itself is not original, still an interesting premise to watch. HOWEVER, the characters are unlikeable, so many inconsistent things happened, the more you watch the plot is getting messier, so many dumb actions performed by the characters, like what? Wasting 15 seconds to shot a terrified face for each student while they can actually just throw the zombie out fast is dumb, really dumb. The love triangle doesn't even help with the characters chemistry. So yeah, disappointing.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Fun, gory but could be better!
20 April 2021
I don't really play Mortal Kombat or even follow the concept behind it. But even so, I enjoyed this movie. The fighting choreography is top notch! The costume, the cgi is also worth the hype. I love that they decided to make it rated R. But there's also some things that bothered me, like some bad cinematography, cheesy dialogues, and the somehow boring protagonist. The act 3 of the movie really felt rushed like the writers only had 5 minutes left to finish the script. I hope the sequel will have a better act 3.
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Well, Uh...
12 February 2020
First of all, lemme say that this movie is actually has a good premise. An island of fantasy with a twist in it. This movie has so much potential, BUT... the acting somehow inconsistent, the plot-which actually good-was not delivered well, too many plot holes, and the ending was being rushed. This is more like a teen thriller movie, just for some basic entertainment movie to spent some spare time. Don't think about it too hard.
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