A New Wave (2006)
Watch it for John
I gave this movie a 5 out of 10 because John Krasinski is just funny in my book. No matter what he does.
I bought this screener off of Ebay a couple of months ago and watched it without any expectations whatsoever. There are two really good things about this movie:1. John being, well, John 2)Lacey's wardrobe. That being said, the movie had what could have been a decent script, but the editing and pace were both bad, the "British" gentleman had a horrible accent and Andrew Keegan never really got his footing. The ending will probably make you chuckle or say, "WTF?" It was obviously thrown together to try and tie up loose ends. Either way, most of you will see this to see JKras in all of his comedy glory, and he delivers some solid one liners that will make you giggle. But when he is not on the screen you will miss him. So, see it if you love John. But don't expect too much. After all, there are always reasons for movies to sit on the shelf for a couple of years before being released.Usually this occurs after a star has reached a certain status. Much like 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" was released after Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey made it big...