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A classic classic.
6 January 2024
It's tough to praise a film like this and try to find a single negative aspect. Films like A Christmas story aren't successful because of how well it was writing or shot, but because it carries an atmosphere that has to be made while filming and is anything but intensional. It's almost supernatural and doesn't even transpire until decades after the film is released. This factor doesn't give the film good box office but will do something much better, it carves itself into the psyche of hundreds of generations to come making itself one of the most watched movies of the year, during one single month of the year, every freaking year! Yes there are many Christmas movies to watch but not many that attempt to not just be a Christmas memory but create the Christmas memory. Sure the family can sit for any Christmas movie and have a good time, but to give the family a film to ingest and formulate themselves into the film no matter what location and generation is truly magical. This film stands out on its own during the Christmas season as thee family Christmas film to watch not just because it takes place on Christmas, but because it recreates the Christmas we all felt when we were young or showed itself as the one we wish we had. Weather we listened to little orphan Annie or watched wb kids we all want that feeling that Christmas is still the pure joyess season even if you do want a badass airsoft gun and swear at the old man while changing tires in traffic.
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Tekken (2010)
Ready! Fight!
21 January 2023
This is one of the greatest movies based on a game. In a genre that struggles for success and trying to find a balance of respecting source material and creating an interpretation that has originality, authenticity, and character, this film does all and more. The casting of this movie is perfect with Jon Foo as a fantastic lead he fills the shoes of Jin with ease and Cary Tagawa is always a brilliant villain inhabiting his character with energy and passion. There is also a well written plot that is in focus and holds strong with wonderful cinematography and dialogue. The choreography is definitely where this movie shines with stunts and hand to hand combat that captivates throughout the entire film. Dwight Little does an exceptional job at directing this movie and the VFX team did great at depicting the dystopian future with vibrant colors and giving life to the streets of this world of corruption and poverty. If you love Tekken and cinema this is a film worth watching!
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
A Beautiful Film.
2 January 2023
I have been a Hasbro superfan since I was young and have loved everything transformers so I had high expectations for this prequel and I have to say Bumblebee is the best live action Transformers movie ever made. Hailee Steinfeld is an amazing actor and plays her role of Charlie Watson with absolute heart and soul and John Cena is an incredibly strong supporting actor and antagonist. Although the first two Transformers movies are timeless and Shia's performance was impressive, this prequel has a spectacularly well written story that is emotionally driven and intelligent. Character arc and development is consistent and in focus throughout the film. The visual effects hold the same high standard as any Bay film, and having Spielberg as a producer is very apparent giving the film a sense of age and nostalgia making this film a sure classic. With cinematography and screenplay that is unmatched in the others this movie is a must see for any Transformers fan and is sure to give a new interest in the newcomers.
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Josstice League! Advance!
1 December 2022
First I'd like to address both Joss Whedon and Zack Snyder are great directors and creators and what happened to Zack during development is absolutely heart breaking. But when it comes to this film alone we have two very different visions and even though both are good, they also have flaws. To start, one of those flaws was the VFX of Superman's upper lip. The visual effects were poorly done and the majority of Henry's screen time was short and dull, and though it was nice to have his presence it hindered areas of the film. Other than this, Joss's writing is among the best and this movie is a great exsample, the plot is strong and remains in focus throughout the film, the cinematography and screenplay is fantastic, the visuals are beautiful, and the choreography and dialogue is very well executed. What Joss's cut also does very well is acknowledge the tone and atmosphere of the DCEU. It's a fun, exciting, colorful and ambitious movie that fits very well next to the other movies such as Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, Wonderwomen, Aquaman, and even others like even Jonah Hex and Green Lantern. Where as Zacks cut is much more like watchmen with a dark depressing tone. Many will say Zacks is better and use angry words to defend their opinions but the plain simple fact is this is a good, fun film and most people who get angry and defensive over movies are likely Snydercult or film trolls so do yourself a favor watch it with and open mind and decide for yourself.
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A Christmas Story 2 (2012 Video)
28 November 2022
I'm here to write a wrong (author laughs at bad joke). This is not at all a bad movie and is clearly being review bombed for petty reasons such as casting or dissimilarities to the first film, all of which are written by film trolls who have a chip on their shoulder from last Christmas. This is a fantastic sequel to the first and absolutely deserves to be recognized as canon. There are so many good qualities to this film, the classic cinematography, retro sets, awesome visuals and raunchy dialogue which are completely reflective of the first. Daniel Stern as the old man is a fantastic choice for casting and carries the same humor you'd find in home alone. The plot is strong and keeps its focus through the movie without effort. Many of the film's dissimilarities to the first are what also make this one special. It's a new age group many who watched the first as kids can enjoy the same story more geared towards an older audience. As for teen movies go this is a good one but as Christmas movies go this is a great. Must watch now that the 3rd is out!
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30 August 2022
I was really anticipating this to be much better than Joss Whedon's Justice League cut considering Watchmen is a fantastic DC film but man was I wrong. I love Zacks work and his style is timeless but this film is too much even for Zack. This is a film that is almost desperate to beat the first product and it's bad taste. Even with the fantastic visuals it still manages to lack in every other area, dramatically dark and dull cinematography, scattered and messy plot, forced character development, corny dialogue, and it is just wayyyy to long, It is really just boring. After finally finishing watching it I came to the conclusion this whole re shoot was a mistake and kinda failed in comparison to Joss Whedon's work which was actually really enjoyable. Even with all of the backlash from Snydercult the fact is both Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon are both great directors and film makers, but for this film Joss Whedon's style is a much better choice with lighter tone and comedic moments more relatable too real life as well as fits the DCEU and films similar such as Suicide Squad, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern etc. It's really a shame such a great director like Zack has such a toxic fanbase making it hard for DC fans to enjoy all the awesome films we are being blessed with because we just end up with this. A four hour snooze fest with weird accents and no Booyah.
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The Boys (2019– )
Too Much Shock, Not Enough Thought.
24 July 2022
Here we have another example of a good comic book that should have been left alone. This show genuinely had a lot of good going for it but it just relies too heavily on shock factor and forced liberal politics without improving things that matter. The story is boring and predictable with no substance and written like a bad detective show, the script is campy and with great actors you'd think the dialogue was executed better, the cinematography is lackluster with unimpressive VFX and little to no good hand to hand combat (given the extreme us of typical super powers). The fact is much of the comic uses aspects from other comics in a satirical way, so the concept is already unoriginal and uninteresting when translated to the screen. If you are looking for a good show that respects its source material this is not the show for you.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
It's Getting Out Of Hand.
20 May 2022
This show is a perfect example of why we should just leave a comic book alone. It isn't the worst, but there's nothing great about it either just a clone of the other hundred Netflix originals. Remarkably lifeless cinematography, predictable plot, and way too many poorly written characters with a forced sense of liberal agenda pushing politics. The show is just boring I'd strongly recommend just reading it because this just feels like time wasted.
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22 October 2021
This is such a funny show. The animation is fantastic and the voice acting is a riot. I went into Aquaman hoping it wouldn't be another lighthearted cartoon network show (not that I don't enjoy them I just wanted something new) and I was so surprised to find it is a very intelligent and deep show that dives (no pun intended) into the world of Atlantis with plenty of action and adult humor that isn't too inappropriate for the whole family! Very well written show can't wait for more!
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Mortal Kombat (2011–2013)
Good Time!
18 September 2021
This show straight blew my expectations out my butt. I went into this show with that sweet theme from the movies thinking "hey, the movies are awesome and the age only makes them better so how bad can this be?" This is a fantastic take on the mortal Kombat universe and bring so much insight into the backstories of all these colorful characters. The blending of original and new ideas is balanced perfect and does a great job of keeping the dark undertones that appeals to a more mature audience. There is so much to love about this show, the dialogue is fantastic, the high octane combat choreography is flawless, the character development is strong, and the plot holds through the show. If you enjoy everything Mortal Kombat I highly recommend this show!!
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Suicide Squad (2016)
A Beautiful Crash Landing.
3 August 2021
First I'm going to speak bluntly on the topic that consumes the media around this film. Warner Bros took the masterpiece that was the original Suicide Squad, butchered and mutilated it then slapped David's name on it. Now this may not be the original cut or anything similar to it but in Warner Bros attempt to recreate the film to fit thier incredibly poor vision, they actually made a decent watchable film. There are so many parts of this film that I genuinely enjoy, lots of high octane action, wonderfully choreographed combat, character development, and that classic dark DC settings, but there are also many parts that just don't fit right. To the films credit it sure as hell is better than any Marvel movie out there (not made by Sony) so let's all prey we get the cut the director and the audience deserve. #releasetheayercut.
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A Surprisingly Fun And Impressive Film!
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fantastic adaptation of the game I really still can't believe how well the movie balances humor with drama. It carries a wonderful cast and holds a strong plot that doesn't lose focus along the many different colorful characters stories. There is some awesome combat and the choreography is very well executed. It is a lot of game to fit in a movie but they managed to represent the many different titles even throwing in a little bit of extreme volleyball;)
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A Wonderful Experience!
28 December 2020
This film is a masterpiece! Incredibly fun and original plot with asthetics that pay tribute to the classics as well as holding true to the comics. There is no short of high octane action, beautiful visuals, and heart tugging romance from start to finish. Pedro Pascal and Kristen Wiig are fantastic additions to the cast inhabiting the extremely colorful characters they play flawlessly while Gal Gadot is a force of nature capturing the powerful heros strength and perseverance with tremendous talent. This film contains a deep sense of mystery and unpredictability that keeps you glued to the screen untill the movie credits finish and flows with inspiration and strong character development. Patty Jenkins colorful history is prevelent adding personal relevance and charisma while Dave Callahans screenplay successfully integrates the different stories without veering from the plot. This is a very special film that speaks to both the die hards and newcomers about not just the history of wonder women and where she comes from but what it was like to watch Lynda Carter serve Justice like a true Amazonian and the little things that made the series so special. It's a funny, lighthearted adventure for the whole family!
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TMNT (2007)
A Fantastic Film!
3 October 2020
I would absolutely recommend seeing this film. It's fun, it's original, has a great cast, and the cgi is smooth and looks great through combat and fastpaste action. This was a fantistic take on tmnt giving a darker, more sinister atmosphere to NY. The plot holds strong and the new antagonists background gives more depth to the tmnt universe. There's no short of highs and lows with great character development and beautiful voice acting by the legend Mako Iwamatsu.
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The Goonies (1985)
The Greatest Adventure on Film.
31 May 2020
First off, I want to say that for the life of me I do not understand how this film does not receive a perfect score across the board, no excuse. Richard Donner began a new era of Cinema that inhabits everything the perfect film should have, adventure, friendship, mystery, what it means to be young and old and hold on to the things you love, because that's what this film is, its a something you hold on to, it's a film you watch as a kid, and then watch with the kids. This is a film that will live forever in time as the blueprints for how to create a movie that has the perfect balance of fun and nostalgia and that drives people to shout HEY YOU GUYYYSSS! At inappropriate times during family gatherings. It's a film anyone anywhere can watch at any time because there is not a single scene in this film that fails to bring fun and joy to the screen.
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The Phantom (1996)
A Classic Adventure!
26 May 2020
This is a wonderfully fun film full of adventure and incredibly entertaining characters! Billy Zane was a perfect choice for the phantom inhabiting the humorous hero never short of sarcasm and whitty comments. Treat Williams and James Remar are fantastic additions to the cast and Cary Tagawa is a terribly fun villan who captures the essense of a classic cinima pirate! The Noir esque setting and fantastic dialog makes this film the exciting timeless superhero film it is today.
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