
1 Review
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
To some bad reviewers!
25 October 2019
Ok let's get this straight. The movie is pretty good to me. Some "American traditional" social problems are depicted strongly and its script is great also. I am not a drama person but I feel that it is a bit weird when most of bad reviews are made just because the content points out some cops are bad?! Really guys, isn't that not true? Guys, bad people are everywhere, they can be teachers, doctors and of course they can be cops. It's absolutely logical and makes sense. No matter if you are a real patriot or not, you can't deny this fact. It would be silly to rate the whole performance 1 star just because you don't accept this truth. Please don't be rude and make your reviews fairly so this website can bring its true value to everyone. To those who don't see the movie yet, there is nothing wrong with it, just spend some bucks buying tickets yourself, your sweetheart and families and enjoy the movie. I promise everything's gonna fine! Don't put your trust on haters!
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