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Kriti (2016)
Plagiarism at its finest.
I was very excited about the movie until I found out that this movie was a complete rip off of a Nepalese short movie named BOB. The plot is the same, and heck the cinematography is same as well. The starting scene of showing the awards is same as the BOB. The dialogue about social media is same as the BOB. The starting scene with the doctor is the same. The killing of the main character girlfriend thinking it is fragment of his imagination is the same. Wow!The director and the whole movie staff should be ashamed for copying a movie and smooching the fame. Shame!What baffles me the most is the fact that the director Shrish Kunder has the audacity to deny these plagiarism charges. The movie BOB was uploaded in Vimeo almost a year before the movie Kriti. Like what the hell man? Being a professional director why would you go out of your way to stoop so low?