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IMDb member since July 2016
Bakugan Battle Brawlers (2007)
Excellent Show!
21 July 2016 - 14 out of 15 users found this review helpful.
I enjoyed the show. It's logical and it's great.
The characters are interesting and childish which makes it funnier, and best of all, what I probably enjoyed more than the story is the brawls. The rules of the game are awesome, you can look them up online. They make the game about strategy which means you have to predict your opponent's next few moves.
The plot is cool, it adds to the show and is creative.
As for People on here saying it's inconsistent are making ridiculous claims, and their reviews should not be taken seriously as most of them themselves have hardly watched 2 episodes.
If you carry on in the show, these "inconsistencies" will start to become clearer on what the characters meant at the time of saying it.
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