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No Tell Motel (2013)
A refreshing horror flick
This is a pretty decent horror movie with a couple of different twists to it. It did however have some of the cliché horror movie scenarios, and was a bit predictable in the beginning. Then of course there were several typical horror movie no-no's that were done. But, seemed to be a pretty good story, and it kept me engaged because I wanted to see if I was able to predict what was going to happen, or were they going to surprise me. But, there were many times in the film to where the actors reacted to a life situation way to calmly, and I was thinking to myself, "there is no way that if that really happened in life, would they react like that.
I do recommend this film, and it will be interesting to see what you think about it.
Goodfellas (1990)
Got to see it.
There is really nothing bad at all that I can say about this film. The acting is great, the special FX are great, and the story is great. This film was based on Henry Hill, a mobster that lived the life since he was a teenager. He did great, all up until he took a wrong turn and did something that the mob highly frowned upon. The film has wonderful camera shots, great back story, and a film that I study as a student. This is a must watch film, and something that I think you can watch over and over again. You feel for each character in the movie, and can't help but wonder what it was like to live in the glory days of mob life.
Dracula 3000 (2004)
Don't waste your time!
What can I truly say about this film that is positive? Well, not much really. I mean, other than they had a few "big" names in the film. I really don't know why this movie was made, other than some people were bored one day and said, "hey, lets make a movie, but a vampire version of the Friday the 13th franchise, in space." When you can see the sticker with a bar code on it, on one of the props, someone clearly wasn't paying attention. Coolio had an AWFUL performance, it seemed like he was on crack during his scenes. The Captain and Hum V were the only ones who even remotely did well. This movie was cheesy, boring, and not very well put together. Story made no sense at all, and yes, it was another waste of my time. The only think col about this film was the poster, period.
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
The psychotic comforts of home.
I did like the film, even thought it was a bit slow at times. I did have a question though about why someone would be chained up if they were trying to be helped. Goodman plays his role well, and I am sure there is a bit of truth behind the person that he plays. The two men at first seemed to be in cahoots with each other, but it is soon realized that Goodmans character was an extreme alpha male with a bit of a complex. 95% of the film takes place in one location, and I like those kinds of films. The acting was spot on, the effects seemed good, and it leaves a person asking the this a hostage situation, or were the words of Goodmans character the truth?
Kingdom Come (2014)
Pretty well done.
When the movie first opens up, you have the feeling that this is going to be an updated modern version of Saw. But, you soon get the idea that it may also just be another cheesy horror flick when people are stuck in a maze full of trickery. I did like the few twists that it had in it. Although, there were several racial clichés, and horror movie clichés in it.
But, once you get about 3/4 the way through the film, the pieces start to come together. However, there is one actor in particular that you don't really know what happened to them, and what their fate might have been within the "other" world. I liked the story line once it was revealed, but I didn't agree with how the film ended. It really didn't make to much sense at all, and could have easily of gone a different direction.
I do recommend this movie, and also suggest that you pay close attention to the story line. The one thing that I absolutely hated was the makeup FX in the film. It was weak and childish, and could have been much better.
Dark Ride (2006)
Blah, blah, blah
I had high hopes for this film, but there were so so many things wrong with it. I mean, it started off with a good concept, but quickly turned to crap. Let's not get into the technical side of filming, I will just stick with the movie plot. You have your drugs, and of course you have your sexual encounters, how many hundreds of movies do the same crap. Yeah, lets see here, a hot girl hitch hiking late at night in the middle of nowhere, yeah right. The movie could have actually been finished in the first 30 minutes. How many times have you seen a horror movie when everyone just goes their separate ways? C'mon man, did you guys just open up a book of horror movie clichés and put them all in this one? They said this movie was to graphic for theaters, um, I call bull crap on that one. I did not really like the film, and I hated the way it ended.
Closer to God (2014)
Cold this really happen?
Well, first off, let me just say that when making a movie, could you please spend a little bit more on the special FX? This movie had potential, but it dragged on way way to long. I got bored with it because they spent way to much time on certain scenes. I did however like the story, something that actually could happen, and probably is happening somewhere in the world. I didn't really like the character of the doctor, he was a bit to robotic, and uncaring about his other "experiments." He didn't seem to care about anything or anyone but the baby. So, I couldn't really relate to him very much. The other secondary characters were a bit of a bore, especially the house maid. She was just down right lacking any sort of compassion towards her husband or the child that she was taking care of. The "Christians" in the protest crowd soon turned into the evil that they were protesting against, showing that hypocrisy is alive and well.
Chasing the Devil (2014)
Blair Witch meets Paranormal Activity.
At first I didn't think I would really like it, but once I gave it a few minutes it grew on me. There were times when the acting was off, but not everything can be an Oscar winner right? The film actually had a really good story line, and it took you on a pretty good ride. But, I thought the DR. was a dick and not the way a theologian would act. But, looking back on that scene, it appears that he very well could have been possessed. I do have a problem with demon possession being like a virus, because it is in fact not. It is exactly that, a possession of a demon. I also don't agree that a demon can just jump from one body to the next at will. If a person is a person of faith, well, then by belief, that person has Jesus living within them, therefor a demon could in no way possess them. That person actually has a inner amulet. The film could have done a better job with explaining more about what the entity wanted. Yeah, end of days is fine and all, but so cliché and vague.
The Corridor (2010)
Definitely "Interesting"
Well, definitely liked the way that this movie started out. It had a bit of mystery with a kid psyching out, and with the illusion of a possible crime being committed. But, the film had a lot of slow moments to it, especially right after the first five minutes. It dragged a bit to long at times, and it bored me quickly. Once all of the friends got together out in the country, I felt like the characters were disjointed and acted more like they just met, rather than supposedly being best friends since high school. Fast forward to about the last 30 minutes of the film. This is where it just seemed a bit odd to me, and I didn't particularly like that portion of it. I felt that I knew where they were trying to go with it, but to me, it didn't quite get there. I could definitely identify with the "crazy" character, but again, what was reality and what wasn't? I don't know if parts of the film was supposed to be some sort of reconciliation, or was it mere punishment. I didn't hate the movie, but I didn't quite like it either.
The Gift (2000)
Great flick with great twists
I absolutely loved this movie. The acting was on point and the story line was imaginative. The movie started out a bit slower than usual, but I was guessing that the filmmaker really wanted to give you a back story to each of the introduced characters. There are characters that you love, and then there is Reeves character that you hate almost from his introduction. But, if you think about this character, there is one in every town and city all across the world. The abusive type that bullies everyone in his path. You cheer when something bad happens to him, but then kinda rethink your decision about 10 minutes later. In the story line, you think one character is a certain way, then they reveal a whole new side of them that you were not expecting.
The film has plenty of action and drama. I did really relate with the character that plays the mechanic. I have had similar things happen to me in my life that he did, and it was painful to watch, but it really resonated with me. This movie is a definite watch.
Boo (2005)
More like Boo Hoo!
I can't believe I am being forced to write 10 sentences about this awful piece of crap movie! I seriously would like to know what in the heck the "casting director" was thinking when they cast these "actors" for this film. Now, I am not one to slam another artist, but there is bad acting, then there is just absolutely horrible acting. This production company must have paid these actors in peanuts, because if they got paid, well, then someone got robbed! Now let's move onto the director of this train wreck of a movie. What alternate universe was this person on to think that this was a good movie? I mean, you take a look at a scene or scenes during dailies, and they thought, "oh yeah, this is some good stuff?"
The story actually had some potential, but it needed to be tweaked a little. They could have really gored it up on a very cheap budget, but instead, they made it look cheap and like they weren't even trying. I could hardly even watch it because I was tortured by all of the ammeter stuff going on. Some of the scenarios in the movie were even more ridiculous than the acting, if you can believe that. I watch at least two movies a day, and I watch them all the way through, but this one was more torture than most.
The Hike (2011)
Predictable, but kinda fun
In the beginning I was turned of by some of the acting, but not all of the actors were terrible. There were some parts where one had to ask why these ladies seemed so unprepared to go on a hike. I mean, they looked more like they were getting ready to go to a pub rather than the wilderness and the great outdoors. I did however live the little twist that they had with the a-hole womanizer. You thought for a second on who he might really be, but of course he wasn't. There was one female who was at the ready at all times, and that was the military girl. The rest of them were way out of their element. When the three "gentlemen" came into the mix, you could smell the sexual tension from a mile away. But, it worked and was actually fun to watch it all play out. Towards the end of the movie, you could tell the difference in the psychology of the direction the male actors were going. It was like you flipped a switch, and their inner demons escaped from inside an inner mental box.
Bad Meat (2011)
Bad meat? Bad ending
Well, to be honest the story of troubled youth going to some camp has been done tons of times. But, this one had a twist, but I shall get to that in a minute. I actually liked all of the youth characters. Each one of them had a unique personality, and of course there had to be some machismo with at least two of the guys. I mean, it's a bit cliché, but it really worked on this film. I really liked that there was a character that was brought up with high spiritual convictions, but thought they were a lesbian. There were three girls in the film. The ultra "Christian" the in the middle understanding one, but with a totally jacked up mind from her childhood experiences. This is the one I call the "silent but deadly" type, one you didn't want to get on your bad side. Then of course there is the mean "bad ass" girl who thinks she can take on the world, hates everyone, and who is the catalyst that sparks negativity throughout the film. My favorite character was the one Franco played. In my opinion, he was the most believable. The camp director was a Hitler wannabe, the other guards were sexual deviants who were just there to fulfill some sick sexual urges, and to be mean to kids.
Once the turning point happened to where the guards "turned" into what ever it was that they were supposed to be, that's when the movie became completely STUPID. Bad Meat had me up until then, and after thank you. Also, the patient in the hospital, they really screwed that up, first off with the horrible acting, and secondly, it really made no sense.
Infernal (2015)
They are trying to be like Paranormal Activity with a twist of Rosemary's Baby.
I honestly didn't like this movie from the very start. The acting seemed forced, and I almost turned if off just 10 minutes in. BUT, I have a rule...once I start a movie, no matter how bad that it is, I have to finish it. First off, the continuity of the film had some issues. For instance, when the girl was in the car combing her hair, her hair with very blond. Then when she got out of the car it was more red and dirty brownish. Some of the scenes were WAY to long and drug out. The actors kept repeating dialogue, but in a slightly different way. The "demon" that they had for the film looked more like a party gag than anything remotely scary. The demonic talking when the father went into the closet, was absolutely amateurish and ridiculous. The "possession" of the father was way off base, but at least they got most of the elements of possession in there. BUT, then they let him become more and more compassionate with the mother. I did however like the little girl and the hammer scene, that was probably my favorite part of the movie. I had to keep pausing the movie to see how much more time that I had to deal with this crappy movie.
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
A great story with a nice twist.
I have watched all of Tim Burton's films, and this one did not disappoint. Burton lives in an obscure world of his own and you can see that in his work. Not only in the typed of movies that he does, but also in the style of the sets. Sleepy Hallow is an age old tale, but Burton puts his own flavor in the way the film is made. Even though Christopher Doesn't really have any lines in the film, other that a hush and a few screams, he put on a nice and eerie performance. Crane was in town investigating these mysterious murders, but there was a more underlying sinister backstory. This is where the twist comes in. In this movie, you as the viewer are trying to pin point what is really going on, but, things aren't always what they seen. I suggest that you pay close attention to the plot and to each character. In my reviews I try to never give out to much information about the movie, because I hate spoilers. Sleepy Hallow is a movie that you can watch over and over again, and with each viewing you will learn something new.
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
A well done thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
This movie will keep you guessing throughout the entire film. It dives into the mind of a man who's thought pattern is far from normal. Although in his mind, he thinks his actions are within the scope of normality. The movie also dives into the realm of sexism. Even in the beginning of the film, the female FBI agent is being faced with male chauvinistic behavior within her entire office. She is basically set up to fail, but with her vigor and desire to find out the truth, she foils every effort by her superiors that try and use her at a patsy. Even though Hannibal appears to be helping the female FBI agent, he is also playing a game of his own. Hannibal is locked up 24 hours a day, so the agent is really the only toy that he gets to play with.