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Twin Peaks (2017)
I feel sorrt for David lynch
24 May 2022
I personally thought the two seasons were not completed and had some grudges against the creators but after seeing "Fire walk with me" I was shaken down and kneeled by the broken pieces which disclosed the puzzle.. and really respected the makers that how can they left it undone a pair seasons and reveal it in a single movie. The level of confidence!!*

So I had the same trust.. that in the ending it will get on the track of surprises and will wash us with it.

Total disappointment and I feel sorry for David lynch. Lynch was once a young man who was a independent artist that made meanings from meaningless puzzles. Now he is just old and wants attention for his dying brain.
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Methagu (2021)
History will be continued, will you?
3 July 2021
The clarity the film has is apparently reflects on both the language and the cinematography. The music is soul-stiring. Simply clever.

This plot only reasons why Tamil tigers startedtheir dispute. There are more essential untold truths that the tamil nation should be known about. Especially the youngsters. I strongly hope the Methagu crew is have more responsibility to do their continuation on the next part of the cinema.

I was impressed just to see the disclaimer. Saying " te crew is responsible for the characters and the scenes" stating that they are ready to face any contravention. Im eager to share the next cinema to my nation.
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The Family Man (2019– )
Extreme Artists and crew, "Bogues" story
8 June 2021
Because of the extremely talented acting and directing crew and the veracious way they portraited how the crisis are being faced by An Indian Secret service officer (unlike bond) in the opening, with brilliant screenplay, I actually thought, I believed the Writters going to unwrap a very unusual blast in the end.. but I was hugely disappointed enogh to rate it 4.

Family man is just another third class masked drama of cheap politics.

A copy of hollywood routine Where western contries would be fasing threats from their neighbor lands, and how their patriotic secret services save not only their country but the whole earth by their sacrifices and intelligence.

Family man is just a shameful plot where they tried to copy a southern political war incident which conflicts the srilankan and tamilnadu government's history into the script.

Its a failed outcome. In fact it seems like the crew tried to harvest a bad seed that will grow loathy impression on the group of people who faught for their rights and lives, so called rebels of Eelam.

People of north, telling the tampering the history by harvesting hate.

Its suspected and objectified by Tamil people and politicians because its a try to justify and to backup some forthcoming political events ( in tamilnadu) by knotting terrorist (ISIS) activities with surviving refugees and soldiers of srilanka.

Undercover Brinwashing campaign of ruling government. Just like how US always saves the world from terrorism. Where only US can decide who are terrorists.
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Messiah (2020)
Cleverly made magic. plot: unbelieveness into repentance
7 June 2021
I would Applaus few sound minutes for the writers, the plot plays with our minds, the way the main character gets into someone's life and making them remembering their past is a Brilliant thing on screen, psychologically the viewers can be static not thinking about their beliefs and past, hearing these outstanding dialogues which was driven from multiple scriptures of the world. Its very hard to easily ignore those words from reaching in to our heads.

Messiah, is he real,? You can decide.
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Clouds of May (1999)
True cinematic view of how a film being made
18 May 2021
The problems the crew face during the shooting is what i have imagined how the process of filming would look like.

This is the first movie that exactly shown this reality and struggles and disappointments of a filmaker in a very true scale

Though there were some scenes where the actors childishly failed to act, and saw the camera istead, it was also convinced me as it was part of the documenting the behaviours of the non artists.
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Resurrection of a joyful sobbing
13 April 2021
Film is the rigorous inspirational outcome that never can be made as a more better version.

Those scenes makes us cry out of felicitousness, was just not the music and the tactics of the crew like any other films, the story frequently sheds its light on Second chances, Resurrections, forgiveness, and more Scriptural ethics and those debatable phylosophical righteousness, I bet none can skip a few drops. Applauded silently for most sequences of the background music, and couldn't resist taking screenshots even at running time, the girl lived it well. Worth suggesting.
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The Promise (II) (2016)
Very close war surveillance journey this movie is.
9 April 2021
Chose this movie for the cast, both the lead roles have not missed a chance to surprise the audience in every script they select. Written well and cropped, no scene sequences were giving clues to go on a traditional way of ending, watching this movie made me feel like i have read it as a book or a war journal, thats how it opens up its essenced paragraphs. And thats makes me again cherish the cast.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
All i saw was glimpses and flashes and laughs of woodly harrelson from Natural Born Killers
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Surprised, not a usual one, expected to see a tragedy for that careless character what our directors usually do but turned out to be he was a guy who never gets a hangover and mocks it.
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Interstellar (2014)
Science Asthetic
11 March 2021
The thing got me rigid to the seat was the curiosity of a the crew and the creators who wants a better future from our crooked reality. it is not a puzzlement to fight, it is just a fervor ideology of a person who appealed to the science from the crew's perspective. So fighting over its philosophical aspects is diverse.

Very glad thqt story turned in travelling with humanity aspects which we often forget to be grateful. Reminds me of the movie Solaris 1972.
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Greta's writings never failed to amaze me
2 March 2021
This film is been shown to us without much or amy background music in it, that the level of guts and honour the director and producer gave to the script.

I felt like watching something touchy, reminded of greta, i chose this film, satisfied that spent an hour with her way of story telling.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Most awaited KINGS story for all cinephiles.
14 February 2021
Kingdom will be the best of its genre once you start waching it. Im an indian, and in my mother language is Tamil, we have n number of kings novels from our language ancient authors but not many of them were filmed as movies. So we were enjoying Game of thrones and Bhagubali only. But now the history expands it self with KINGDOM.

Despite of its similar path on the story base as other king stories In my adulthood, this is the solid king story that made a huge impact on me, a perfect writing that has flawless storytelling and the best versions of the actor's characters. Every episode encouraged my way of watching with the uniqueness that period films only gives.

This piece of art will be cherished in the future worldwide, i WISH.
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Kingdom: Episode #2.3 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
Im a indian, i prefer this than GOT
14 February 2021
The crying of the prince made me moved, and the music got every minute at its high observance.

Im a indian, and in my mother language is Tamil, we have n number of kings novels from our language ancient authors but not many of them were filmed as movies. So we were enjoying Game of thrones and Bhagubali only. But now the history expands it self with KINGDOM.

After my childhood, this is the solid king story that made a huge impact on me, a perfect writing that has flawless storytelling and the best versions of the actor's characters.

This piece of art will be cherished in the future worldwide, i WISH.
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Marupadiyam (1993)
Pleasant pain!
13 February 2021
Balu mahendra, a man who loves silence and sceneries made another picture that sings.

The movie contain not so much bgms to be chord with, it has its own rhythm, that even exposes the breathings of the characters to be recorded in a perfect manner. A crystal writing the music is, Ilayaraja fans loved it, and it goes with our generation also.

Story wise the portrayal of the woman, makes sensational but a decent choice in her life, that gives a positive impression to us surprisingly. But the impulsive characters had their own cruel endings which as we desired to be.

There are many Hollywood directors who took a commercial story line and made it groomed with psychological aspects of various class people's views who belongs to different cultures. Like Woody allen, won several oscars just for distinguished few stories between a husband and wife and their family.

Similar to him, we can find Balu mahendra's movies in the same row. The writing touches with peculiar dialogues, even now in tamil cinema's havent made a better impact than Balu's.

Tamil audience can see that the way he potraits him self and his own life story in few of his films, just like how woody did. And for a Artist it is inevitable to make films without their personal touch. So through these films we can grab what would have happened to the director in the past.

Balu has a very vast understanding on the world and its colors, yet he wasn't cherished enough and this movie is a chance to give another go with future generations.
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Vagabond (1985)
Cant put it in Drama, Romance.
10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Even though agnes showed us the climax by disclousing her fate in the opening scene the movie got me in the edge of the seat for all the running minuets. Its no thriller but the spazing behaviors of the girl is completely attracts the viewer's attention.

In a movie you expect few scenes to be very artistic and containing ulterior meanings here and there and it needs some nocturnal incidents to supprot the story in a unique way. but this whole movie, it flows out the artistic views and morals and psychology of people in each and every sequences of a shot. Trust me this needs a 100s of screening before the final cut of the film so thats the peculiarity of skills varda had in her writings.

I cant imagine how agnes had these huge meanings and observation to life to film this kind of stories. Sheill live longer and priced even more in 21st century.
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Couldn't be better.
6 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Of course she did great, at the first few scenes i didn't think she would do any better to cope up Monroe's imitation but she proved the fragility of her acting got me moved, it convinced me enough to have pity over that character. Eddie redmayne on the other side, he has no astonishing look and that is what he has over on his best performance especially when in the last scenes with the char lucy, the one shot after she left, he gave a gaze. there his acting just stole every other point of the movie and spot lighted himself. Bravo to the Dir.
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Midsommar (2019)
Turned out to be a usual one
9 January 2021
Movie has its decorative features but it was all part of the disclosures of uniqueness, a showup.

Many part of cult books and novels maybe referenced in between, but ari aster could have not done a mix of million details into one, could have cut so much details and took care of the story. After all we haven't expected only a bunch of cruel scenes filled with half exposure we needed a name. The movie was only a incident without a name
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Lynch created the trend
21 December 2020
Now I clearly know how the movie Enemy(jake Gyllenhaal's) made its way to the top of the mystery list,

Lynch already done it with this film, beyond brilliant and he didnt care about the ease understanding of audience. He just dreamed the movie and recorded the dream and showed us.
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Eggers is a research scholar
17 December 2020
I have seen his other films, some how i left Witch unseen for some reason, lately i have come to know that the director is a brilliant student of cinema.

We can see discipline in his work, and mostly the stories he choses are the explanations or historical notes of the tales and fantasies.

For example if we take "Witch". We have seen in other movies and in stories how witches looks and the story goes to a direction on the plans and destination of those witches, but here and in other films of Egger, He defines the reason how and why one could be a witch. Its a steady and strong strategy for using historics in films,

Hes nailing it, just imagine hes giving background stories for the tales that hes been heard before, when he makes new in the future, how vigorously dark it would be..!
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Reminds me of Twin Peaks
25 November 2020
Its really reminds me of Lynch first, and the music and the pace are the upgraded enhancements which lynch should have done in Twin Peaks(my wish) that differs it from that scope.

Nicolas will never disappoint his fans thats for sure and this is a bond to that.

The must applaused thing is how perfectly and crookedly he didnt commit some mistakes that usually when filmmakers do a series they spend most time on creating the background story and to build the char they show past more, here and there. But Nicolas just changed that old patch and took us to a ride inside a surprise land.

Its woth it, every sequences it worth the time
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Too Old to Die Young: Volume 1: The Devil (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Better version of Twinpeaks
25 November 2020
Its really reminds me of Lynch first, and the music and the pace are the upgraded enhancements which lynch should have done in Twin Peaks(my wish).

Nicolas will never disappoint his fans thats for sure and this is a bond to that.

The must applaused thing is how perfectly and crookedly he didnt commit some mistakes that usually when filmmakers do a series they spend most time on creating the background story and to build the char they show past more, here and there. But Nicolas just changed that old patch and took us to a ride inside a surprise land.

Its woth it, every sequences it worth the time.
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19 November 2020
First watched with a audience perspective, had unwinded feeling blast out of my breath. I noticed some enhancements as a critique. Watched it again the movie enhanced them alredy.

Its not possible to project how a char thinks, We can't show how our mind travels from heart to brain in the screen. Thats why we add initial sequences of targets like places, ways, closeups, people, parts of them - array of things thats we going to show in the next frame. This array is overloaded well in this film
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They have kissed!
26 October 2020
Its one of those films that gives you a lift in someone's dream that you saw yourself where that someone would take you to fascinating places that haven't been before but hard to concentrate elsewhere than that someone's eyes.

The film doesn't have music throughout because it discretionaly gives you option to put your own choice. A gift from time
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Varma (2020)
Decent output.
9 October 2020
I haven't watched arjun reddy.. literally waited was bala's version and seen it today.

It entertains more than a new coming Adults only movies these days.

The film has been finished by bala in just 45 days.. if he had more time the film would have been a better version than the previous one, if they let him change the script as his wish..

I liked it.. did not get bored, perfect timing sense have been kept. 7/10
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Submergence (2017)
Freshly took my heart
5 October 2020
The film torches the spot light at where every filmmaker would have felt it would be a collision to consult the Desires of the human with morality. just to emphasize the importance of experiencing the luxuries.

where we would criticize our human characteristics of cherishing art and science while we neglect to think about hunger or mortality in a nation.

Gives audience a second chance to think about one of their humanity value over others.

This is the second movie of this director after Wings of Desire. A Profound change in filming he developed.. because while watching Wings of desire.. i was so inspired and hanged down of sleeping erstwhile.
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Comet (2014)
I Slipped
28 September 2020
Every scene made me watch it with a smile.. that made me taste salt. " its an addiction, a Bio-chemical reaction ".

This movie is a pillow under a gun point
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