Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
The greatest movie on the planet!
Once again George Lucas has created something that everyone enjoys! 4 out of 5 people would probably agree with me. This movie may be the last in the saga, but all the movies will last in peoples hearts for eternity! It shows how a good person can become evil, but they always have a chance to be redeemed. People probably know that Palpatine can be similar to Satin, and how he can manipulate and trick people, and make false promises. It has the greatest lightsaber battle ever in the whole saga! It also shows that you sometimes cant prevent people from dying when it is time for them to go. This one is my favorite out of all the movies. It has great science fiction that only Lucas could ever think of. Lucas is one fantastic director and a good man. People probably wish that he could make more movies, but that is up to Lucas. This is indeed one of the best movies I have ever seen!
Endurance (2002)
Endurance 3: Hawaii is one of the greatest shows ever!
I have watched almost all of the episodes of Endurance 3 on Discovery Kids. I first watched it on NBC and then we got cable back and I watched it on Discovery Kids. I think it is a really great show! It shows how far teens will go to win contests, and some go beyond what they thought they could do. Some people did not even get onto a team but they did try there best. It was kinda like Moolah Beach. JD Roth has really done a great job with these shows! One of the cool things about the show is that the kids have not meet each other before and with this show a lot of them have become friends. The magic about this show is that new friendships are formed and friends have to face each other, and that is not easy. There also were rivals in the show. This show also shows that someone can be your friend and then become your rival, or vice-versa. It also shows strategy, strength, will, etc. I am truly amazed on how people can tough out stuff when they thought they could not. Well if I could give this show a rating everyone could see this is what it would be: 4.5 out of 5.0. It really is a marvelous show. I can't wait until the next season!