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IMDb member since July 2005
Sathi Leelavathi (1995)
One rare tamil movie. Watch it!
3 April 2006 - 2 out of 2 users found this review helpful.
The review by user 'darbar' said it all. This movie: - is radically different (in a good way) from all other tamil movies - contains excellent acting by everyone. I thought Kovai Sarala especially carried the movie forward very well - doesn't involve the usual over-the-board acting or script as is common in other tamil movies - has an *excellent* script by Crazy Mohan - does not include an outlandish plot, scenes or dialogue, as is common in other tamil movies - has an excellent sense of comedy, both spoken and acted - is worth watching multiple times All in all, as you can see, it's the complete opposite of most other tamil movies. Watch it!
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