
4 Reviews
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A must see!!
31 October 2015
I randomly saw this on Netflix and got hooked. The fight scenes, the dialogue, the acting and cinematography are all excellent. I do think it contains excessive nudity, but the story line still dominates. I don't understand how anybody can rate this show one is super good overall. And the good looking cast with well-defined bodies are a big bonus. What I like most about this show is the script...the language used is very poetic. After completion of Breaking Bad, I was suffering from withdrawals...until I saw Spartacus. It has filled the void other shows couldn't. I highly recommend this show despite different Spartacus casts. Both Andy and Liam were great. I thought some of the female characters are replaceable (like Melitta and Sybil (sp?)), but all of the male characters were very convincing. Spartacus is similar to Game of Thrones, but better, imho. Unlike game of thrones, I empathized with the characters in Spartacus. They made laugh, cry, curse and cheer...I highly recommend this show!
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Impractical Jokers (2011– )
23 October 2015
Hahaha just thinking about this show makes me laugh.. The show is about four friends daring each other to act and say inappropriate and or funny things to strangers to earn points and the person with the lowest points gets punished at the end of the episode. Joe and Mirr are my favorites, but Q and Sal are super funny too. I've never laughed so hard watching any other TV show nor movie. These guys make me fall to the ground from laughing! They are so smart and clever with the skits. Aside from being so funny, the show is also very believable. I don't get any feeling to indicate that the strangers are acting like I do with some other shows. IJ is a weekly treat. This show is a weekly treat. It's the best comedy on TV, in my opinion. So glad I discovered this this show...going to tell everyone about it.
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24 (2001–2010)
Intensity to the max!
20 October 2015
There were certain seasons of 24 that were not good, but the whole series was excellent! I was very surprised that people would give this show 1/10 as this is one of the best shows ever made for TV. I randomly rented 24 and finished the first season within 24 hours. I remember not studying for finals because I wanted to finish so badly. Hooked on the first season, I rented season 2...and got even more addicted. Season 2 was even better than one. I was always looking forward to what Jack Bauer will do next. He's a super smart and competent agent. And like Cranston in Breaking Bad, Sutherland was irreplaceable as the main protagonist. I have yet to see season 8, but my favorites were seasons were 1,2, 5, and 7. They were spectacular. Seasons 3, 4 and 6 were just okay, in my opinion. Overall, 24 is a great it, if you can (only when you have no exams or deadlines of any kind). Every episode feels like a good movie. You will not be disappointed.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Brilliant! In a league of its own...
8 October 2015
Breaking Bad is not only the best show ever produced, it is also the only show that gets better and better with each season. The in-depth characterization, the superb acting, the witty lines, the beautiful cinematography and the captivating plot are the reasons this show is still rated #1 of all time by critics. I am happy I got to watch BB live on TV and I'm envious of those who will get to watch the show for the first time. It's so good that I was going through withdrawals after the series ended. I tried watching other shows such as The Wire, True Detective, Boardwalk Empire, The Sopranos, Deadwood, House of Cards, Lost and Prison Break, but none kept my interest the way Breaking Bad did. Even Game of Thrones, my second favorite show, couldn't compare to the consistency, thoroughness and shock factor of BB. Kudos to everyone who made this show possible for us movie addicts!
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