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This Fool (2022)
Near perfect
I saw this on my Disney+ home page (UK - it's on Hulu in the States), knew nothing about it, and decided to have a look. That day I watched half of season one! I'll be sad when I reach the end of season two, that's for sure.
I'm white and British, I know nothing of the lives of Mexicans in LA, but there aren't many comedies that have made me laugh as much and made me care about the characters so much too. Even the most far-fetched storylines feel believable, which is thanks to some strong writing and great performances.
I sincerely hope it'll keep going for more seasons. Please let it be so.
Hang Ups (2018)
Stick with it
The first episode made me chuckle a few times but overall seemed disappointing. However, having now seen the next two episodes I'm happy to report that it gets much better. The cast is amazing yet all the big names play their parts well without seeming to be there just for novelty value.
It's based on the Lisa Kudrow series Web Therapy and I can't comment on how it compares as I've not seen that. It might change your opinion of this if you have, but do give it a try.