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Grace and the Storm (2004)
Great Concept....
This movie has a great concept, differentiating itself from other movies in the genre. Grace is known as a mythical drug, that is all but impossible to ever find. The capabilities of the drug are that of an increased level of consciousness within the human brain as never before. That is a great concept, and it is really interesting when Grace finally makes it's presence felt. The screen writing and direction of the film falls short however. The actors are amateurs, but I felt the main character delivered a worthy performance given the script to work with. The film obviously was made with a very low budget, but the idea is quite intriguing. This film still has potential if remade with a much larger budget, including some of the industry's highest talent of course. Overall 6 out of 10, not bad in any way, and the ending will add to the intrigue of the concept drug known as Grace.
Brooklyn Bound (2004)
Great Effort From the Cast & Crew
This is a great independent film. As a novice on independent filmmaking it is quite inspiring to see the talent of the entire cast & crew with such a low budget to work with. The film has managed to capture the true street environment and was largely filmed in East New York, which takes quite a bit of balls. It allows the viewer to experience scenes in some of Brooklyn's roughest housing projects, and has the gritty everyday drama for survival mentality. The acting is top notch, and the storyline is realistic due to it's simplicity; this is just a great overall film. I would compare this movie to another excellent yet underrated film called New Jersey Drive. My rating 8 out of 10.
Life of Crime 2 (1998)
The gritty and true mean streets in a life of crime.
This is the best documentary I've ever seen period. If you want to know the true meaning of a life of crime in the gritty urban streets where surviving is a constant state of uncertainty and despair THIS IS IT. The film provides an in depth look at 3 troubled adults and the children that become involved in this never ending downward spiral of drugs, sex, and crime. The main drug of choice is the society that grips it's victims into perilous danger in which no one may come out alive. The reality of this film can be hard to digest for the average viewer. The film is completely accurate in ways many Americans simply cannot comprehend. The television news stations fail to even scratch the surface in their diluted portrayal of urban sprawl. Finally, as a sequel to One Year In A Life Of Crime I give this a 10.
Shottas (2002)
Not Good
This movie was nothing but a knockoff of previous gangster movies. It was an attempt to cash in on an era that has since died off due to heavy saturation. It had no plot whatsoever and I could care less about any of the main characters. The acting wasn't very good and it never showed any build up of any of the characters rise to power. It says on the DVD cover that Shottas will rank up there with Scarface or City Of God as a classic, what a gimmick. This movie sucked major I'm not allowed to write you know what. This will definitely rank somewhere in your bargain bin at the local Wal-Mart. I give it 3 out of 10 stars generously.