
37 Reviews
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Not good, bad acting
7 January 2025
This movie has horrible acting. Rachel Ziegler trying to sound southern is so insulting to actual southern people. In the story, none of the characters are likeable and the story is incongruent with the original movies. The story is slow and boring leaving you not caring what happens to any of the characters.

The actual hunger games scenes are very short and most of the tributes are killed off in one shot. Other tributes die in ways that make no sense. The whole part that highlighted this fight seemed rushed and poorly thought out.

The movie after the hunger games contest was very slow and hard to figure out why it mattered.
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Home Town Rescue (2021–2023)
Season 2 is a let down
7 April 2024
We feel in love with season one, the Ben and Erin helping revive a small town that went through a lot and really seemed to have a sense of community working to recover. Season 2 is missing the elements that made season one so good. The town does not seem small nor like a tight knit community. The people they are helping seem less like they revigorate the town as much as random people. Not having Ben and Erin hurts as well. They feel very genuine in their desire to help, the others from HGTV seem more like they are doing it for Attention.

Really hoping if they do ac season 3 they go back to what made season 1 so great. I would love to see more of Ben and Erin getting engaged and more of the sense of community that made Wetumpka so great.
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Asteroid City (2023)
What a complete waste of time
11 August 2023
Not sure the point of this movie, nothing happened, was not funny nor entertaining. Do yourself a favor and do something better with your time.

This movie had a lot of big names that must be hard up for work or something to have agreed to this pile of garbage. Everything about this movie is mind numbing. If you need something to help you sleep this may be a good choice, outside of that this was a waste of every minute I gave it.

Unfortunately I think this falls in with most garbage coming out of Hollywood since COVID. Our maybe it is a result of the strikes, but everything about this movie was really bad.
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Time you will wish you had back
25 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The story sounded good, trailer looked good, actual movie was not good. The movie was very boring and really lacked any entertaining qualities. All of the characters are very shallow and I spent most of the movie hoping in the end none survived. Couple all that with the twist being, there is no twist, just leaves you wishing for the time back.

Dave Bautista trying to play the calm gentle person right up to he kills one of the people, just seems very out of place and does not carry well. The whole connection of one of them dieing to something seen on TV seems very loosely coupled and more silly than dramatic.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
Very long movie about nothing happening
21 February 2023
The movie was a waste of time, nothing happened in the whole movie. It was slow and very boring. Seemed a very over indulgent tribute to himself. I kept waiting for something interesting but they never came. Even the short films in the film were boring.

The movie seemed to be missing the element where you want to know more about any character. Nothing in the movie had any interest. I was fully expecting the movie to move towards making a big movie, but stayed in the home movie realm. Not really any content that would hold any interest. Just another artistic waste of time without any substance.
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Night Court (2023– )
Really trying to recreate the original magic and not hitting the mark
15 February 2023
I really loved the original. The characters complimented each other well and the comedy seemed very natural. The new one seems forced and all of the characters are unlikable. I really enjoyed Melissa Raunch in The Big Bang Theory, but here she is trying too hard to be as silly as Harry Anderson was, but unfortunately the attempt makes the jokes fail.

India de Beaufort talks like she is trying to deliver one liners and seems like they forgot to actually develop the character.

Lacretta has done times she is funny, but most of the time, she seems like she is trying to recreate Bull from the original, but is missing the physical side that complimented his comedy delivery. Most often she sounds at best developmentally delayed.

John larroquette would have been great if they brought him back as the same character, but this series has him as a beat down lover with no comedic value.

Like many shows, I was excited to see a loved show come back, but unfortunately they failed at the attempt.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
What am insult to the original
20 September 2022
Not sure if the writers just assumed the audience was dumber than the original or just really bad writing. In the original, we learn a little more about Sam each episode. In this, they tell us everything there is to know about Ben. They do not let the audience learn with the character which is part of what made the original so great.

The original spent all the time with Sam giving very little of the world he came from, the new one focuses to much on the world he came from telling the audience everything about it and over explaining everything. Even Ziggy was way over explained.

Add this to very stiff acting and bad dialog and it makes for a bad show.
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What a terrible mess
29 August 2022
Watched this since it was free on imdbs streaming service. This was horrible. Not sure if the writer director thinks the audience is stupid, or if the cast was just that bad. The over explaining of every aspect of the film by the main characters just takes away from any intrigue the movie could have. The 4 actors were horrible with no chemistry and a complete lack of humor. The producer, director, vast should be ashamed of what they did to the Ghostbusters memory.

The attempts at slapstick comedy was horrible and very sophomoric. Leslie Jones' character was not remotely likable and seemed to be there just to make non- funny comments. The one man seemed there only so they could criticize men at every turn.
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Eternals (2021)
Very weak premise and none of the characters are likable
27 February 2022
The acting is horrible and the story very weak. These characters are supposed to be immortal and all powerful, and alive for thousands of years yet they all act like spoiled little children. Save yourself the time and watch something else.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
You could have just kept the story in the book
27 January 2022
This is a sad attempt to turn the books into TV. The characters in the TV show are shallow shells of what they were in the book and they changed a lot of each character. The background of the story is lost and they spoon feed parts of the story that originally had some mystery. Overall not a good attempt.
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Really bad attempt at a sequel
15 August 2021
The movie is really bad. It is all about how James thinks he is the GOAT. His acting is horrible and the kids are just as bad. The cartoon characters I loved as a kid have had all their flare removed and seemed flat. James is no Jordan and the fact that they animated him vs. It being his acting shows they knew how bad it would be.
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Tom en Jerry: de film (II) (2021)
Bad message for kids
18 July 2021
So Tom wants to work and Jerry wants to freeload so because of that the movie spends time punishing Tom while Jerry comes out clean. Very bad message to tell kids.
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Really bad plot
4 April 2021
The first wonder woman movie was awesome. This movie was horrible. The plot was very weak and seemed to have been stolen from the 80's B movie idea box. The villain was more of a joke than someone to fear. The movie was very predictable and only took 20 minutes to guess everything that would happen.
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Sad attempt to capture the greatness of the original
11 March 2021
Between the very weak plot, the horrible acting, and the hit you over the head with liberal ideology, this movie was a compete waste of time. Where the first movie was funny and original, this one was tired and regurgitated a lot of the Hollywood wokeness. Even the many characters played by Eddie Murphy and Arsino Hall lack any humor.
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What happens when you try to reboot a 25 year old movie
24 November 2020
This was a sad attempt to incorporate all of the elements of the first 2 movies into another movie and capture the same success. Suffice it to say, what is funny when they are teens in just depressing when they are in their 50s.
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Utopia (2020)
Horrible show that seems focused on making a point it can't succeed in doing
6 October 2020
This show is pointless. I watched the whole season and frankly it was a complete waste of time. There is not a single character in the show that is likeable. As they are killed off it is hard to care. Some of the characters seem like they were created just to have some one to kill off in that scene.
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Vivarium (2019)
Avoid the regrets of life lost
20 July 2020
This movie was pointless. It was a complete waste of time. Save yourself from the waste of time this is and do something better like watch paint dry or stare at a wall for 90 minutes.
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Selma (2014)
Excellent movie
8 June 2020
This is excellent movie that does a great job of telling the story of this horrific period of time and the success King had leading peaceful protests to force change. The only part of the movie that could have been improved was the actor playing King was missing some of the power of speech and charisma that King had.
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The Fare (I) (2018)
Surprisingly good movie.
3 May 2020
The movie is a little slow otherwise, I would have given it a 10. The movie tells a good story from mythology that is forgotten frequently. Highly recommend giving this a chance.
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I am pretty sure someone was high when they wrote this.
11 April 2020
This movie is really odd. It tries way too hard top use all of the different Lego types. While the first one was a cute movie, this one is just odd. This is a conglomerate of very weird items and odd themes. The music is nowhere near as good as the first one.
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Good CGI, lazy writing
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not much of a story in this one. Everything that happens is very predictable. The story resurrects Palpatine do that they can have an ultimate bad guy. Ben goes back and forth between good and bad and Rey and Ben keep passing life force between each other. Palpatine had built and enormous amount of Star Destroyers but they cannot go up and get out of the atmosphere without the lead ship broadcasting a signal for them to go up. And all of these ships are located on a hidden planet just like in episode 2. Very lazy writing just regurgitating elements from earlier movies.
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Don't watch with your kids
25 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what they were thinking with this one. I was excited by the prospect of a remake of this story that was not another literal reading of the Dicken's classic. However, this was disturbing. The story has uneeded character and story line just to satisfy a need for PC culture. Mrs. Hatchett is a prostitute and looks old enough to be Bob's mom. Ebenezer is molested as a kid????

This is a disturbing attempt to remake a classic.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
Even Eddie Murphy can't save this mess
23 December 2019
Ben a while since I watched as it stopped being funny in the 90s. Decided to watch the Eddie Murphy come back episode and sadly even he cannot save this mess. There is no humor left in the show. Very tired old skits that have not survived the test of time.
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Excellent movie, forget the over liberal bashing
21 December 2019
This movie was a great end to an awesome franchise. Most of the negative reviews are only because they do not like that it highlights issues on the border. This movie was outstanding in the action and the story itself.
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Sad remake
14 December 2019
This was a really bad remake of the original. The characters ate weak and the movie does a poor job of tracing the first movie to the second. The whole story is more silly than scary. Save yourself the time and watch something else.
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