I happened to come across this documentary on Netflix a couple of hours ago & I am so very happy that I did! I enjoyed every second of the documentary & strongly recommend it to others, I hated to see it end! Considering I live completely across the United States from Mimi, I know I will never have the opportunity to meet this very special Lady in person, but I certainly would love to! I am grateful that I did get to see this documentary & learn of this incredible Woman's amazing journey!!! Although I'm quite sure there are things in her past that she is leaving in the past, probably to protect others from hurt & pain. I love her attitude, the past is over, it's gone, leave it there! I am grateful that she has been reunited with her daughter after so many years & has had the opportunity to meet her grandchildren. May God continue to Bless you Mimi as you enrich so many lives!
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