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The Batman (2022)
I Miss Christian Bale & Christopher Nolan
This was absolutely flat and boring, and not only that, massive holes in the story.
Few issues:
1. Batman never even attempted to dodge getting shot a few times, and decided it was easier to take a 12-gauge to the chest.
2. The Mayor got shot and a few minutes later she was swimming through the water without an issue.
3. Someone's neck got blown up and Batman was 2 feet away and didn't have blood, scratches, or dirt on his chin despite getting thrown away 20 feet from the blast.
4. All of the costumes looked like... costumes. Nothing felt real.
5. Bruce Wayne was an emo, not an angry billionaire with high intellect. Pattinson, sadly, did not fit the roll.
6. All of the action scenes felt like I was watching the new Matrix all over again, slow and boring.
7. There was no climax.
8. The only person who asked Batman for help (cat woman) was denied because "actions have consequences." OK, then don't help anyone, Batman.
9. Let's not forget that he had no one making his equipment. Where was his tech guy making the fancy suit? Everything looked like he stitched it together himself poorly, and remember when he activated his Michelin Man suit to jump off of the building? He nearly died on the road. What was that? It was actually hilarious how garbage that looked.
10. Oh, and even though we have a car let's ride a motorcycle in the rain to hide our emo tears.
11. Let's also walk tortoise speed for no reason at all.
All in all, the movie was a large amount of fragmented pieces that never got put together because you couldn't put them together in a coherent way. This whole series needs to be cancelled and started again with a new cast, writers, and directors. What a shameful way to come back from Nolan's epic trilogy and incredible actors who fit the roll in all senses, like Christian Bale who was an excellent and convincing Batman and the billionaire Bruce Wayne.
Archive 81 (2022)
Archive 81 Mind Bending
This show was epic, thrilling, intense, dark, mysterious. It draws you in deeper each episode, and leaves you shocked.
For those who loved Stranger Things, this show will be up your alley. It's a dark and more adult driven idea, but I'm sure you will find similar concept in it.
All of the actors and actresses absolutely nailed it. The music was incredible.
The cinematography and color grading was mesmerizing.
They created a film-like look that brought nostalgia to a modern series.
I hope to see more of this and more series like it in the future.
Montauk Chronicles (2015)
Montauk - A Dark Past's Constant Presence
Christopher Garetano is a master story teller who brought to our attention one story from the disturbing past of the U.S. Government. From what we know, the Government has been involved in the experimentation of people without their consent, or knowledge (MK-Ultra) - so is it so hard to believe that they would do the same with Montauk? Though it is difficult to find hard evidence, Garetano interviews multiple individuals who all speak of the same atrocities. Perhaps it is coincidence, but knowing the nature of our Government and its history, it is not difficult to believe them to be true.
Whether you believe it to be true or not, it is still fascinating and well done. The narrative, cinematography, music, color grading, and structure are all professional and ahead of their time. In fact, the hit series Stranger Things was going to be titled Montauk before they settled on the name we all know today. Stranger Things was undoubtedly inspired by Garetano's masterful vision and story.
Headspace: Guide to Meditation (2021)
United In Silence
Andy Puddicombe is the voice that guided me in Meditation for over 2 years, and occasionally still does when I need a reminder on certain techniques. I can't begin to say how useful it is to this very day. You almost feel born again after practicing these techniques, and wish you knew of them sooner.
Headspace has brought immense calm to many people, and now seeing them on a massive platform is exciting, because many more will be opened to this simple yet powerful tool called meditation. These tools have the potential to create a more peaceful, kind, and calm world.
This show has great graphic, great narration, and as always, great techniques from Andy.
To end, I'll quote Headspace:
"Traditions may bind us, cultures alienate us, language and words divide us. But in silence, we are united."
Believers (2020)
For those who love Paranormal Witness, My Haunted House, and A Haunting - this show will not be a disappointment.
This has the same ominous and intriguing feeling that those have.
People are giving this terrible reviews without a solid reason, but watch it for yourself. It's a great show for lovers of the paranormal.
Paranormal Encounters TV (2012)
Authentic Experience
Paranormal Encounters explores the realm of the paranormal by interacting with the otherworldly brings using many difference techniques. Unlike many shows in the genre, this one is authentic and shows the viewers exactly what is happening. Sometimes it's more activity, sometimes less, but what is certain is that you will be taken on a journey into the unknown with this great group of high-quality filmmakers.
Often we look forward to the destination, and while that may be exciting, this show promises a wild, unpredictable, fun, and often shocking journey.
I recommend this to all paranormal fans and ghost-seeking fanatics. You will not be disappointed.
Mulan (2020)
Know Your Place
This movie was made into a live-action with creativity, taste, and style.
All I have to say is this:
If you loved the original, then watch this.
Open your mind to the changes that were necessary to turn an animation
into a live-action.
It was beautiful.
The Mandalorian (2019)
Baby Yoda
This show features a masterful mixture of stunning cinematography, captivating CGI, astounding acting, mesmerizing music, and a story that keeps you gripped the entire time... Oh, and Baby Yoda.
What else could you want in a show?
Undone (2019)
A Unique and Coherent Time-Travel Show
There are a few shows about time travel, but often the stories become deluded and incoherent. This is not one of those shows.
Undone deals with often complex topics in a way that anyone can follow and understand. Aside from time-travel, we also face topics about schizophrenia, PTSD, purpose, relationships, and love that all tie together with its central topic.
Thought-provoking, beautiful, unique... The writers, artists, actors/actresses, musicians, they all shined with brilliance.
Super 8 (2011)
Super Gr8
Another nostalgic tale about a group of kids who go above and beyond to prove that the government is hiding something big - what's not to love? Sure, the concept isn't completely "new," but it's enjoyable, fun, and well written.
Paddington 2 (2017)
This story is seamless, exciting, funny, and one that children, as well as adults, will love.
The best childhood stories never out-grow you;
no matter how old you are.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
A beautiful end
The low ratings of this movie are likely due to the fact that Sophie Turner is in it and people are still triggered from hating the final season of Game of Thrones. Watch it for yourself, it was beautiful, full of action, great acting, and a story of pure hope, love, and triumph. On top of it all, the sound effects, music, and special FX/CGI were breathtaking. Not all low ratings are justified.