
3 Reviews
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Wolf Creek 2 (2013)
Power through to the final act
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wolf Creek 2 is clearly trying to cash on the success first and goes too far to out-shock the audience.

The scenes that go too far include a scene in which Mick Taylor is chopping up the male genitalia of his one his victims, a cat and mouse car chase in which kangaroos splatter on the windscreen and the opening act in which Mick Taylor is confronted by two police officers.

The first two acts are average at best, despite the scenes described above, however the final act, however, is well worth sitting through the first 1+ hour of the film. It's essentially a two-hander between Corr and John Jarrett in which they are playing psychological mind games with each other. Both actors are so chilling in these scenes and give me goosebumps.

If it wasn't for Ryan Corr, this film would not be worth the watch.
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The Bill Podcast (2017 Podcast Series)
Great podcast, but has gone downhill a little
23 July 2023
This used to be a really great podcast hosted by a genuine fan of the series.

This podcast has had some absolute Bill legends as its guests and it is a treat for any Bill fan to hear some previously unheard behind the scenes stories. Oliver really knew his stuff and it shows in his research.

Since Natalie Roles took over as host and interviewer, I feel like it has lost much of its energy and enthusiasm. Natalie tends to make the interview all about her, telling her (often unrelated) stories rather than letting the guest tell theirs, and often comes across as if she isn't taking it seriously.

It's still a must-listen for any fan of The Bill, but it's definitely not as good as when Oliver was hosting.
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Promising start, but it goes off course
13 May 2023
I absolutely loved season 1, but season 2 was far too long.

The first 10-12 episodes were good, albiet a little slow, but it starts to get a little convoluted and hard to follow. It would have worked much tighter as a 13 episode season rather than pad out 26 episodes with nonsensical stories and immature side plots. Meanwhile, other aspects that should be explained in more detail are simply overlooked.

It had such a promising cast including Heather Mitchell, Peter O'Brien, well-known child actor Lauren Hewitt and future superstar Ryan Kwanten, but this series is by no means the best work of any of them.
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