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The Trap (1966)
Wasn't let down after 35 years
Having been lucky enough to find this movie in a box of thrown away tapes (actually among about 30 thrown out at a dump sight I work at, and they are in excellent condition!!!) I have just watched it (twice) over the weekend. I am like most people who have reported on "The Trap", I loved it and remembered it from probably 35 years ago, and always wanted to see it again. I was so glad to be able to watch it again and will definitely keep the movie.
The thing that no one else has mentioned but I think I saw in the movie was how much Jean cared for his mother as he mentioned her several times, often sang the song that she taught him and even from the start respected Eve as a woman. Here was a lonely Quebecois trapper, with no social skills, who had not been with a woman in years, paid $1000 (I would imagine like $500,000 today) for what he expected a wife would give him. He was much bigger that Eve in height and weight and could have easily over-powered her, even when she held a hatchet or knife ... but he still respected her fears.
I wish this movie could have continued for another half an hour so we could have seen what being together as a couple could have brought them. As far as visual effects, etc. for a film made in 1966 I think it was done exceptionally well. Someone mentioned that the "bad natives" were portrayed by white actors and the good by real native people ... I am sure a sign of the times. I am sure I saw a cameo of Chief Dan George at the start ... I must look into this.
This is the first review of a movie I have ever made ... hope it was okay.