Most Recently Rated
Silent Night (2021)
Wow, gut punch of reality!
This movie was brilliant but so hard to stomach. Many dark comedies feel just wrong but with our current climate collapse this hits close to home. The movie seems much more straight forward than it is. The entire cast plays their roles well and once again, Roman Griffin Davis is incredible. I usually feel the hype for child actors is often just hype but Mr. Davis is a actor in his own right and no qualifier such as "child" is needed.
If you can ride this, sometimes disturbing movie all the way through, you may feel exhausted. One layer of horrible on top of another. Maybe if more people saw films like this and took some time to think about the reality of the predicted climate collapse, maybe then we would see some actual progress. I can easily envision a near future where people have to make some extremely touch decisions to survive. This film should give you a minute to think about what our priorities as living beings should be.
Occupation: Rainfall (2020)
Poor special effects and that's about all in this flashing lights and noise movie. For this to get a 6.8 rating and 1100 votes, I 100% say rating bot farm or it was required to be upvoted on everyone remotely related to the project. This is a great reason to stop watching movies and pick up a book. Babylon 5 meets 1984 "V" but released in 2021.
Now that I looked through the laughable 9 and 10 out of 10's and the comments, 100% bot farm purchased ratings. What a joke.
Buddy Games (2019)
I was pretty rough on it before but...
I got to admit, I was pretty rough on this movie when I saw it months ago. After some time, I found myself wanting to watch it again. I don't know what it is, its doesn't flow like a typical hollywood movie but after the last decade of movies, hollywood isn't doing a good job. I find myself laughing along with these guys even though I have seen the scene before. This isn't unusual for a fun film but this is hands down better than any Kevin Heart movie and that guy is suppose to be popular. I think some womyn will enjoy this but I would say it probably leans more towards a male audience. I like that they don't seem to apologize for this like many other films do. I think there is a void for this kind of movie and I wish there was a Buddy Games 2. :) Seems like a good group of guys to keep up with.
Sasquatch (2021)
It should be titled "Red Herring".
You might find this entertaining but I think most will find this a blah story and extremely dishonest film making. If the true story was up front instead of misleading the audience , then I bet very few would want to watch it. I don't know who thought the gimmick they used was a good idea but they were very wrong. If I ever see this guy in anything again, including Ancient Aliens, I will turn whatever it is off.
Go watch "The Dark Divide" with David Cross, you will be much happier. :)
The Phenomenon (2020)
Disinformation from the same people who denied UFO's existed
The American Fascists who run the US Gov, the same people who called witnesses and experiencers liars and mentally unstable, finally starts to admit Aliens have been coming here and they have widely known about it since the 1950's. Look at who is speaking for the government in this movie. It is the same people who covered this stuff up when they were the front men in the charade that is US "democracy".
I am sure I am not alone on this but I'm with the Aliens over the government any day of the week.
This is what disinformation looks like. You might want to ask yourself why these people are now choosing to spin "UFO's" as dangerous. I think the answer is obvious.
Atlas of Cursed Places (2020)
NatGeo says it all
I should have known exactly what this was going to be when I saw "NatGeo". The narrator tries to "hip" with lines like "Hell ya Bro! Lets go look for Atlantis". He also sounds very uneducated about many areas with often silly speculation and commentary. This is a superficial "history" show at best but more a way to sell advertising time. Really has been such a waste of your time that I made the effort to warn others. If you read very little and you find wrestling has challenging stories then you may find this very "educational". LOL
Expedition X (2020)
Some of the worst of reality show trash
Horrible over-acting. Just trash all the way around. The dialog I'd assume is suppose to be pithy but comes across as adolescents annoyance. Someone obviously has no idea WHY some shows are popular.
Ghosts (2019)
I love this show
This is a fun and thought provoking sitcom that I absolutely love. It is a fun look at a house full of spirits and one poor young womyn who has the ability to see, hear and communicate with them. Two seasons in and the characters are really coming into themselves. Every episode seems to be better than the last. The entire cast is fantastic but I'd love to have Robyn haunt me, that guy cracks me up. :)
Don't Look Deeper (2020)
A blah lil'girl is a android. They try for a darker Black Mirror feel but its just the same thing you saw play out again and again on BattleStar Galactica, "Am I a robots? I can't be but maybe I am? NO!". A waste of everyone's time.
Ted Lasso (2020)
When you realize the premise, you want to hate it...
I want to be honest so as soon as I realized the premise, which I don't want spoil for anyone but anyone of a certain age that remembers the days when Charlie Sheen was all Hollywood Rock 'n Roll as well as a Wild Thing, you can guess which video I am talking about. Let yourself get past this. I didn't want to. Jason Sudeikis's character Ted Lasso is played so well that you can really start to like the guy. Often these roles are played was too sweet and it makes to production nauseating. Mr. Sudeikis plays this perfectly.
The supporting cast is great. Brendan Hunt plays a great dry man, just enough to make you laugh. Hannah Waddingham plays someone you think you would hate but Hannah exudes a soulfulness that draws you in. Juno Temple adds a great dynamic and the relationship between her character Keeley and Hannah's Rebecca is enjoyable to watch. Brett Goldstein, who I have enjoyed in Drifters and Uncle, is a great addition with his character, the veteran player, Roy Kent.
I haven't watched it all but from what I have seen, this is a show with a premise that I doubted but a cast and crew that obviously knows what they are doing. This is a example of something that has been expertly crafted. Well done to them.
Dead to Me (2019)
Very Simple
A show with a unrealistic story overall and silly premises Two old womyn, who I am sure still believe they are middle age, sit around making each other cry while the other one consoles them. That's it. It should have been on after The View and they should have called it "Just Noise".
Brews Brothers (2020)
Great raw and new comedy
This show has many full belly laughing moments. The show feels a bit rough and unpolished since it is new, think first season of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" or "The League". Anyone who cannot see all the potential of this group of actors and writers, should probably go back to watching the pablum on the CW.
Float Like a Butterfly (2018)
A nice little film
This film should be a lesson for little girls and boys. A family with a history of tragedy are reunited with the father. At a time when womyn were expected to be quiet, pregnant and in the kitchen, some womyn started to say no. This young lady is finding out who she truly is in beautiful rural Ireland. It is nice to see the strength of some womyn being portrayed in this way. The world I live in, most womyn are willing to knock a man who is out of line on his arse so any talk of being unrealistic is laughable. Only a very little man would have his insecurities rattled by this film.
The Wave (2019)
Fun and Trippy
This is good intellectual fun trip of a movie. Anyone who has felt the effects of time while tripping on a hallucinogenic will understand, in a small way, what Justin Longs character goes through. The concept of time feels tactile. It's a abstract concept but it makes more sense to those who have experience it. It's fun but time and space jump around a bit so you have to pay attention. If you enjoy something like " I Heart Huckabee's" then you will probably enjoy this film. Mr. Long does a great job as the lead. His character is believable and in the end, very likable. I enjoyed the ride from this creative concept. Trippy. :)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Tragically Beautiful
I have never laughed so hard at such a beautiful and tragic film in my life. The casting is so perfect. Anyone attached to this film should be very proud of themselves as they truly deserve the recognition.
Roman Griffin Davis is a fantastic little actor with a bright future and Mr. Waititi's Hitler is brilliant. Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Rebel Wilson continue to shine as A list actors. Not surprisingly, Stephen Merchant does the best SS officer of all time, I'm still laughing. Thomasin McKenzie plays a very challenging role that she superbly emotes so many strong emotions. She does a wonderful job. And little Mr. Archie Yates is such a plucky delight. The entire cast, crew and production team all did an incredible job. I could not find a flaw in this film if I tried.
Welcome to Acapulco (2019)
Bad, really bad, not the worst but right down at the bottom of the barrel.
If you are old enough to remember when you would rent a really low budget movie by accident but you paid $4.99 so why not watch it but you end up regretting that choice, this is that kind of movie. Some of it is shot well, the Mexican authorities look very professional and shot well. Many of the actors have been in other good films, you would think it was better. Unfortunately, Michael Kingsbaker performance is a hacky, ham-fisted approach to comedy. If the character had been played straighter and not "wacky", it may have been a much better film.
Future World (2018)
Played Fallout?
I know dystopian apocalyptic futuristic movies will have some similarities but come on, nothing about this feels original. The "writers" seemed to have played Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 and then watched Cherry 2000. Remove any of the fun parts of Cherry 2000 and make Cherry the main character and cross that character into the Fallout Universe. Change the "Oasis" to a Vault and change the Vault Dweller as the main character and male a synth the main. I would guess they are just barely inside the line from a lawsuit with Bethesda. They even use the slaver collars from Fallout 3. The Vault Dweller is a poorly casted boy but then again the main Synth is also poorly casted as well. They do a good job of giving the movie a 70's feel but they do so by long pauses and scene shots of nothing that goes on far too long. I usually love this types of movies but this one is a waste of time. Re-watch Cherry 2000, Hell comes to Frogtown or the original Mad Max and you will be much more happy than you will be if you watch this film.