Well, I rented this film as I thought it was going to be good.... Wrong again. This film is dreadful, story is a cliche, the concept weak and without any real content, with scenes that could have been taken from Jurassic Park, which did it better. Fortunately we live at a time with good CGI, had it been stop frame motion this would barely qualify as a B Movie from 1955. Adam Driver over acted by puffing and grunting at every opportunity (no real dialogue) and with every movement. Maybe he had asthma. Miss Greenblat played her part well but she didn't say much either. I paid a lot to rent this film as It's rather new, a waste of time and money.
35 Reviews
31 October 2022
This is positively one of the most dreadful films I've ever seen. The story is weak anyway but aside from that it jumps all over place with no real pattern. How such well known established actors can be in such a film and not realise it's so unbelievably bad is a mystery. There are times too that Bruce Willis seams positively bored. I nearly gave up on it, and so I read the trivia, this encouraged me to stay until the end, I shouldn't have bothered. I wonder how much it cost and who could afford to waste so much money? The script writer needs to see a good film and learn how it should be done.
Hell on the Border
Worse than bad
9 March 2022
Everything about this film was bad. I also saw the hand feeding the horse at the beginning, that was an omen of 'badly made'. Those guys could not ride properly and it showed. When they chased the wagon it was embarrassing, the camerawork was not good either, the fight was terrible too. I've run out of negative words to describe this film.
(III) (2021)
A rare work of genius
29 December 2021
What a stunning film. In this age of trivial, weak plot, churn it out films, this is a stand out from the crowd film. I was never sure what part of the story was fact until the end, that was no doubt the idea. Well acted, very well written and well made. I will be looking out for other films by this director/writer, they will be good.
No Time to Die
Very disappointed
27 December 2021
So filled with cliches in the name of nostalgia it was ruined. Even at the end I predicted the music it was so obvious.
After Skyfall I thought the quality was back after those dreadful versions with Roger More where the humour superseded the drama.
What's next I wonder? I dread to think what the politically correct minority have in store for something so British.
After Skyfall I thought the quality was back after those dreadful versions with Roger More where the humour superseded the drama.
What's next I wonder? I dread to think what the politically correct minority have in store for something so British.
Da hong zha
Unbelievably bad
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely amazing that in this day and age such a dreadful mess can be written and made, I wonder who has so much money to waste? What on earth were they thinking? What on earth was Bruce Willis thinking, it's embarrassing? No wonder Ricky Gervais mocks these actors at prize giving, they have no integrity. As for Adrian Brody, forget it. No accuracy, no quality, and the longest runway in history.
Excellent film
15 June 2021
Area 51
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not worth one star. Made in a style virtually the same as Blair Witch. Very poor characters, none of which I managed to have any rapoor, in fact they were all extremely irritating human beings. As surrutiouse invaders of a government facility, they were probably the most noisy I've ever heard or seen. Dreadful film!
(I) (2019)
Excellent film
1 April 2021
An amazing film on a subject most in the west do not understand, this film goes some way to illustrate how complicated the problems in that part of the world really are. Well acted, with absolute reality in effects. Stunning!
AE: Apocalypse Earth
(2013 Video)
13 February 2021
This film is so bad I only managed 15 minutes before giving up. Who, I wonder, would put money into it, a blind autistic millionaire no doubt. A rip off of Star Trek, Predator and The Jungle Book. If my name had ever appeared in the credits I would consider suicide. Dreadful rubbish.
Hunt for the Skinwalker
Non event
11 November 2020
Another classic case of the USA making a film about nothing, not unlike The curse of Oak Island. You keep thinking something will happen and it never does. They use gossip, rhetoric and hyperbole to keep ones interest, mixed with exotic camera work and an out of place narration. A person telling a story is not a fact without evidence, a complete waste of time.
Black Summer
A stack of cliches.
16 April 2019
I stuck it out until episode 4 then gave up. No story, just a series of events some of which are interlinked, some not. The most annoying aspect is people in adversity acting totally irrationally and being surprised by the results. I guess if you stack cliches high enough something interesting might occur. I might come back to it if I get really bored. Disappointing.
(I) (2018)
Noir in colour
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I gave up on this film, it became more and more boring the more it tried be Quentin Tarantino like. Good actors doing very good acting but the story is weak. Trying desperately to be mysterious the plot resembles a Fist Full of Dollars and a dozen other films. Lighting by Ridley Scot, in other words very dark all the time, literally. I won't bother to see the end of it as I don't care what the outcome is.
Extraordinary film.
6 January 2019
I remember the real Aileen Wournos on TV at the time just before her execution and she was patently mentally ill, her efforts to explain herself were Totally irrational. She was interviewed by Louis Theroux, an zenglish documentary film maker, who was making a documentary about her and he couldn't believe someone who was so mentally ill could be put to death. This film is stunning and the awards are well deserved.
(II) (2018)
Not as bad as they say
5 January 2019
Not bad, very low budget but I've seen worse. Was never sure where it was going but I didn't guess the ending, so, hats off to that. Worth a watch in my opinion as it was well acted and maximised its potential within its financial confines.
4 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to believe they are still making films like this. After Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan I imagined, wrongly it seems, that the good guy and the bad guy survive every bullit, then, as the only survivors, have a shoot out at the end. I can't believe Leam Neeson needed the money that badly. Dreadful film!
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