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Winslow Homer: An American Original (1999)
This Movie Was Garbage
My favorite scene was when the blind man whispered very delicately into his daughter's ear, so close we all could practically feel his breath on our own faces (never agreed to this, by the way), "It is cold outside".
Repetitive music, repetitive scenes, and terrible actors. I also love it when the main character slowly dives gracefully towards the river and pretends that he "fell in". I also love the man laying next to the tree in the civil war scene, as he is flailing his hands in spastic motions (I wonder what the director told him to do- "pretend that you have gunk on your hands and you're trying to get it off!"). My art teacher made us watch this one day, and when I tried to fall asleep to escape this terrible mess, she yelled in my face to "watch the movie". Well, Mrs., I did. And now I'm writing an honest review on it.