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Solid fun
29 December 2023
Fusing old tropes to make something really fun and refreshing. It was a really good watch. There was a nice pace, maybe it could have been 10 minutes shorter but that's it. It was really nice and bombastic.

The characters were also really nice to get to know and the ending is good too. There are nice details that show that the film makers cared.

The script is mostly good, with some funny parts but definitely a few clungers. Overall really fun! A nice sleepover/Haloween movie. It was interesting to see what the filmmakers thought about each decade they were talking about too. Like they obviously have some issues with this decade but i think they were also just contrasting them to show the difference so it didn't feel malicious.
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Complete missed opportunity
28 December 2023
Netflix movies are a mixed bag. And this one was right down the middle. It had good points, the kills were gruesome and didn't shy away from that. It had these great ideas but unfortunately the films plot takes an absolute nose dive. Killing people and exposing secrets is a unique take but what's the point. Why do you want the person dead and for their secret to be out. It seemed like they needed to pick one or the other.

The character are nice but I feel like the writer was too scared to kill his darlings a little bit. I haven't read the book and I would be interested in how much was changed or not. And the title is absolutely insane. It has nothing to do with the movie. It would be like if E. T was called "In the woods" or something. Completely bizarre.
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Ju-on 2 (2000)
What Happened
30 June 2023
This movie completely fell off the rails. The first one sets up this sad story that, even though takes place in other locations, always centres itself on the house. It sets up this rules and situations that revolve around the house...unfortunately I guess the writer thought that another movie about people entering the house and dying would be boring so he decided to scrap the rules, fill 60% of this movie with footage from his previous movie and call it a day.

There are so many choice made here that are insane. Obviously it's still competently made and parts are creepy, I really liked one of the ending shots too. But even that didn't feel like it was related to the original movie. It felt insane.

Onryô are such an sad spirit and I think the first movie told that story well but this one wanted to have its cake and eat it too, it changed form a hallowed ground movie to "It Follows".
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26 June 2023
There are movies that ooze charm from their low budget and innocent mistakes but this can't seem to capture that. It has script errors where the cast will say grammar mistakes?? How did no one catch things like that? The costumes look just like that, costumes.

The idea is very fan fic/ creepy pasta. It is interesting to see an IP used like this but I feel like it was a rushed job. They knew the copyright was up and they wanted to strike. I can't blame them for that but they just seem like they didn't put enough thought into it. It was just a very basic horror movie with a Winnie the Pooh skin on it.
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Anchiporuno (2016)
16 June 2023
There are interesting comments that are being made in here about sex, womanhood and cultural restraints. Because there isn't a conventional plot, you are left to interpret this in many different ways.

The most impactful parts for me were when it was discussing the hypocrisy of society when in comes to sex. It had the most successful impact.

Unfortunately, it's clear that this was wrote by a straight, cis man. It wants to portray its self as a feminist movie but in making this movie it falls into the same traps it's commenting on. There is basically 0% male nudity and I get the feeling it's not on purpose. It almost makes these points about gender but then is like "don't believe it, we will show you".

The colours were amazing tho. The whole film pops. I also enjoyed the acting from the lead.

In my opinion, I think this movie makes a lot of sense in the writers head but it just hasn't translated. It wrote checks it couldn't cash I think.
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Flamin' Hot (2023)
A Cheesy Story
9 June 2023
It's a cheery up beat story that wants to make you believe it's true...but I don't think it is? That to me is insane that they decided to make this movie as if it was fact.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice story and inspirational. From the parts that I have read, it's an interesting story about him becoming a marketing executive but the flamin hot part seems completely invented,

It's also very cheesy and easy watching. The acting is fine and I was so surprised when I saw Eva Longoria directed it. I think she did a pretty decent job especially since this is her feature film debut.

You could watch it but don't worry if you don't find the time...
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Close (I) (2022)
Great until it isn't
4 June 2023
This movie is the definition of an absolute nosedive. It's perfect for the first half. It's very slice of life, so immersive that you can almost feel the late summer heat. The interactions between the boys are so natural and innocent. Then it completely slams the breaks on with, in my opinion, a completely unwarranted plot twist. It made this movie feel like a waste to me. I wanted it to explore these complex feels. What it feels like to love your friend and how painful it can be. It touched on that but then decided to completely capsize itself.

The whole second act felt like "oh no we have a whole half of a movie left and we have destroyed our storyline...hmm shove more hockey scenes in". Then after we meander through the second act, it has absolutely no resolution, nothing really changes from when we find out the twist till the movie ends. That's like 50+ minutes. The movie ended and I was like huh???

I sound like I didn't enjoy it but I actually loved so much about it. I think that's why I'm so sad by the second half. Even the build up to the twist was so so good. I felt like I was sat in that bus waiting to be told the news. It was so good! But then nothing.

The colours in this movie are absolutely stunning. It's a treat to look at. And the performances are so natural.

I just wish there was a little bit more resolution and we could have spent more time within the conflict and understood their feeling. Because the second plot thread came out of absolutely no where for me.
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Supernova (II) (2020)
Simple Drama
3 June 2023
A very simple drama that has a lot of thought and passion out into it. The performances from both leads are so good. Iv been watching a couple of not great movies lately and when I saw Stanley during the dinner table scene I was like "ooh this is what acting should look like", it was so subtle and said so much without saying anything, exactly what a good actor does. I would say the acting is the best part? Maybe the scenery but I used to live there so it's not that novel to me lol.

Because it's a very simple story it can lull in the pace. It's very much a character study of a marriage being ravaged by dementia, or the early start of it. It's a very real and painful especially if you've witnessed this horrible disease.
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A Warm Watch
3 June 2023
This would definitely come code to home for lots of queer people. It was nice to see a British queer story that featured something that I related with.

It has a heart and is definitely feel good. I do think it's definitely tailored for a straight audience. It has a softness and digestible feel.

It's painfully northern (I'm northern). I think younger Northern people struggle to act, they all sound like they are in year 7 drama class. Obviously Sarah Lancashire is great and had such a deep feel to her character. She brought a lot. The lead...he's a good singer.

I think it's too long and the script is rough, it feels like a 40 year old has wrote teenage characters. Everything they say just sound so off. Aside from the dialogue I also felt like the story was strange. I think it seems very muddy. There is a internal conflict that comes of of absolutely nowhere right in the middle of the movie. Totally unwarranted to this character that we have watched for over an hour. It makes complete sense when explained but why they chose to place this in the middle of the movie without building to it, I have no idea. Another strange thing for me was the choice of dress at the end. It was like he went in granny's closet? Such a strange choice.

I'm glad movies like this are becoming more common and I want them to continue and become even better.
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A Little Predictable
2 June 2023
There is definitely a fun idea here and the cast, especially the two antagonists, really had my attention. The absolute glee that came from them as they caused chaos was just so interesting to watch.

The story is incredibly predictable. I do wish they could have worked out something that was a tiny bit more subtle rather than a very basic plot device that gave the ending away.

Speaking of the ending, I found it to be lacking. There wasn't really any resolution and it kinda caved in on its self. It seemed messy. Maybe that was the point and it was meant to be like a farce. I just wish it was a little tighter at the end.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
30 May 2023
A different direction than a typical influencer movie. There are definitely feelings about social media that burn bright in this script but not in a soapbox kind of way, it really hits the tone which is incredibly difficult with a topic like social media.

The main issue was that I was so unclear on motives for the whole movie. There are very very vague hints at things but nothing actually substantial is given for you to work with. I would have loved a tiny bit more backstory or reasons. I think it would have really polished this up because as it is now, it's so close to being brilliant. I still really loved it though.
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Weekend (II) (2011)
Bittersweet Love
14 January 2023
I love movies that have a smaller scale and just really magnify parts of life. I think this movie does this really good. It's slow and very "plain" for lack of a better word but that isn't a bad thing. It's just a really intimate portrait of a whirlwind romance. It's very interesting. I think some of the acting is very good too, especially the way that "Russel" looks at "Glen". Wow. Even with no word, you can feel how like smitten he is.

Sometimes it tries to shoot for the moon and ends up somewhere else. The filmmaking is...odd. There are so many shot using reflective surfaces and I'm not really sure why. It was kinda distracting. Like there wasn't a purpose, but it was noticeable enough that it felt like it had one? Strange.

I think it's a good movie that really had a bittersweet core.
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Posledice (2018)
13 January 2023
This is a bleak movie. I don't know why I didn't realise that when I saw the title. I thought it was gonna be like a gay drama, it's not!

It takes risks that are very tricky to pull off and I'm not 100% sure it does. Making the majority of the leads horrible people is tough, it makes you unable to root for them. They try and counter act this with our main lead but I think they needed to develop him a little bit more at the start, this would have endeared us to him a little more.

The end is quite a gut punch tho and it does kinda frame the movie a little bit different for me. It's just such a helpless and dark movie. Super super depressing but definitely watchable.
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The Menu (2022)
Satisfyingly Unique
13 January 2023
It's not perfect but I was engaged for the whole things at least. I was looking for a deeper meaning I think and there just wasn't one there. Motives get muddled and start to just knot them selfs together. There seems to be two concurrent motives. I would have cut the basic one and stuck with the deeper, more subtle one. Because without that, this becomes an episode of Criminal Minds about a disgruntled chef.

However, it's tense(even tho it shows it's hand too soon), it's gorgeous, the acting is good and like o said, it's engaging so I did enjoy it..

It was really refreshing to watch a well made movie tho so I would definitely recommend.
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Make Up (2019)
Tore its Self Apart From the Inside
27 December 2022
I'm so disappointed. For the first half I was so into it! The location, the vibe, the atmosphere. But then by the final part, the wheels had well and truly fell off the car. The story just completely caved in on its self. It's literally like two different movies split directly down the middle.

One is a mystery, suspense movie about finding evidence of an affair and the other is a "finding who you are" movie. But the insane thing is, the first "plot" is completely dropped and just forgotten about.

There are lots of pointless things that happen too. Like they feel like they are going to be plot points but then they just aren't?

The writing was like "cagey". No one spoke I'm full sentences. "Jade has a reputation" "what reputation?" "*silence*". Like why did no one talk properly. They just eluded to things and then never followed up on them.

Iv been super harsh on this movie but it's because I loved so many parts of it, particularly the atmosphere. Sea side locations AND caravans are totally my vibe so I was sold. And Shirley was completely insane and I needed more from her. But the the rest of the movie just tore it's self apart from the inside.
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Pinocchio (2022)
Awful character
26 December 2022
So confused why this has so many good reviews? I'm gonna take a guess and say because it's by Guillermo, who I absolutely adore. Shape of water and pan's Labyrinth are perfect. I even love Devil's backbone. Maybe not Crimson peak so much tho...but I normally love his movies. And you can feel his darkness in this but I think Pinocchio might be the most annoying character on screen ever. I wanted to throw him into a fire. The voice actor was bad for me. He sounded like a snotty kid screaming at his mum in Harrods. And the

Obviously it looks amazing. It's absolutely stunning. But the annoying character and boring story just made me so irritated.
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Starfuckers (2022)
Powerful and Personal
23 December 2022
This was obviously a very personal topic for the maker of this short. It's even more noticeable since the writer and director is also the Star so you can see the pain and fury in their eyes.

I love how whimsical it was despite it being such a dark topic and a very sad one too. It gave humour to it but underneath it was still bitter and heartbreaking. This will resonate with lots of people on Hollywood and that's kinda sad. I'm glad that this writer poured his heart out and shown it for everyone. It's such a unique movie and I'll definitely keep an eye out to see what else they decided to do!!
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Jurassic Bond- 007
15 December 2022
If you were asked to guess the plot of this movie by watching the last 5 minutes off Fallen Kingdom, you would stand no chance.

I thought we would spend the film with dinosaurs running riot on earth. Ruining towns, attempts at domesticating, things like that. But no. Instead we get like a spy movie?

Is it nice to see the old characters? Sure but because there are two groups on two completely separate "missions", it can feel lob sided and underdeveloped. Crisp Rat and BDH literally spend the whole movie journeying to their destination. That is there plot. "Take plane....arrive at climax". They may as well have not been there.

Also the CGI just looked bad. It looks like cartoons. Like Dinosaur King. Just look at the first Jurassic Park movie, the dinosaurs look so good, they feel real, but I never felt like we're are real here.
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Makes a Better Drama than a Horror
15 December 2022
Oof this is misguided. This might work as a short story or what ever it was when Stephen King wrote it but it doesn't translate to screen.

The VO is awful and sounds like he is reading a book. The acting is fine? I guess. But the plot is so uninteresting. Then it's messages are laid on so thick. I rolled my eyes during the last VO because it was just so much. Phones are bad. Ok? That has nothing to do with the movie? It's not the phone who is a killer? So strange? It's also too long. I'd cut 20 minutes off it. I actually enjoyed the first half, maybe I'd have watched a drama about there relationship.
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Men (2022)
15 December 2022
Oh boy. So I feel the exact same way as I did about Mother! (2017)- it wasted my time. There is nothing worse than when an allegorical movie acts like it is a regular movie for the first hour and then just gets arts for the sake of being arts. I cringed during the ending sequence because I could picture the writer thinking he was the most creative thing since sliced bread.

Shocker- the movie tries to dissect how men treat woman; use them, maybe? And i think it also wants to say that all men are the same? Or maybe they enable each other. I have no idea to be honest. It just devolved into a arty jerk fest by the end. There are so many different angles to tackle this from while also keeping it grounded. Have every man played by the same actor, something more concise.

The movie looks pretty and the house is gorgeous. I think the lead did a good job too.

Then the movie has the audacity to try give the movie a proper ending? Like now we are back to reality? Wtf?? I think someone to look at when making allegorical movies is Charlie Kaufman. His movies have such a natural way of showing the meaning as well as still having that grounded feel. This was a real movie for an hour and 10 minutes then it just became a absolute explosion of pretentiousness.
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14 December 2022
Honestly, I enjoyed this more than the first I think. The dialogue is still god awful but there is less of it.

My issue is that the puzzles don't build in intensity. The first puzzle is like 10000 miles per hour with flashing lights and loud noises and is complete chaos. So it's hard to build from there.

The end was something...I feel like they ran out of time because some of the final deaths were like "emm then they died". It wasn't earned. The twist was kinda insane and interesting but I feel like this should have been in the first movie. We don't care about these characters that are introduced in the last 10 minutes. If they had been included in the first one we would have had a connection.

When I watched the first one I was like "ooh who could the mastermind be? Then it's revealed to be some random man who can't act, like it's not suspenseful at all. It's revealed in the first 5 minutes. I was hoping it was going to be someone from the first one but nope. Just a generic bad guy.

Would I watch a 3rd one tho? Yeah absolutely.
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Fire Island (I) (2022)
Really Unpleasant 2 Hours
13 December 2022
I think i really disliked this movie. I was sat watching getting more and more frustrated. It was really really annoying. I don't really have any reference for Pride and Prejudice. This was just not enjoyable for me at all.

The film making looked nice obviously because Andrew Ahn is amazing but I wish he had spent his time making something that was worth watching. Like Driveways.

The lead character is insanely unlikable. It was just miserable hearing him talk! I think Bowen Yang should have been the lead, his character is so much more interesting and welcoming.

I also think that this script misses the forest for the trees. Some lines left me like ???. There is a lot of self pity that often disregards other peoples issues. It was really bizarre.
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The Happening (I) (2008)
The Performances of the Century...
12 December 2022
Oh wow. I shouldn't have watched this back to back with The Sixth Sense. How can M. Night make such wildly different quality movies.

This was really bad. The script was awful. The dialogue was just so stiff. I don't think this was helped by the most wooden performance ever to grace the screen. Mark was that bad in this movie, I couldn't tell when the lines he was saying were jokes because he said every line the exact same. But Zoey was also dead behind the eyes. "Oh. I wish that you were here" doesn't really hold much weight when it's read like she's a text to speech program. It was insane to me how wooden they both were.

The story is why it's a not half a Star for me because there is such a fear and complete helplessness that comes from this plot, unfortunately it's not executed in a way that capitalises on it's potential. The reason for the events...well, the whole movie I was like "surly they will be a big revel and that won't be the reason, right? Right? RIGHT??" But no, there was no big reveal it was just an insane reason that made no sense. Such a waste of an idea.
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Great Ideas but Kinda Slow
12 December 2022
I'm not going to rate this super low because I do think it honesty had some good ideas and the acting was good. It had a vibe. The loneliness of this girl was like palpable. It was so real. You could feel the desperation for connection. It was fantastic. Iv seen people like her in real life, the actor captured it perfectly.

I also loved some of the film making choices, it had intriguing shots. I do think the sound needed another pass because I couldn't really hear sometimes.

My biggest issue was the plot? It might have existed but I'm not sure, I'll be honest I actually fell asleep watching this. Which is kinda not a great sign for a horror movie. I saw most of it and then dozed off. It's just aimless. It's like a display of all these great ideas but that's it, there isn't much to bind them together. I definitely want to see more from this writer though. They seem interesting.
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Plan B (II) (2021)
Hilarious and Poignant
10 December 2022
I absolutely loved most things about this movie. It's absolutely hilarious, like parts made me laugh out loud. I also loved the relationship of the leads. It was so pure and real. My only issue with their relationship was in the second half, it just seemed to turn for sake of plot. Like things happened that seemed uncharacteristic of their friendship. It just seemed like they knew each other better than how they behaved.

I love the subtlety of the messages, like showing how hard all these different situations are, I think it is done perfectly.

Also the actors did a great job, I want to see more from them and the writers. Really impressed.
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