25 Reviews
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Chaesikjuuija (2009)
An good enough adaptation with great performances
6 October 2023
For fans of the original novel, the film might fall short of expectations. Those unfamiliar with the story, will probably not even understand most of it.

However, in some ways, the movie successfully complements the essence of the novel. The film, while not capturing all the nuances of the book, but it manages to convey the fundamental themes and emotions that made the original story.

The cast, however, deserves great praise, with exceptional and believable performances.

Visually, the movie also excels, with great attention to detail in capturing the essence of each scene.

So, while I recognize that it does not match the brilliance of its source material, I still think that, if you enjoyed the novel, this is very much worth watching!
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The Director as great potential, but there's room for improvement
22 January 2023
Overall, the movie is a visually appealing experience, with a great aesthetic cohesion that transports the viewer into its world. The main actors deliver believable performances, making it easy to connect with the characters even though there is little to be said or known about them. The way the scenes are put together is seamless, creating a cohesive and engaging viewing experience, that feels poetic like.

On the negative side, the writing/story itself is quite flat (even though that is not necessarily a problem in itself), especially when it comes to the cop's character (we know he is stuck to some case in the past, but no more than that). The supporting actors' performances, while decent, are not as believable. Also, the dream scenes were not quite as effective as the rest of the film, and direction wise seem subpar compared to the rest (the action feels sloppy and amateurish).

Overall, I am glad I watched this movie. As a fan of Art-House Cinema, I think this director as great potential, but there is definitely room for improvement.
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In Her Place (2014)
Slow, but worth it
9 September 2022
Even though I am used to slow movies, this one was simply too slow at times, and it could have benefited from being 20 or 30 minutes shorter.

It doesn't go into much detail about any of the characters, and you are led to connect with them mostly through their daily interactions and emotions, in manner that quietly invites you to judge them either fairly or unfairly. By the end of the movie I definitely felt as if it was my right to know more about each of them, to know whether my judgements were valid or not, if they ever are.

Performances are great, of course, and that's what compensated for the movie's slow pacing.

Without giving any spoilers, I can say that the plot is interesting enough, and, for its pungency, will stay with you for a long time. In a way, if you are used to Korean cinema, and directors such as Kim-Ki Duk and Bong Joon Ho, it's nothing out of the ordinary. For newcomers, it will definitely be surprising.

To wrap it all, if you have patience for slow movies, it's worth watching once, at least.
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Meili (2018)
Recommend for those who like Indie movies
1 August 2022
Yun Chi's magnificent performance alone makes it well worth the watch.

The story revolves around the life of a young lesbian girl from the Chinese working class. While this is relevant and well portrayed throughout the entire movie, giving us a well-crafted image of the social context of contemporary China (and many other societies as well, which in this globalized world are not so different in terms of social stratification), I think none of that is the focal point of the movie.

The focal point, I would say, is Meili's character as a fragile human being, broken by the weight of an absent family and an array of toxic relationships, all of that reinforced in the context of the society in which she lives in and a life with no financial security.

In the end, the realization that Meili's history and deteriorating mental health are far too real in our world, brings a sense of sadness and empathy towards the character.
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It had the ingredients to be great, but it isn't
13 July 2022
A movie that is built upon various respectable topics: poverty; mental health; loneliness. The story itself is excellent.

Unfortunately, it's not built that well, at least not in my opinion.

The soundtrack feels intrusive, at times, as it tries to force you into a more emotional state. But this frequently backfires, removing the immersion from what is happening on screen.

The occasional humor was very bland and felt out of place.

The frequent dances reminded me of Bollywood movies (nothing against it, but I personally dislike it).

Since my complaints are quite subjective, I would not describe this as a bad movie in any way. But definitely, not my concept of a great movie.
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Ying (2018)
Good, but it doesn't feel like much, coming from such director
31 May 2022
Zhang Yimou is a fantastic director.

Unfortunately, I was not amazed by Shadow.

With better visuals and fight choreographies than ever, it falls short to some of its previous titles, such as Curse of the Golden Flower and even House of Flying Daggers. Not because the story is necessarily less interesting, but it undoubtedly felt unoriginal.

If you never saw any of those, I would still recommend this one for the novelty. If you did, it's up to you, but I honestly felt like it had nothing new to offer.
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A work of high artistic value, if such thing exists
29 May 2022
A must watch in terms of artistic value.

Did I understand it? Not in it's integrity. Maybe not at all.

Is it made to be understood? Maybe not either.

Is it easy to watch? It will require patience, stillness.

In short: I don't recommend it if you are looking for a story driven movie.

I definitely recommend it if you are looking for something of high artistic expression.
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Xiao Mei (2018)
15 May 2022
Recommended if you are into Art-House cinema.

Well acted, and the way the characters communicate with the camera and with each other is rather compelling.

But the pace is too slow. Even though it is quite short in absolute time (around 90 minutes only) , I started to lose interest in what was going on by the middle of it.

Not in the list of movies I will rewatch, even though I'm happy I've watched it once.
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Kûkai (2017)
Technicaly stuning. Lackluster in everything else
14 May 2022
As I wrote in the title, this movie is technically stunning.

  • The story, which is quite bland, takes too long to unfold, making it a bore;
  • The acting is off (too theatrical);
  • It tries to be funny, but once again, the humor is quite bland;

If you like the genre, you might find it interesting for the visuals. If not, I would just skip it.
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A collection of moving pictures
12 May 2022
It feels like going to a carefully curated gallery, composed not of pictures, but of short (still) videos.

For what it does, it is an enjoyable experience.

However, this is not a movie nor even a documentary in the traditional sense. There is no plot, no dialogue, and no connection between the scenes (except for the fact that everything is filmed in China). Try it if you are ok with that.

Xiaoshuai Wang has some amazing works. This feels more like personal experimentation than anything else.
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Harsh, but immensely interesting
4 May 2022
A good example on how easy it is, under certain external circumstances, to create a dysfunctional family, even when embeded with the best intentions.

A doc-movie that is hard to watch, as it's far from being a fictional story. Unfortunately, there is still, and always will be, too much suffering in this world.

On an historical perspective (even though it's quite recent, things in China change at the speed of light), it shares a light on the development of this huge country. It's also always fascinating to watch how meaningful the China Olympics of 2008 were for the nation's pride, as a country that gladly opened to the world, and to contrast that to its current isolationist trend.
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Good for families
1 May 2022
It's a nice family movie, and it has Pandas. As such, I give it this rating. Great if you have kids.

Cinematically speaking, however, it's average at best. Being too simplistic, it feels too long even at less than 90 minutes.
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Highly recommended
30 April 2022
Dealing with two intense aspects: disability and poverty, your sense of compassion will be strenuously tested. It feels, at times, like a punch in the stomach.

If you are receptive to that, I highly recommend this movie, which will probably linger in your memory for a long time after watching it.
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Glad that I watched it, besides its low score
30 April 2022
The film is well acted, and I was specially surprised by the acting of the children.

In honesty, it feels like the story goes nowhere. Some scenes seem disjointed. It's hard to make a meaning of anything. However, all this is presented in an almost transcendental way, open to your own interpretations.

I was amazed as something which could, in theory, be so bland, was so rich.
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Worth watching once, if you like the genre
28 April 2022
While the premise was quite good, I felt that it was poorly executed, given that, as the minutes went by, I became less and less interested in the characters.

If you like the genre, it's well worth watching. Otherwise, there are better ones out there.
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The first hour is deceiving
25 April 2022
One hour had already passed, and I was seriously thinking of giving up on this movie.

It felt predictable and inconsistent. Also, I am not a fan of this style of fight choreography, typical of superhero movies, which was putting me off.

I am glad I kept watching it till the end, because in the second hour, as the story unfolded, it finally started to make sense, and the movie felt like a blossoming flower, opening up to at our gaze.
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A masterpiece
23 April 2022
Amazing performances by all of the actors.

An engaging story that keeps delivering till the end.

More than a thriller, this is an amazing movie about the human psyche.

I guess some people were expecting some action movie? It is a slow movie that requires patience, so I guess lower rating derive from that.
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Vague but mesmerizing
21 April 2022
19 minutes of something utterly vague but quite mesmerizing nonetheless.

It feels like watching a dream, or some abstract form of art. Something that will speak to you what you speak to yourself.
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Harsh but very well worth it
11 April 2022
If you like Kim Ki-Duk, it very probable that you will like this movie. One of those raw movies, that will punch you in the stomach, while living you in awe.

And while the acting is mostly superb, it is also a bit too theatrical sometimes (like in older movies, even thought this one is from 2010). This was not that bad, as I still felt quite into the characters.
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A beautiful poem
1 April 2022
A movie that asks you to be both patient and naïve (in a childish manner, so to speak).

Failing upon those, it might come as tedious and cheesy.

If both are embraced, it all feels like a beautiful poem on love and all other encompassing emotions.
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Anmian lushe (2020)
Life as a choice. Should we intervene in the choices of others?
25 September 2021
A movie that feels as superficial as profound on the subject of suicide normalization. This ambivalence, is in fact, something that works quite well in its favor. It doesn't strike as overly dramatic, but it still packs all the emotions one would expect when covering such a topic.

45 minutes were enough for me to feel close to the characters, to care about them, to wonder about their struggles, their dreams, their hopes, their disappointments.

I feel that, for some, this movie can come as quite provocative and insulting (to those for whom life is an unquestionable obligation and bless). If that is your case, this is probably not for you. For those who are willing to accept a view through which life is, most of all, an individual right, I definitely recommend these well-crafted 45 minutes.
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A great movie that lacks a bit more subtlety
10 September 2021
Not only it conveys a great message, but it also does so in an engaging way.

Both lead actors' performances were exceptional.

Unfortunately, it would have been a better accomplishment if it was more subtle storywise.
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36 (2012)
The beauty of simple
4 September 2021
A movie that reminds us of the beauty of simplicity, and the peacefulness that might come with it.

And if above I am mostly talking about it from a technical perspective, I should also note that such simplicity disfavors the movie in terms of plot/script.

All in all, it is a nice viewing experience if you go with an open mind.
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Slow, but lovely and intimate
25 August 2021
It is slow and not that different from other art-house movies out there, which you can find in indie cinemas.

But it is good at what it does. I didn't fall in love with it while watching it, but it did stick with me. Weeks after watching this piece, I still find myself recalling some of its moments, some of its calmness.

Maybe it is just some kind of personal connection with some of the characters, who have since remained in my memories as distant old friends, especially Muzi. Or maybe it is really well acted and directed.

Either way, it is a movie I will be rewatching in the future.
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25 August 2021
As most movies in the genre, it tries to go for that perfect "Black Hawk Dawn" mixture of action and human connection.

While it has the first part (and it is just good at it, not great) it totally fails on the second. I do understand that not everyone agrees with me, but I felt the dialogs, specially between the soldiers and their families, where some of the cringiest things I saw in a long time.

Unlike "Black Hawk Dawn" which I've watched 3 times already, this one is not something I will watch again.
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