Brecha is a particularly vivid and realistic portrayal of the emotional rupture between a father recently released from jail and his 12 yearold son, following a dark family tragedy that no one has strength enough to confront.
Herself victim of the same in-communication, the boys grandmother tries her level best at normalising their lives, though not counting on the fathers incapacity at forgetting the past, and his sons increasingly peculiar behaviour.
All three of them awkwardly attempt to plug the rift, only to worsen the situation with every try, leading them slowly to the brink of a new and permanent - disaster.
Brecha is Ivan Noel's new feature film (first time director of 'En Tu Ausencia', official selection at Vancouver International Festival 2008).
With his characteristic blend of brute realism, surreal humour, and visual poetry, he offers us a new deeply emotional vision of how a rift between three generations can - through in-communication grow to almost tragic proportions.
Noteworthy is the discovery of the truly extraordinary talent of newcomer from Seville, 11 year-old Jose-Ramon Lafita.