Bail Out
Bail Out is a web series and future weekly TV series. It is about a NYC detective, Jimmy O’Neill, (Dennis O’Neill) who has a run in with a NYC council member, Joe Esposito. (Al Dias) who is also tied to the mob. Jimmy’s childhood friend, Vito, (Jim Blumetti) a mobster himself, who once got Jimmy involved with the “familyâ€� in their younger days, tries to help Jimmy in this very delicate tight spot, but can’t go against crime boss, Carmine Cappelletti (Nick Mancuso). Carmine forbids Jimmy from seeing his niece, Katherine (Andrea Cohen) when they meet and fall in love. Jimmy’s uncle Charlie has been trying to get him to move to Fort Worth, TX to help with his failing Bail Bonds Business. Jimmy sees this as a perfect time to take a leave of absence from the department. Jimmy recruits the help of his long time NYPD partner Marty Napolitano (Terry Kiser) to join him. These two fish out of water become P.I’s and join forces with uncle Charlie’s crew, fighting crime while the mob is hot on their heels in the Lone star state. Their NYPD, Chief of Police, Mike Connolly, and (Marshall Teague) makes periodic trips to Texas to help his friends. Jimmy and Marty meet P.I., “Bubbaâ€� Jack Jones, (Burton Gilliam) who helps them become licensed P.I.’s. Everyone from the mob to Jimmy’s New York friends and rivals get involved in the high-jinx, drama of Jimmy’s story. Because as Jimmy would tell ya, “Everybody’s got a story!â€�