"Changelings: The Eternal dance" trailer
With multiple NYPD detectives and police dead, missing or in danger, NYPD Special Spectral Division personnel track down Ricky as Michael and Victoria have a tense showdown.
Supernaturals have walked amongst the living for millennia. The wiser ones understand the value of being unseen, taking their fate with grace or despair or hateful cruelty. But being alive for so long can be like living death; causing hideous boredom, madness sociopathism and sadism. Something now hunts them and the investigating NYPD officers and detectives... something that does not understand pity, nor fear, nor pain...
Reynaldo Rivera
Rene Ojeda
Alexandra Hellquist
Anaïs Fifer
Jack Lidji
Edward Prostak
Stephanie Rankin
Loki the Cat
Margot Steinberg
Jeff Jackter