The Scarlet Scourge - Fight To Lose
Alan's Rock Band, The Scarlet Scourge.
The Scarlet Scourge is a name that derives from War World II. In order to maximize cargo space and increase the rate at which men and women fighting overseas received letters from loved ones,, the U.S. Postal Service invented machines to transcribe hand written letters onto microfilm. These letters were significantly smaller yet legible. The U.S. Postal Service called these letters V-Mail (V standing for victory). As progressive as this idea was, it's execution was not. On various occasions, womens' lipstick marks from the original letters would gum up the scanning machines, causing havoc and delaying shipments. Sometimes V-Mail would take up to 6 weeks to get to their destination rather than its prediction of two. For some, it was already too late. This was all a result from a "Loving Kiss." This is known as The Scarlet Scourge.