The Cutoff
The action-packed story of Michael Lorenzo, portrayed by Michael DePasquale Jr. (”The Power Within,” “China Heat,” “King of the Kickboxers,” “Blood Moon”). Lorenzo is a down and out private detective who, while trying to keep his financially strapped NY based agency above water, has his whole world turned inside out by the brutal mob directed murder of his younger brother. The fact that the murder was a case of mistaken identity fills Michael with guilt: Michael, driving his brother’s truck, had accidentally collided with the limo of “Don” Carlo Benevito causing the mob boss’s death. The younger Benevito, Vito, played by Keith Vitali (”Blood Brothers,” “Super Fights,” “Revenge of the Ninja”), thinking this to be a mob hit, immediately dispatched his chief strongarm Sly, played by Joe Hess (”Too Much,” “Blood Moon”) to”even the score.” The grief stricken Michael uses his sreet smarts and martial arts skills to “go under” and infiltrate the powerful and dangerous Benevito crime family to exact his own revenge. Michael does this despite admonitions from his friend, Detective Parnelli portrayed by Joe Lewis (”Jaguar Lives,” “Force Five,” “Mr. X”) and his estranged wife, Gloria, played by Michele Seidman. In the course of events, and after several run-ins with Sly, Michael is eventually exposed, whichis the set up for the wildly spectacular fight scenes to follow, set in the Benevito “drug factory.”
“The Cutoff” depicts spectacular cutting-edge fight scenes that have never before been seen by the movie going public. Directed by the talented master of on-screen action, Art Camacho (”Recoil,” “Point Doom,” “Little Bigfoot,” “The Power Within”), this incredible action/adventure epic is destined to take the genres of both Mob and Martial Arts motion pictures to a fantastic new level!