Therese Lloyd Comedy Reel
Detailed info on clips in order of appearance:
1) THE OVER EASY COURTHOUSE CAFE (S2.E5)---Therese Lloyd plays an emcee at a local comedy club. Directed by Andrea Wolanin.
2) THE DANGERFIELDS---In this 1960s-era feature comedy written by Doug Lumpkin and directed by Reno Venturi, Therese Lloyd disciplines high-school students as a whip-cracking Slavic detention officer.
3) THE BOSWELL INCIDENT---In this science-fiction comedy short from award-winning director Wes Palmer., a neurotic pet owner (Therese Lloyd) is convinced of an alien plot to abduct animals and seeks help from an insurance agent for her missing fish named Fin. Also features Natalie Hebert and Tim Lucason.
4) NEXT GREAT HIRE---For this webisode spoofing reality TV from writer-director Genine Amada Tillotson, Therese Lloyd plays an anxious woman in an elevator in a race-based scene. Also features Daniel Washington.
5) WALLIE'S GALS---In this comedy feature from writer-director Mary C. Ferrara, an unwitting cult member (Therese Lloyd) catches up with her former coworkers and searches for the right chakra stone. Also features Roe Pacheco and Danielle Gensler.