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are free for state-funded schools and non-school settings, such as youth clubs and libraries.

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What makes an Into Film Club?

What do I get from my Into Film Club?

Get started
  • 1 Film Catalogue Stream films instantly with Into Film+, and enjoy exclusive bonus extras with many titles.
  • 2 Resources and Tools Educational resources and tools to stimulate engagement, discussion, learning and review.
  • 3 Into Film Support Support from the Into Film Team, including training and development opportunities.
  • 4 Exclusive Events Exclusive events, including Into Film Festival: the world's largest youth film festival.
  • 5 Activities for Young People A range of competitions and materials for young people to get involved with.
  • 6 Filmmaking Youth-focused filmmaking activities that develop a range of skills.

Why set up an Into Film Club?



of film club leaders say their club members enjoy school more and engage better with the curriculum.


Imagination and Creativity

of film club leaders say that using film has improved young people’s imagination and creativity.


Speaking and Listening

of film club leaders say Into Film Clubs has improved speaking, listening, discussion and social skills.

Experience film as you never have before.

Useful information

How Do Into Film Clubs Work? header

How do Into Film Clubs work?

Learn how to kick-start your Into Film Club.

Film In a Day, Torrington (Filmmaking)


Find out everything you need to know about teaching young people to make films.

Review 500

Review 500 Winners

Inspire young people to enter our ongoing review writing competition.

Do I Need a Licence?

Do I Need a Licence?

Check the licensing regulations before screening a film.

What our educators say

"I use Into Film because children love films. The film club brings children together in lively fun discussions, offering lots of children experiences through visual images they just don't get in their everyday lives."

- Angie Cole, Teacher, Langside Primary, Glasgow