Though the belt squat is undeniably convenient and more comfortable than many other leg exercises, it is also rather uncommon and expensive to purchase, hence the need for possible alternatives instead.
Fortunately, there are quite a number of different belt squat alternative exercises, some of which are simply belt squat variations while others may be somewhat less similar in specifications but nonetheless just as effective.
While variations of the belt squat like the landmine belt squat can share many similarities, possible alternatives without the same drawbacks of the conventional belt squat are also available, such as the barbell back squat or hack squat exercises.
The belt squat is a machine-based compound exercise meant to act as an alternative or assistive exercise to heavier free weight movements like the deadlift or back squat. It is frequently performed for low-to-moderate volume sets with a moderate amount of weight.
Belt squats train much the same muscles as conventional squats; the quadriceps, core, hamstrings, glutes and the erector spinae.
The main benefit of belt squats is in the greater safety and comfort it offers in comparison to similar exercises.
The position in which the lifter is placed when performing the exercise – as well as the fact that the belt squat machine displaces the resistance in a more even manner – means that the lifter will have an easier time maintaining spinal neutrality and a more stable stance.
Apart from safety and comfort, belt squats are also known for better isolating the lower body in a manner that produces less accumulated fatigue, allowing for greater volume and resistance without the involvement of other parts of the body.
For the most part, lifters will alternate out the belt squat simply because they do not have access to the right equipment. This may easily be remedied with a few creative solutions and a few pieces of free weight equipment.
Other reasons that the belt squat may need to be substituted have to do with the need for a more intense or focused exercise, either to better emphasize a certain part of the lower body or to train it to a greater degree.
For lifters wishing to retain as many characteristics of the belt squat as possible, recreating the exercise without the use of a belt squat machine is likely the best course of action. The following movements will train much the same muscle groups and feature nearly identical benefits to a traditional belt squat, and are performed in much the same way as well.
Note that even if these exercises do not require a belt squat machine, they nonetheless will still need certain types of exercise equipment in order to replicate the training stimulus correctly.
For the best approximation to a conventional belt squat, plate belt squats are the ideal choice, as they utilize a dip belt to recreate the angle of resistance, load distribution and positioning of the original exercise.
While it does indeed feature a somewhat shorter range of motion on account of having the weight hanging between the lifter’s legs, this may be remedied by having the lifter stand on an elevated area, or otherwise attaching the weight more closely to the pelvis.
For an easier time loading a heavy amount of weight, the usage of a barbell attached to a landmine housing may also provide a similar exercise to the conventional belt squat.
In order to do this, simply attach the opposite end of the barbell to a dip belt and have the lifter stand over the bar, assuming the regular belt squat position and facing away from the bar.
Much like the traditional belt squat, this particular variation features very little pressure and force being placed on the spine, and features a nearly identical angle of resistance and intensity – making it excellent for lifters without access to a belt squat machine.
For lifters on the go or those seeking a lower intensity exercise, resistance band belt squats are both convenient to transport and can provide a somewhat easier exercise than other free weight belt squat variations.
To make this exercise possible, the lifter will need a moderate-level resistance band. Placing both ends of the band on both feet, they need to simply grip the center of the band from a standing position before proceeding with the belt squat as normal.
Apart from sharing the same angle of resistance, mechanics, and low risk of injury as the traditional belt squat, resistance band belt squats will also provide a constant time under tension to the muscles of the lower body, making them excellent as an accessory movement.
One of the best possible alternative exercises to the belt squat is the traditional front squat, an exercise with much the same benefits and muscular recruitment, though without the need for the same equipment.
Front squats will train the entirety of the lower body and core to a highly effective level, though they will place a greater focus on the quadriceps muscles, rather than the posterior chain, as is the case with the belt squat.
Front squats only require a barbell and set of weight plates, though a rack may also come in useful for setting up the exercise.
The main benefit of the front squat as an alternative is its capacity to distribute the load across the body, rather than placing it atop the spine, thereby causing vertical pressure and increasing the risk of injuries.
This is much the same advantage that the belt squat has, hence the fact that the front squat is considered an excellent alternative for those without access to a belt squat machine.
Furthermore, the free weight nature and greater loading capacity means that it is an excellent substitute for lifters seeking to improve their muscular strength, as the belt squat falls short in comparison.
Unracking a barbell atop the front of their shoulders, the lifter will secure it with both hands set wider than shoulder-width apart, ensuring that the elbows are pointing forwards.
Bracing the core and entering a squatting stance, the lifter will then bend at the hips and knees simultaneously, lowering themselves until they reach at least parallel depth, all the while maintaining an upright torso.
Once reaching the bottom of the repetition, they will push through their heels, extending the hips and knees until they have returned to a standing position, thereby completing the repetition.
The barbell hack squat is a free weight alternative to the belt squat that features a similar range of motion, angle of resistance and muscular recruitment pattern, though they will nonetheless still fatigue the body in a manner that other free weight compound movements do.
The barbell hack squat is the appropriate choice for lifters seeking a somewhat more intense but nonetheless just as safe exercise as the belt squat, especially if they wish to avoid compressing the spine as much as possible.
The barbell hack squat only requires a barbell and set of weight plates.
Much like the belt squat, barbell hack squats are chosen because of their comparative ability to diffuse force across the body, thereby greatly reducing risk of injury and ensuring that the spine or back is not taxed in a significant way.
Placing a barbell behind their legs, the lifter will bend downwards at the hips and knees, ensuring that the lower back is straight and the core is braced. From a sideways view, it will appear as if the lifter is in a seated position with the barbell parallel to their shoulders in a vertical line.
Gripping the barbell beneath them, they will then push through the heels and draw their torso upwards, stopping once the hips and knees are in a state of full extension.
To complete the repetition, they will slowly return to the starting position with the barbell on the ground in a slow and controlled manner.
Goblet squats are another belt squat alternative that draw force and pressure away from the spine while still recruiting much the same muscles at a similar degree of intensity.
Unlike many other lower body compound exercises, the goblet squat is relatively low intensity and quite easy to learn – making it the ideal belt squat substitute for novice lifters or individuals returning to training after a lengthy off period.
Goblet squats require only a single dumbbell or kettlebell.
Goblet squats share the same distribution of force as the front squat of belt squat – meaning that the back is largely protected from compression, though the lifter should ensure that the upper back is not curving for the best effect.
Furthermore, goblet squats are far less equipment intensive than belt squats, and are simple enough to perform that they are accessible to newbie lifters without access to equipment like a barbell or squat rack.
Holding a dumbbell at chest-height from one side (by the weight), the lifter will brace their core and ensure that their back is in a neutral curvature before bending at the hips and knees simultaneously.
They will squat downward until they have reached at least parallel depth, ensuring that the “goblet” or dumbbell remains in a stable position and that the heels are in contact with the floor throughout the repetition.
From this point, they will push through the heels, extending their hips and knees until they have returned to an upright position, thereby completing the goblet squat.
Also known as the machine hack squat, hack squats are an excellent alternative to the belt squat for lifters wishing to retain its machine-based nature while also ensuring that the spine is left relatively uncompressed.
Much like belt squats, hack squats will recruit the entirety of the lower body and core, though they place a greater emphasis on the quadriceps in comparison. Fortunately, lifters can adjust the machine and modify their stance in order to focus more on the posterior chain, if so desired.
Conventional hack squats will require a hack squat machine.
Though hack squats do indeed feature a different set of mechanics, they nonetheless place little to no stress on the spine, and share the benefit of being machine-based, meaning that stabilizer muscles are utilized to a lesser degree as well.
This equates to the hack squat being arguably as safe as the belt squat, especially if performed to the same intensity.
Apart from safety and load distribution, hack squats are also easier to modify than the belt squat, and they may even be performed in reverse or with a different angle of resistance – two factors that are not present with conventional belt squats.
Standing in the machine with their back to the pads, the lifter will set their feet shoulder-width apart atop the base plate before unlocking the sled so as to begin the repetition.
Bending at the hips and knees, the lifter will squat downwards in a controlled manner, allowing the sled to move with them as they do so. Unlike with conventional squats, the knees may go somewhat more forward without risking injury – so long as the feet remain in-contact with the plate.
Once reaching a comfortable depth, they will push through the heels and extend through the knees, pushing the shoulder pads upwards until they have returned to their original starting position, thereby having completed the repetition.
Keep in mind that the belt squat is a situational compound exercise. Rarely is the belt squat used as a primary compound movement in a regular training program, and your substitute movement should reflect that through possessing a similar level of intensity, mechanics and muscular recruitment.
If you find that none of the alternatives listed here are capable of fulfilling the original role of the belt squat in your program, it is possible to restructure said program in such a way that your goals are met regardless.
1. Gulick, Dawn & Fagnani, James & Gulick, Colleen. (2015). Comparison of muscle activation of hip belt squat and barbell back squat techniques. Isokinetics and Exercise Science. 23. 101-108. 10.3233/IES-150570.
2. Joseph L, Reilly J, Sweezey K, Waugh R, Carlson LA, Lawrence MA. Activity of Trunk and Lower Extremity Musculature: Comparison Between Parallel Back Squats and Belt Squats. J Hum Kinet. 2020 Mar 31;72:223-228. doi: 10.2478/hukin-2019-0126. PMID: 32269663; PMCID: PMC7126258.