Inspire US in an informational website aimed towards offering insight into weightlifting, powerlifting, and Olympic lifting. These articles aim to discuss biomechanics, kinetic chains, as well as musculature.
All the content found on Inspire US is written by Debbie Luna and/or expert Writers and contributors with first-hand experience with weightlifting. The authorship for articles can be found at the top and bottom of every post.
Before an article is published on Inspire US it is fact checked and scrutinized by registered Physical Therapist – Daniel Dominick TE, MSPT – Learn more about Daniel.
During the research phase of creating articles, we combine our first-hand experience with primary sources.
As primary sources make new findings, our articles will regularly update to reflect these changes. We routinely update existing content to ensure that it’s reflective of the current best practices, guidelines, and recommendations.
When an article is updated, the date is time-stamped and is reflected on the page.
If you discover inaccuracies in the content and/or outdated facts, please message us or email us directly:
The articles found on Inspire US ( are meant to be used for informational and recreational purposes only. We do not serve as a substitute for medical, professional, and/or educational advice.
On Inspire US we are committed to fair, accurate, and complete journalism. All Writers, Expert Contributors, and Reviewers are held to a high degree of honesty and transparency.
The overarching goal of Inspire US is to provide Readers with original and unbiased, science-driven information. We do not give preferential treatment to any outside sources or companies who author or own that source.