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XIII Guide
Welcome to the XIII wiki guide.
Ever wake up with no memory of yourself? No idea how you ended up on the shores of a deserted beach? No name, no past, no future? Sure you have! XIII, however, is a bit different than you. His identity is shrouded in a cloud of government conspiracy and not the haze of an alcoholic stupor. Who is XIII? That's why we play the games, son, to find out. Inside this fine IGN guide, you'll find everything you need to uncover the true identity of XIII. Discover the conspiracy, save the President, and be home by dinner. Turn the page to find: Basics - First person shooter? Uhhh whazzat? We give you the tools necessary to fulfill your vengeance.Walkthrough - Every turn, every gunshot, every Medkit. Don't get stuck!Multiplayer - Your game of XIII looking more like a game of IV or V? Learn the skills you need to succeed against your buddies.Secrets - Sexy hidden
goodies that will make you forget your own name.
From French comic to multi-console sensation, XIII has made an amazing transformation to a flatscreen TV near you. You've got the game, now own it with our complete and in-depth strategy guide.
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