Potential use of the ISBT 128 Product Description Code Database for Haemovigilance Reporting and Analysis – PDF (ISBT 2016)
ISBT 128: Supporting Haemovigilance by Standardization – PDF (17th International Haemovigilance Seminar)
Standardized Printing and Bar Coding of RBC Phenotype on Labels – PDF (AABB 2015)
Standardized 2D Label Design for Blood Products – PDF (ISBT 2015)
Solvent Detergent Plasma Standardized Label – PDF (ISBT 2015)
Standardized Terminology for Source Organs, Cellular Therapy, and Regenerated Tissues – PDF (ISCT 2016)
Simultaneous Implementation of the Single European Code and ISBT 128 – PDF (EBMT 2016)
Standardized Terminology for Source Organs, Cellular Therapy, and Regenerated Tissues – PDF (ISCT 2016)
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ISBT 128 Clinical Trials Product Description Codes
ISBT 128 Clinical Trials Product Description Codes were specifically developed for the identification and labeling of clinical trials products. These Clinical Trials PDCs are standardized global identifiers allocated by ICCBBA, which may be used by organizations licensed with ICCBBA, including clinical trials facilities, clinical trial sponsors, and cell and gene therapy manufacturers.
ISBT 128 Product Coding - Encoded vs Printed Information
The purpose of this video is to explain the difference between ISBT 128 product information that is encoded versus the text printed on the label .
Presentation Outline:
An overview of the structure of the ISBT 128 Delivery Mechanisms e.g. Code 128 Barcode and 2D Data Matrix
Label examples that demonstrate the distinction between barcoded information and printed text
ISBT 128 and Traceability
The purpose of this video* is to show how the ISBT 128 Donation Identification Numbers (DIN) and Product Codes support traceability, as well as how the Facility Identification Number (FIN) is used within the DIN.
Presentation Outline:
Overview of ISBT 128 Donation Identification Number (DIN) and Product Code.
How the Facility Identification Number (FIN) is used within the (DIN).
How the (DIN) and Product support traceability for ISBT 128.
The Single European Code (SEC) and ISBT 128
The purpose of this video* is to provide information to European Tissue Establishments that are working towards implementation of the SEC for tissues and cells. It assumes that the audience is already familiar with the European Directive on tissues and cells, including Commission Directive 2015/565 of April 2015.
Presentation Outline:
Background to the ISBT 128 Standard
Current global status of the use of ISBT 128
Information on ICCBBA (An NGO in official relations with WHO)
Implementation steps required for SEC
The benefits of introducing ISBT 128 alongside the SEC
ISBT 128 Overview Video
The purpose of this video is to provide a brief overview of the ISBT 128 Standard.
Presentation Outline:
Background to the ISBT 128 Standard
What is ISBT 128
The Information Environment
The Role of ICCBBA
Presentations used for NMDP webinars held in April 2014
The following presentations focus on ISBT 128 Cellular Therapy label design and Product Description Code selection. These presentations are intended to serve as helpful references.
ISBT 128 Cellular Therapy Label Design – Erwin Cabana
ISBT 128 Product Code Selection for Cell Therapy Products – Leigh Sims Poston
Presentations made at ISCT Meeting, Rotterdam, May 2011
Implementation of ISBT 128 Through the Development of an ISBT 128-Compliant Software – Boris Calmels
Implementing ISBT 128 Labeling for a Multisite BMT Program – Giovanna Cameron
Report on the CTCLAG Activities- A Year End Review 2010 – Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach
Presentations made at ISBT Meeting, Berlin, June 2010
Coding and Labelling of Tissues in Europe – Deirdre Fehily
ISBT 128 Coding and Labeling of Cellular Therapy Products Worldwide – Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach
Presentations made at ISCT Meeting, Sydney, June 2007
Basics of ISBT 128 – Pat Distler
Implementation of ISBT 128 in a Cellular Therapy Facility – Pat Distler
Software Validation – Paul Ashford
Presentations made at ISCT Meeting, Berlin, May 2006
Cell Therapy Labeling – Ineke Slaper-Cortenbach
ISBT 128 International Information Standard for Transfusion and Transplantation – Pat Distler
Label Design Task Group (CTCLAG) – Adrian Gee
Other Presentations
Implementation of ISBT 128 in a Medium Size Cellular Therapy Product Processing Laboratory – Zbigniew M Szczepiorkowski, Miriam Fogg Leach, Kathryn M. Bushnell
ISBT 128: The Coding System Specifically Designed for HCT/P – PDF
This presentation discusses the following topics:
What is ICCBBA and ISBT 128
What makes HCT/P different from other medical devices
Standardized product coding as an element of the Device Identifier
The Donation Identification Number to meet the requirements of a distinct identifier in 1271.370 as element of the Production Identifier
How to get started – Registering with ICCBBA
Presented by: Pat Distler (ICCBBA)
Debbie Barnett (MBTAG, Chairperson) provided the slides.
Debbie Barnett (MBTAG, Chairperson) provided the slides.