Bhiwani (भिवानी) is the district headquarters, city and a municipal council inBhiwani district in the state of Haryana, India. It is known as the city of temples. Besides being a seat of spiritual learning, the city has been the centerstage of regional politics. The city is hometown to two of chief ministers of Haryana: Bansi Lal, and Banarasi Das Gupta. This is the headquarters of Board of School Education, Haryana.
Tahsils in Bhiwani district
Villages in Bhiwani tahsil
(This list consists of villages falling under Bhiwani tehsil, and not district Bhiwani as a whole).
Ajitpura, Asalwas Dubia, Asalwas Marhata, Azadnagar, Babarwas, Badala, Badesra, Bamla, Bapora, Bhakra, Bhangarh, Bhiwani (M Cl), Biran, Chandawas, Chang, Devsar, Dhab Dhani, Dhana Ladanpur, Dhana Narsan, Dhanana, Dhangar, Dhani Brahmanan, Dhareru, Dhirana Kalan, Dinod, Ghuskani, Golagarh, Goripur, Gujrani, Haluwas, Hetampura, Jatai, Jhundawas, Jitwanabas, Jui Kalan, Jui Khurd, Kaluwas, Kasumbhi, Kaunt, Kayla, Kelanga, Kharak Kalan, Kharak Khurd, Kitlana, Kohar, Lalawas, Lalhana, Leghan Bhanan, Leghan Hetwan, Lohani, Madhmadhvi, Malwas Devsar, Malwas Kohar, Mandhana, Manheru, Mitathal, Mundhal Kalan, Mundhal Khurd, Nandgaon, Nangal, Nangla, Nathuwas, Naurangabad, Nimriwali, Ninan, Pahladgarh, Paluwas, Phulpura, Pohkarwas, Prem Nagar, Rajgarh, Rajpura Kharkari, Riwari, Rupgarh, Sai, Sanga (सांगा), Sarsa, Talu, Tigrana, Tigri, Titani, Umrawat,
Buddha Prakash[2] mentions....At Sidipur Lova, Kisrenhati, Karauntha, Bhiwani etc. also coins of Vasudeva have been discovered with those of the Yaudheyas.
In medieval periods,the area was under the mughals which subsequently for a brief period was won over by armies under the Jat king of Bharatpur. Subsequently, during the inetrnal strife prevailing within the ruling family, the area also saw brief period of marauding from Jat sikh misls before finally being accepted under the British Suzerainity. Though it is widely agreed that the area was spared from the usurping eyes of Jat sikh rulers who in turn took it as part of dominions of another Jat ruler(Bharatpur)only . Subsequently, some Parts of the area were also rewarded to petty interests who had collaborated with the Britishers in their wars with the Jat king(s). Special mention may here be made of the Nawab of Loharu who was given the Jamindari subsequent to the war of 1825-26 for the help redered by him to the Britishers against the warring factions of the Jat ruling family.Pursuant to British occupation, and especially after The death of Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Punjab) as also denial by the ruler of Jind to accept the territory as per British offer on grounds of the area not being revenue wise feasibly maintainable ;the whatever nominal remnants of erstwhile designated governing Jat family of Saharan clan, already almost non-existent by way of wars both internal and external , were dispersed forcibly into obscurity by the Britishers.
The city has been a conventional school of boxing, with almost all of the members of the Indian Boxing Squad coming from its SAI hostel itself. Late Capt Hawa Singh, the legendary boxer, helped establish the boxing academy here.
जयपुर रियासत के शेखावाटी भाग में गूगौर और बागौर नाम के दो गाँव थे। इनके स्वामी जयपरतनामी चौहान थे। जयपरतनामी के 4 पुत्र हुये 1. जाटू, 2. सतरोल, 3. राघू, और 4. जरावता. जाटू का विवाह सिरसा नगर के सरोहा गोत्री ठाकुर की पुत्री के साथ हुआ। जाटू के दो पुत्र हुये पाड़ और हरपाल। पाड़ ने राजली ग्राम बसाया जो अब जिला हिसार में पड़ता है। [p.11] राजली सारा जाटों का गाँव है जिसके स्वामी भी जाट हैं। हरपाल ने गुराणा गाँव बसाया जो राजली के पास ही है। यह ग्राम भी जाटों का है। [3]
पाड़ के 5 पुत्र हुये – 1. अमृता, 2. बसुदेव, 3. पद्मा, 4. अब्भा, 5. लौआ. अमृता ने खूड़ाना गाँव बसाया जो रियासत पटियाला में है। बसुदेव ने भिवानी नगर बसाया जो अब हिसार की तहसील है। भिवानी से 7 कोस के अंतर पर बवानी खेड़ा और बलियाली ग्राम भी बसुदेव ने बसाये जो अब तहसील हांसी में हैं। बलियाली ग्राम के सारे राजपूत अब मुस्लिम हैं। बवानी खेड़ा के आधे राजपूत हिन्दू मत में और आधे मुस्लिम हैं। भवानी नगर के सारे राजपूत हिन्दू मत के हैं। भिवानी, बवानी खेड़ा और बलियाली के राजपूत वसुदेव की संतान हैं। भारत में जब महम्मदी लोगों का राज्य हो गया था तब बलियाली ग्राम के सारे और बवानी खेड़ा के आधे मुस्लिम बन गए थे। [4]
इतिहासकार स्वामी ओमानन्द सरस्वती लिखते हैं
यौधेयों की पांचवें प्रकार की मुद्रायें जो कि यौधेय गण की अन्तिम मुद्रायें मानी जाती हैं, और प्रायः जिसे गण राज्यों अथवा उनकी मुद्राओं का स्वल्प ज्ञान रखने वाले व्यक्ति भी जानते हैं, उन पर ब्राह्मी लिपि तथा संस्कृत भाषा में "यौधेय गणस्य जय" लिखा है । मध्य में कार्त्तिकेय अपनी शक्ति लिये खड़ा है । उसके एक पग के पास मयूर (मोर) का चित्र चित्रित है । इस मुद्रा पर कार्त्तिकेय की शक्ति (भाला) और उसके शिर के बीच ब्राह्मी में "द्वि" लिखा है । इस मुद्रा पर दूसरी ओर चलती हुई देवी का चित्र है । देवी का बायां हाथ कटि पर स्थित है तथा दायां हाथ ऊपर उठा रखा है । हाथ में कंगन भी प्रतीत होते हैं । देवी के दायें हाथ के नीचे पुष्पों से परिपूरित पात्र (कलसा) भी विद्यमान है । देवी के बायें ओर इस प्रकार का चिह्न है । देखिये, द्वितीय फलक पर ५ संख्या (नम्बर) वाली मुद्रा । वर्तुलाकार इस में मुद्रा पर देवी के चारों ओर बनी मणियों की माला यह द्योतित करती है कि यह अमूल्य रत्नों तथा धन-धान्य से परिपूरित बहुधान्यक अर्थात् हरयाणा की मुद्रा है । यह यौधेयों की विजय की सूचना देने वाली मुद्रा है । सभी इतिहासज्ञों का यह विचार है कि कुषाणों को पराजित कर उखाड़ फेंक देने के पश्चात् यौधेय गण ने अपनी इस मुद्रा को ढाला (बनाया) था । यह मुद्रा प्रायः सम्पूर्ण हरयाणे में मिलती है । मेरठ, हापुड़, सुनेत, करौंथा, अटायल, आंवली, मोहनबाड़ी, हाँसी, हिसार, भिवानी, नौरंगाबाद, दादरी, मल्हाणा, सीदीपुर लोवा आदि स्थानों से यह मुद्रा हमें प्राप्त हुई है । महम, सोनीपत, जयजयवन्ती, सहारनपुर आदि अनेक स्थानों पर भी यह लोगों को पर्याप्त संख्या में मिली है ।[5]
Bhiwani district
District Bhiwani was created on 22 July, 1972. The district headquarter is situated in Bhiwani town. In 2017, the district was divided and Charkhi Dadri area was declared a separate district. Undivided Bhiwani had 442 villages, with main towns being Charkhi Dadri, Loharu, Bawani Khera, Siwani and Tosham. The total area of Bhiwani district used to be 5,099 sq kms and its population was 14,24,000.
District Bhiwani is situated between 28.19 deg. & 29.05 deg. north latitude and 75.26 deg. and 76.28 deg. east Longitude. The Bhiwani district is surrounded by Hisar district on its north, some area of Jhunjhunu & Churu districts of Rajasthan on its west, Mahendergarh and Jhunjunu district on its south and district Rohtak on east. It is 124 kilometers from Delhi and 285 kilometers from Chandigarh.
In northern parts of the district are alluvial plains and in south is semi-desert with remnants of Aravali range hill. The soil is loam in the north and sandy in the southwest region. The groundwater is mainly saline with some of small pockets of fresh water in southwest. The groundwater level of the district is decreasing fast. Lack of drainage system is the main cause of salinity of ground water. Temperature in Bhiwani varies from 1 Deg. C to 48 deg. C. Rainfall is scanty mainly in months of July and August. Vegetation mainly thorny trees like Babul, Jandi, Kair, along with Neem, Sheesham, Peepal, etc. Crops like Bajra, Cotton in kharif and Wheat, Sarson in rabi. Minerals like building stone & Gypsum or flexible stones (Kaliyana village).
Bhiwani city finds mention in Ain-e-Akbari. It is claimed Bhiwani was founded by the person name Neem after his wife named Bhani. The Bhani word later changed to Bhiyani and subsequently to Bhiwani. Bhiwani has been a prominent center of commerce since the times of Mughals. Bhiwani is also known for its temples and is called as small Kashi of India because of numerous temples. Another important city of undivided Bhiwani district is Dadri which was founded by the son of Prithvi Raj Chauhan. It is also a hub of commercial activity. For administrative purposes, undivided Bhiwani district consistd of six tehsils - Bhiwani, Bawani Khera, Dadri, Loharu, Badhra, Tosham and Siwani. Now, after creation of new Charkhi Dadri district, tahsil Badhra and Dadri are part of new district.
Bhiwani district has many places worth visiting. Among these are the Star Building, Loharu Fort, Tosham Hill, Gauri Shankar temple, etc. An archaeological site at Naurangabad Mound, 10 kms from Bhiwani is now being excavated.
Jat Gotras in Bhiwani district
- Ahlawat,
- Badesara,
- Bajar,
- Balhara,
- Beniwal,
- Bhama,
- Boora
- Bamal
- Baloda
- Bedwal
- Bhidhan,
- Chahar,
- Chillar
- Dhanda,
- Dagur,
- Dattasulia
- Dhaka,
- Dhanger,
- Dhankhar,
- Dhayal,
- Dhatrwal
- Dhuwan/Dhawan/Dhuan,
- Dudi
- Dangi
- Dhewa
- Dalal
- Gait,
- Gangas,
- Gill,
- Goyat,
- Grewal,
- Jaglan,
- Jatain,
- Jatrana,
- Jhajharia,
- Jiani,
- Jakhar
- Kichar
- Kaler,
- Kulariya
- Kaliraman,
- Kalkal,
- Kantwa,
- Kadiyan
- Khunga,
- Lochab
- Lamba,
- Legha,
- Lohchab,
- Luhach,
- Lakhlaan
- Lamboria
- Mechu
- Maan
- Mahla,
- Malik
- Motsra
- Nehra
- Nagal
- Nagil,
- Nain,
- Ola
- Poonia
- Panghal,
- Pawariya,
- Pilania
- Potaliya
- Phogat,
- Rahar
- Rangi
- Saharan
- Sangwan,
- Sengwa,
- Sheoran,
- Sihmar,
- Siwach,
- Sansanwal
- Sai
- Siagh
- Solath,
- Tada,
- Taxak,
- Thakan,
- Vijayrania,
Notable Jats from Bhiwani
- Bansi Lal - Ex CM Haryana
- Lt. Colonel Dharam Singh
- Naik Shishpal Singh
- Dharmpal Singh Dudee
- Darmesh Sangwan
- Master Hukum Singh Phogat - Ex-CM Haryana
- Vijender Singh Beniwal - Olympic Medalist Boxer
- Raj Kumar Sangwan - Boxer
- Ch. Minter singh Sangwan Ex ASI,Presidents Police Medal for Gallantry * Ch. Satya Vir Singh Duhan DANIPS Asstt. Commissioner Of Police Delhi
- Narendra Singh Dalal - RPS 1997 batch, Posted at Add SP CID SSB, Ajmer, From Bhiwani, Haryana, M: +919829908080
PIN Codes of towns in Bhiwani district
• Achina 127307, • Arya Nagar 127308, • Asalwas Marheta 127030, • Atela Khurd 127026, • Aun 127025, • Badal 127026, • Badesara 127031, • Badhara 127308, • Badhawana 127310, • Badrai 127308, • Bajina 127111, • Baliali 127032, • Bamla 127021, • Bapora 127111, • Bardu Chaina 127201, • Barsana 127026, • Barsi 127032, • Barwa 127045, • Barwas 127201, • Baund 127025, • Bawani Khera 127032, • Behl 127028, • Berla 127308, • Bhagesari 127307, • Bhagwi 127307, • Bhaini Kungar 127041, • Bhangarh 127030, • Bhariwas 127043, • Bhera 127043, • Bhiwani Ho 127021, • Bhurtana 127035, • Bhushan 127043, • Bidhwan 127046, • Bigowa 127307, • Biran 127111, • Birhi Kalan 127026, • Birla Colony Bhiwani 127021, • Bisalwas 127201, • Bseh Bhiwani 127020, • Budhera 127201, • Bus Stand Bhiwani 127021, • Chahar Kalan 127201, • Chahar Khurd 127201, • Chandawas 127029, • Chandeni 127310, • Chandwas 127308, • Chang 127027, • Chang Road 127022, • Chhapar 127021, • Chappar Rangran 127040, • Charkhi 127306, • Charkhi Dadri Hsg-ii 127306, • Charkhi Dadri City 127306, • Chirya 127022, • Dadam 127040, • Dagroli 127308, • Dalawas 127308, • Dandama 127030, • Dang 127021, • Daryapur 127040, • Devrala 127029, • Devsar 127021, • Dhabdhani 127030, • Dhadhi Adampur 127310, • Dhadhi Mandola 127306, • Dhana Ladan Pur 127021, • Dhanana 127031, • Dhani Dhola 127201, • Dhani Mahu 127040, • Dhani Miran 127046, • Dhani Phogat 127306, • Dhareru 127309, • Dhighawa Jattan 127201, • Dhirana 127021, • Dinod 127111, • Dohka Harya 127026, • Dudhwa 127022, • Dulheri 127040, • Durjanpur 127032, • Fartia Bhima 127201, • Fatehgarh Haryana 127309, • Gainadawas 127046, • Garanpura Kalan 127021, • Ghanghala 127046, • Ghasola 127306, • Gignow 127201, • Golagarh 127030, • Golpura 127030, • Gopi 127308, • Gudana Kalan 127310, • Gujrani 127031, • Gurera 127046, • Halu Bajar Bhiwani 127021, • Haluwas 127021, • Harodi 127308, • Hetampura 127029, • Imlota 127306, • Isharwal 127043, • Jalan Hospital Bhiwani 127021, • Jamalpur 127035, • Janta College Charkhi Dadri 127306, • Jatai 127041, • Jawa 127310, • Jewali 127308, • Jhanjhara Sheoran 127201, • Jhinjhar 127307, • Jhojhu Kalan 127310, • Jhully 127043, • Jhumpa Kalan 127046, • Jui Khurd 127030, • Kadma 127308, • Kaila 127309, • Kairu 127029, • Kakroli Sardara 127308, • Kalinga 127114, • Kalod 127046, • Kalyana 127306, • Kari Dharani 127021, • Kario Baniawalij 127308, • Kaunt 127021, • Khanak 127040, • Kharak Kalan 127114, • Kharkari 127201, • Kharkari Makhwan 127040, • Kharkhari Sohan 127040, • Khera 127046, • Kheri Bura 127306, • Kirawar 127035, • Kitlana 127309, • Kohar 127111, • Kungar 127041, • Kural 127201, • Kusumbhi 127021, • Lad 127308, • Leghan 127029, • Lilas 127046, • Lohani 127021, • Lohar Bazar 127021, • Lohari Jatu 127032, • Loharu 127201, • Loharwara 127307, • Makrana 127022, • Malkosh 127025, • Mandhan 127043, • Mandhana 127032, • Mandhi Harya 127308, • Mandholi Kalan 127043, • Mandholi Khurd 127046, • Manheru 127309, • Mankawas 127306, • Mansarbass 127029, • Matani 127028, • Mauri 127022, • Mehera 127026, • Milkpur 127032, • Mini Sect Bhiwani 127021, • Miran 127021, • Misri 127042, • Mitathal 127021, • Mithi 127028, • Morka 127028, • Morwala 127307, • Mundhal Khurd 127041, • Nakipur 127201, • Naloi 127046, • Nandgaon 127021, • Nandha 127308, • Naurangabass Jattan 127310, • Neemli 127306, • Neemriwali 127309, • Noonsar 127028, • Obra 127028, • Paintawas Kalan 127306, • Palari 127310, • Paluwas 127021, • Paposa 127035, • Parvezpur 127201, • Patwan 127028, • Pichopa Kalan 127310, • Pohkarwas 127030, • Premnagar 127031, • Pur 127032, • Rajgarh 127021, • Rambass 127310, • Ranila Edso 127110, • Rasiwas 127021, • Ratera 127035, • Rawaldhi 127306, • Rewari Khera 127027, • Riwasa 127040, • Rodhan 127043, • Rohnat 127035, • Roopgarh 127021, • Sagban 127040, • Sai 127027, • Samaspur 127306, • Sandawa 127043, • Sanga 127309, • Sanjarwas 127042, • Sankror 127042, • Sanwar 127042, • Sarupgarh 127306, • Sehar 127201, • Serla 127028, • Sidhanwa 127028, • Singhani 127201, • Siswala 127026, • Siwana 127041, • Siwani 127046, • Siwara 127032, • Sohansara 127201, • Sui 127031, • Sungarpur 127029, • Surpura Khurd 127028, • Talu 127041, • Thilod 127040, • Tigrana 127031, • Tiwala 127026, • Tosham 127040, • Umarwas 127030, • Mehnda 125066, • Mundal Khurd 125041, • Nalwa 125037, • Petwar 125074, • Rewasa 125067, • Satnali 123024, • Sewani 125046,
External Links
Official website of Bhiwani district
Pictue Gallery
चौ. बंसीलाल की कोठी
- ↑ Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, p.11-12
- ↑ Buddha Prakash: Evolution of Heroic Tradition in Ancient Panjab, X. The Struggle with the Yavanas, Sakas and Kushanas, p.107
- ↑ Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.10-11
- ↑ Jat Varna Mimansa (1910), Author: Pandit Amichandra Sharma, Published by Lala Devidayaluji Khajanchi, pp.11-12
- ↑ Veerbhoomi Haryana/यौधेय गण की मुद्रायें (पृष्ठ 140-142)