Dharel (धारेल) gotra Jats live in Jaipur district in Rajasthan.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Dharel (Jat clan) = Dharēka (धरेक) (L.14). Rāņaka Dharēka (राणक धरेक) (L.14) is mentioned in Rewah Plates of the time of Trailokyamalladeva -(Kalachuri) Year 963 (=1212 AD). Alirā (अलिरा) (L.14) was a village situated in the Dhovahatta pattana (धोवहट्ट पट्टन) (L.10) of the Dhanavahi pattala (धनवाही पट्टला) (L.10). The village was pledged by the Saiva teacher śāntasiva, son of the royal preceptor (rājaguru) Vimalasiva, to the Rāņaka Dharēka (राणक धरेक). Alirā (अलिरा) (L.14) village could not be identified. [1]
Villages in Jaipur district
Biharipura Sawli (1),
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