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For the son of Krishna see Samba

Sambo (सम्बो)[1]is a gotra of Jats.


Jat Gotras Namesake

In Mahabharata

See Samba


Buddha Prakash[2] mentions ....In Sind again, which had been under Achaemenian rule, there were monarchical states ruled over by kings like Mousikanos, Oxykanos, Sambos and Moeres.

James Todd[3] writes...Yadu, Yadava. — The Yadu was the most illustrious of all the tribes of Ind, and became the patronymic of the descendants of Budha, progenitor of the Lunar (Indu) race. Yudhishthira and Baladeva, on the death of Krishna and their expulsion from Delhi and Dwaraka, the last stronghold of their power, retired by Multan across the Indus. The two first are abandoned by

[p.102]: tradition ; but the sons of Krishna, who accompanied them after an intermediate halt in the further Duab1 of the five rivers, eventually left the Indus behind, and passed into Zabulistan,2 founded Gajni, and peopled these countries even to Samarkand......

Jareja, Jadeja is the most important tribe of Yadu race next to the Bhatti. Its history is similar. Descended from Krishna, and migrating simultaneously with the remains of the Harikulas, there is the strongest ground for believing that their range was not so wide as that of the elder branch, but that they settled them-selves in the valley of the Indus, more especially on the west shore in Seistan ; and in nominal and armorial distinctions, even in Alexander's time, they retained the marks of their ancestry [86].

Sambos, who brought on him the arms of the Grecians, was in

1 The place where they found refuge was in the cluster of hills still called Yadu ka dang, ' the Yadu hills ' : — the Joudes of Rennell's geography [see p. 75 above].
2 Zabulistan, with its capital, Ghazni, in Afghanistan.
3 The date assigned long prior to the Christian era, agrees with the Grecian, but the names and manners are Muhammadan.

[p.103]: all likelihood a Harikula ; and the Minnagara of Greek historians Samanagara ('city of Sama'), his capital.1

The most common epithet of Krishna, or Hari, was Shania or Syama, from his dark complexion. Hence the Jareja bore it as a patronymic, and the whole race were Samaputras (children of Sama), whence the titular name Sambos of its princes.2

The modern Jareja, who, from circumstances has so mixed with the Muhammadans of Sind as to have forfeited all pretensions to purity of blood, partly in ignorance and partly to cover disgrace, says that his origin is from Sham, or Syria, and of the stock of the Persian Jamshid : consequently, Sam has been converted into Jam3 ; which epithet designates one of the Jareja petty governments, the Jam Raj.

1 [The capital of Sambos was Sindimana, perhaps the modern Sihwan (Smith, EHI, 101).]
2 [This is very doubtful.]
3 They have an infinitely better etymology for this, in being descendants of Jambuvati, one of Hari's eight wives. [The origin of the term Jam is very doubtful : see Yule, Hobson-Jobson, s.v.]



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